app/controllers/components/facebook_graph.php (line 56 )
Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException Object
[response:protected] => Facebook\FacebookResponse Object
[httpStatusCode:protected] => 400
[headers:protected] => Array
[error-mid] => 3b61b1893bdda23cc09efe288a53acdf
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[cross-origin-resource-policy] => cross-origin
[x-app-usage] => {"call_count":0,"total_cputime":0,"total_time":0}
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[www-authenticate] => OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user."
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000; preload
[pragma] => no-cache
[cache-control] => no-store
[expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
[x-fb-request-id] => A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI
[x-fb-trace-id] => AGZwYWejg/m
[x-fb-rev] => 1020321434
[x-fb-debug] => oJuGiyGHRvoleojO/niNI1L1tqdyhQ9WGxjaMTTMz/FS9xtg8ry2SBw+pDm7WMSwEuawa5HABuBvfU806gCktA==
[content-length] => 228
[date] => Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:24:10 GMT
[proxy-status] => http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcK6hgsSq8eqrMBUIG_GLgESX49Gip2ZJBK_tZWYmCKb0lFhFiTtgeO53oXt"; e_fb_requesttime="AcKLSWGH6KP8OyFdSMM5GytAjk0HRgSIlHEBQQrHIuVpKAWA0nktVhV9l2yyHYfvfdA-i-JTYA"; e_proxy="AcJxHNoKPJmIBDqON4ss46eRzJyWEKjQacbv7ei00_jvChfObQNX4AksnMjOGXTbZikjkxVwpKYA50J2R4Q"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcLrX3GFGl1oioLhZzR366mKMUYwVkw3HFvfAl_V32CgaZRgsOciMlfaVozwo2cY2b8lDxlFsiXeSs8CZ6aEDpLiRICS3roUFAl93S1WzI7_P7k"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcJyCWL0u8FDxwngyDV--LgLcZSCkuGkceSzqPWH68JIqT_a2hTvJ53PleQv"; e_upip="AcJPjHRVgikQlNX1MkXzSEatdYvzQ0aw5qS-nifMvnxQq0eC32LN6-0LXXNDo358rCH1s58JGM-L7J4ilPQ3kRY2UBGp16hFEX5u"; e_fb_zone="AcJ7XB8SJU7FTxqeZ6iYz0ph3YOJcgKoss9Q7GtfAsbN6vKSeC6lpN8jbkDKNj8B"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcJJVErm-ISjTQoI7ORlCJam-zgIDlrUFgG6QooaEGDY8_R9RkXfEFgCSLsYL_8DSssg4gm-NpZ9iBrHS3k8Ht4RUVFON4W1j4A"; e_fb_httpversion="AcKrg8XqeonXZ3HIWpG1BXLHXznlk35o2S9NwuvLq8hPGVlQzE9SuzeIlpAv"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcIPVGbocpPNltVqmLoAFcZ7hh3OVTOGHXV1nY5ZX0S4XppRVlFFRoTl2vas6tkG4YFViaotVcE"; e_fb_configversion="AcJ3xvhYTFOGjPlB5u7ZNtHUpVMN8qGGpAertJq9UOgCQ7lB-wliAY1gmdSl9g"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcLiICT1G3mZRyPa9GacKFtY1-x_oSTABgnrAR-sFDRJ9qe5a6mGfVKuyO3K4O3hgplvREAQVFF5ptFUQLyrubSgUs5-fnyc"; e_fb_hostheader="AcLZpZLCJQh5H-hu8KScbAX94DA4oga2oyQvbERqLhKj02z4w9_xCkuvnL5BtoiU6eo-tZn31XNndJi-"; e_fb_builduser="AcIkOn-B6BvV1qzrc_UdmxhnQZZF2V4PG654EuBelmVboBelwePorKk0FxVzfUNMq6o"; e_fb_vipport="AcIqq8hgOo54EQzevr_Zff0Bwx4tmst9_JUwEYhutXQZUKuzAc2C6S1tkIij"; e_clientaddr="AcJMit-sjfdxujfqYb4BJ5uRVbNkWyDfXPEzHfnJq5aqtLa5y5giOGy0DOe85Pa4AYlEjq6g464Qn2y_N0pVCIRVS4muvqd1s22ZId1-uXTFIku-hA", http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcKxs9RvHS6mPgMjcDLLad6BraG9ebPMipNiX_bkQvE4EBoRDLs4JPGnEsw9"; e_fb_requesttime="AcJy6Yxn1Fi4if34Poz0rGMGf6O1HplMPHSgRRb8-NgpXuYYw2szdrP9YA3Z8n4sTrXEQp0dDg"; e_proxy="AcKEYI9UbaxggnH5dfstKfwDPNYR9bT2YCVQdmpllc3laemvCk1bmIYUPh5TtEu27p1ZHsKVAqdgH4M"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcJ04vJd5CImcMpMNoSh67uMpKYc46_pWgzM_0p70tGIAEeMGZcxLDDe3R0djIaTUFnNQebQeobU8JrORjVAMRYdHNXe8Wm5RH78Wg"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcKpI9rVppxlKEpzpQzIKylqofCa9Nrq2U3F4YHYgNWvetrj65sXk409SA"; e_upip="AcIkifLztb8d65XPBM-xwGC7rY0JcWc6r0toHlUZVR8ZkFgi1Am01NjJVOI39cagcm2O2HZdM4YEckDUWR38uOQ1h15eyb2D"; e_fb_zone="AcJx0dUmrUf36u9DOBkO7_5qvoChVfyq9LkDung7yFule0ydeomlkPbcdjxDiw"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcKA9MLMHMVZLKjtQUdWSitVdXtM85qWl4CZ6uBV85bfgxHKbmtm2ZlDM24WKRTz5JW7xak6AEMuB_38v8j5jZKkXj5GL2qGDoI"; e_fb_httpversion="AcIn8zi-jIMr22tVeW5XTgrjwjMWdO69hqPhUdviSyraiZiuoxheO07_EYuO"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcIz9yT-84GBNyBLAGh1mCuXoOwIS5_XIarPLooKfp6ZDvjJiH-7btV6Oc8SMUhf4Cc2nkKuofQ"; e_fb_configversion="AcKgRkTX5VSbQ31DrS_CLBR6ypqW5OaM2EnXYO2q9td77pu5FaaJoQPpth2YzA"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcK9zwM3GJHewhJ5SYbeiKa8FBWzfz8MCntUdoEnegRjhhIZlmlpgfVZBjn9G2MJRHA79IyECuw"; e_fb_hostheader="AcLmkNZ0-Mg4xvJHR6lD7YGlMyG7lQdM0fXUUxs9QLUqxmYRbQR6zlTcRlH3iuXSAzE9YW2lU1LKouUh"; e_fb_builduser="AcJemduKnp1km479vmu_pmW5nxt2ATtfcr13IWlezX1ppYO-8cRs7dYkjMRe9W3a-C0"; e_fb_vipport="AcIXjsU_1ADRSYKjpDLK3yVMK4GBnT0fdp0ZSsZghDgeLNejqjoRsOyvCDrx"; e_clientaddr="AcKpmFoQhTKBOYgJyCbZPyfykX6wvPFjZwTDkHRukt7wgvpU2JDRIZM_cRuKH3vfuUNznQuaXY_Ts8N0NhQ"
[x-fb-connection-quality] => EXCELLENT; q=0.9, rtt=6, rtx=0, c=10, mss=1380, tbw=3534, tp=-1, tpl=-1, uplat=120, ullat=0
[alt-svc] => h3=":443"; ma=86400
[body:protected] => {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.","type":"OAuthException","code":190,"error_subcode":464,"fbtrace_id":"A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI"}}
[decodedBody:protected] => Array
[error] => Array
[message] => Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.
[type] => OAuthException
[code] => 190
[error_subcode] => 464
[fbtrace_id] => A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI
[request:protected] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /464431616970971?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[thrownException:protected] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException Object
[responseData:protected] => Array
[error] => Array
[message] => Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.
[type] => OAuthException
[code] => 190
[error_subcode] => 464
[fbtrace_id] => A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI
[message:protected] => Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.
[string:Exception:private] =>
[code:protected] => 190
[file:protected] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Exceptions/FacebookResponseException.php
[line:protected] => 89
[trace:Exception:private] => Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 210
[function] => create
[class] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookResponse Object
[httpStatusCode:protected] => 400
[headers:protected] => Array
[error-mid] => 3b61b1893bdda23cc09efe288a53acdf
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[cross-origin-resource-policy] => cross-origin
[x-app-usage] => {"call_count":0,"total_cputime":0,"total_time":0}
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[www-authenticate] => OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user."
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000; preload
[pragma] => no-cache
[cache-control] => no-store
[expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
[x-fb-request-id] => A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI
[x-fb-trace-id] => AGZwYWejg/m
[x-fb-rev] => 1020321434
[x-fb-debug] => oJuGiyGHRvoleojO/niNI1L1tqdyhQ9WGxjaMTTMz/FS9xtg8ry2SBw+pDm7WMSwEuawa5HABuBvfU806gCktA==
[content-length] => 228
[date] => Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:24:10 GMT
[proxy-status] => http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcK6hgsSq8eqrMBUIG_GLgESX49Gip2ZJBK_tZWYmCKb0lFhFiTtgeO53oXt"; e_fb_requesttime="AcKLSWGH6KP8OyFdSMM5GytAjk0HRgSIlHEBQQrHIuVpKAWA0nktVhV9l2yyHYfvfdA-i-JTYA"; e_proxy="AcJxHNoKPJmIBDqON4ss46eRzJyWEKjQacbv7ei00_jvChfObQNX4AksnMjOGXTbZikjkxVwpKYA50J2R4Q"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcLrX3GFGl1oioLhZzR366mKMUYwVkw3HFvfAl_V32CgaZRgsOciMlfaVozwo2cY2b8lDxlFsiXeSs8CZ6aEDpLiRICS3roUFAl93S1WzI7_P7k"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcJyCWL0u8FDxwngyDV--LgLcZSCkuGkceSzqPWH68JIqT_a2hTvJ53PleQv"; e_upip="AcJPjHRVgikQlNX1MkXzSEatdYvzQ0aw5qS-nifMvnxQq0eC32LN6-0LXXNDo358rCH1s58JGM-L7J4ilPQ3kRY2UBGp16hFEX5u"; e_fb_zone="AcJ7XB8SJU7FTxqeZ6iYz0ph3YOJcgKoss9Q7GtfAsbN6vKSeC6lpN8jbkDKNj8B"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcJJVErm-ISjTQoI7ORlCJam-zgIDlrUFgG6QooaEGDY8_R9RkXfEFgCSLsYL_8DSssg4gm-NpZ9iBrHS3k8Ht4RUVFON4W1j4A"; e_fb_httpversion="AcKrg8XqeonXZ3HIWpG1BXLHXznlk35o2S9NwuvLq8hPGVlQzE9SuzeIlpAv"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcIPVGbocpPNltVqmLoAFcZ7hh3OVTOGHXV1nY5ZX0S4XppRVlFFRoTl2vas6tkG4YFViaotVcE"; e_fb_configversion="AcJ3xvhYTFOGjPlB5u7ZNtHUpVMN8qGGpAertJq9UOgCQ7lB-wliAY1gmdSl9g"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcLiICT1G3mZRyPa9GacKFtY1-x_oSTABgnrAR-sFDRJ9qe5a6mGfVKuyO3K4O3hgplvREAQVFF5ptFUQLyrubSgUs5-fnyc"; e_fb_hostheader="AcLZpZLCJQh5H-hu8KScbAX94DA4oga2oyQvbERqLhKj02z4w9_xCkuvnL5BtoiU6eo-tZn31XNndJi-"; e_fb_builduser="AcIkOn-B6BvV1qzrc_UdmxhnQZZF2V4PG654EuBelmVboBelwePorKk0FxVzfUNMq6o"; e_fb_vipport="AcIqq8hgOo54EQzevr_Zff0Bwx4tmst9_JUwEYhutXQZUKuzAc2C6S1tkIij"; e_clientaddr="AcJMit-sjfdxujfqYb4BJ5uRVbNkWyDfXPEzHfnJq5aqtLa5y5giOGy0DOe85Pa4AYlEjq6g464Qn2y_N0pVCIRVS4muvqd1s22ZId1-uXTFIku-hA", http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcKxs9RvHS6mPgMjcDLLad6BraG9ebPMipNiX_bkQvE4EBoRDLs4JPGnEsw9"; e_fb_requesttime="AcJy6Yxn1Fi4if34Poz0rGMGf6O1HplMPHSgRRb8-NgpXuYYw2szdrP9YA3Z8n4sTrXEQp0dDg"; e_proxy="AcKEYI9UbaxggnH5dfstKfwDPNYR9bT2YCVQdmpllc3laemvCk1bmIYUPh5TtEu27p1ZHsKVAqdgH4M"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcJ04vJd5CImcMpMNoSh67uMpKYc46_pWgzM_0p70tGIAEeMGZcxLDDe3R0djIaTUFnNQebQeobU8JrORjVAMRYdHNXe8Wm5RH78Wg"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcKpI9rVppxlKEpzpQzIKylqofCa9Nrq2U3F4YHYgNWvetrj65sXk409SA"; e_upip="AcIkifLztb8d65XPBM-xwGC7rY0JcWc6r0toHlUZVR8ZkFgi1Am01NjJVOI39cagcm2O2HZdM4YEckDUWR38uOQ1h15eyb2D"; e_fb_zone="AcJx0dUmrUf36u9DOBkO7_5qvoChVfyq9LkDung7yFule0ydeomlkPbcdjxDiw"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcKA9MLMHMVZLKjtQUdWSitVdXtM85qWl4CZ6uBV85bfgxHKbmtm2ZlDM24WKRTz5JW7xak6AEMuB_38v8j5jZKkXj5GL2qGDoI"; e_fb_httpversion="AcIn8zi-jIMr22tVeW5XTgrjwjMWdO69hqPhUdviSyraiZiuoxheO07_EYuO"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcIz9yT-84GBNyBLAGh1mCuXoOwIS5_XIarPLooKfp6ZDvjJiH-7btV6Oc8SMUhf4Cc2nkKuofQ"; e_fb_configversion="AcKgRkTX5VSbQ31DrS_CLBR6ypqW5OaM2EnXYO2q9td77pu5FaaJoQPpth2YzA"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcK9zwM3GJHewhJ5SYbeiKa8FBWzfz8MCntUdoEnegRjhhIZlmlpgfVZBjn9G2MJRHA79IyECuw"; e_fb_hostheader="AcLmkNZ0-Mg4xvJHR6lD7YGlMyG7lQdM0fXUUxs9QLUqxmYRbQR6zlTcRlH3iuXSAzE9YW2lU1LKouUh"; e_fb_builduser="AcJemduKnp1km479vmu_pmW5nxt2ATtfcr13IWlezX1ppYO-8cRs7dYkjMRe9W3a-C0"; e_fb_vipport="AcIXjsU_1ADRSYKjpDLK3yVMK4GBnT0fdp0ZSsZghDgeLNejqjoRsOyvCDrx"; e_clientaddr="AcKpmFoQhTKBOYgJyCbZPyfykX6wvPFjZwTDkHRukt7wgvpU2JDRIZM_cRuKH3vfuUNznQuaXY_Ts8N0NhQ"
[x-fb-connection-quality] => EXCELLENT; q=0.9, rtt=6, rtx=0, c=10, mss=1380, tbw=3534, tp=-1, tpl=-1, uplat=120, ullat=0
[alt-svc] => h3=":443"; ma=86400
[body:protected] => {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.","type":"OAuthException","code":190,"error_subcode":464,"fbtrace_id":"A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI"}}
[decodedBody:protected] => Array
[error] => Array
[message] => Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.
[type] => OAuthException
[code] => 190
[error_subcode] => 464
[fbtrace_id] => A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI
[request:protected] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /464431616970971?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[thrownException:protected] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException Object
[1] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 255
[function] => makeException
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[2] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 82
[function] => decodeBody
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[3] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookClient.php
[line] => 225
[function] => __construct
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /464431616970971?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[1] => {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.","type":"OAuthException","code":190,"error_subcode":464,"fbtrace_id":"A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI"}}
[2] => 400
[3] => Array
[error-mid] => 3b61b1893bdda23cc09efe288a53acdf
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[cross-origin-resource-policy] => cross-origin
[x-app-usage] => {"call_count":0,"total_cputime":0,"total_time":0}
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[www-authenticate] => OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user."
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000; preload
[pragma] => no-cache
[cache-control] => no-store
[expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
[x-fb-request-id] => A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI
[x-fb-trace-id] => AGZwYWejg/m
[x-fb-rev] => 1020321434
[x-fb-debug] => oJuGiyGHRvoleojO/niNI1L1tqdyhQ9WGxjaMTTMz/FS9xtg8ry2SBw+pDm7WMSwEuawa5HABuBvfU806gCktA==
[content-length] => 228
[date] => Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:24:10 GMT
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[alt-svc] => h3=":443"; ma=86400
[4] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Facebook.php
[line] => 469
[function] => sendRequest
[class] => Facebook\FacebookClient
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /464431616970971?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[5] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Facebook.php
[line] => 342
[function] => sendRequest
[class] => Facebook\Facebook
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => GET
[1] => /464431616970971?fields=about,id,location
[2] => Array
[3] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[4] =>
[5] =>
[6] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/controllers/components/facebook_graph.php
[line] => 44
[function] => get
[class] => Facebook\Facebook
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => /464431616970971?fields=about,id,location
[1] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[7] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/controllers/facebook_detective_controller.php
[line] => 301
[function] => api
[class] => FacebookGraphComponent
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[1] => GET
[2] => /464431616970971?fields=about,id,location
[8] => Array
[function] => rankings
[class] => FacebookDetectiveController
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[9] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/cake/dispatcher.php
[line] => 204
[function] => call_user_func_array
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[name] => FacebookDetective
[uses] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[components] => Array
[Auth] =>
[Session] =>
[Cookie] =>
[Util] =>
[EmailService] =>
[helpers] => Array
[Asset.asset] =>
[Session] =>
[Html] =>
[Javascript] =>
[Form] =>
[Text] =>
[Numbers] =>
[title] => Websites and software for funeral homes | Funeral Innovations
[salt] => m0num3nts
[is_dev] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[UserAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
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[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
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[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
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[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
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[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
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[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
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[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
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[__insertID] =>
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[__affectedRows] =>
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[list] => 1
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[action] => rankings
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[pass] => Array
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[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
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[date] => June 2, 2020
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[created] => 2014-04-08 14:10:33
[modified] => 2014-04-08 14:10:33
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[immediate_need_confirmation] => We are here for you.
We are sorry for your loss. If you have not already spoken with us and need immediate attention, please call us at (612-599-6666) anytime. Your email request will be responded to only during business hours.
We consider it an honor and privilege to care for you and your family.
[dashboard_welcome] => We are here for you.
Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting for you to know that others care. You are in good hands at Funeral Innovations Admin, and we value the trust you have placed in us. To make things a little easier for you, we have included some helpful information and next steps.
[next_steps] => Dear {{first_name}},
First we want to thank you for trusting Funeral Innovations Admin to help care for {{deceased_first_name}}, and honor their life. As you begin to sort through the next steps, it can be overwhelming thinking about what needs to be done and in what order. Rest assured that we understand and are here for you to lean on.
To make things a little easier, we have outlined some useful tools, and information, to guide you. These tools are available within this private, secure, area of our website known as your Family Portal. We will guide your through a few simple steps that will help celebrate a life well lived and help make our time together as efficient as possible.
Once you have rested, there are a few items that will be helpful to us. Whatever you are able to gather, please bring to the meeting with the Funeral Innovations Admin director.
A list of these items are as follows:
Social Security Number of deceased.
Parents’ names, including mother’s maiden name.
Clothing, glasses, and any jewelry that is to be worn, including full set of underclothing. Shoes are optional.
Contact church if applicable.
Picture for newspaper and for cosmetics.
Ideas and information for the obituary.
If a veteran, military discharge papers.
[home] => Your Family Portal
To help you effectively manage your loved one's remembrance page, Funeral Innovations Admin offers you this exclusive Family Portal. Through your Family Portal, you can:
View, edit or remove tributes and photos posted by friends and loved ones
Select your preferred flowers and gifts through the Healing Registry
Track flower and gift purchases made through the remembrance page
Your login password was sent to you within your Family Portal welcome email. If you have any questions, please contact , or call (612-599-6666).
[immediate_need_text_format] => 0
[email] => Array
[new_account] => Hi {{first_name}},
Our deepest sympathies go to you and your family. Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting to know that we care. It is our honor and privilege to care for your loved one, along with all your family members.
We will be calling you soon to learn more about your preferences and to share information about your options to care for and remember your loved one.
When we call you, we will ask you to suggest a time to meet with a funeral director. It might be helpful for you to rest a bit or to give your family time to arrive from out of the area. You might want to attend this meeting with family, a friend or a clergy member that will be supporting you. Please keep in mind that we can meet anywhere you would be most comfortable, at the funeral home, at your home or at your church if you prefer. Either way, we are here for you and will make every accommodation to meet at your convenience.
Quite often families use this time to begin sharing memories and photos. Our Family Portal provides guidance on the next steps and allows you to invite family members to begin sharing memories and photos online. By adding family members, we will have it on record to communicate as needed. We encourage you, or someone in your family, to complete these simple steps before the arrangement conference.
To access the Family Portal:
Go to
Login using
Email: {{email}}
Call anytime, day or night if you have a question or want help. Some people find a lot of helpful information on our website, .
Warm Regards,
Family & Staff Members of Funeral Innovations Admin
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[twilio_phone] => 15153053851
[facebook_page_name] => FI Test
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[0] => 2018-09-21 09:44:02
[1] => 2018-09-21 09:51:44
[2] => 2018-09-21 11:21:21
[3] => 2018-09-21 14:16:42
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[14] => 2018-09-24 11:46:10
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[23] => 2018-09-26 11:10:55
[24] => 2018-09-26 11:13:17
[25] => 2018-09-26 11:47:55
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[29] => 2018-09-26 14:59:31
[30] => 2018-09-26 15:57:34
[31] => 2018-09-27 08:05:10
[32] => 2018-09-27 08:29:30
[33] => 2018-09-27 08:49:20
[34] => 2018-09-27 10:41:46
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[38] => 2018-09-27 16:29:00
[39] => 2018-09-28 13:39:23
[40] => 2018-10-01 07:35:52
[41] => 2018-10-01 10:40:56
[42] => 2018-10-01 10:46:05
[43] => 2018-10-01 14:06:47
[44] => 2018-10-01 14:38:07
[45] => 2018-10-01 16:16:23
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[47] => 2018-10-02 08:22:52
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[54] => 2018-10-02 14:31:04
[55] => 2018-10-03 08:18:29
[56] => 2018-10-03 11:10:15
[57] => 2018-10-03 13:39:39
[58] => 2018-10-03 13:42:22
[59] => 2018-10-04 08:10:19
[60] => 2018-10-04 08:53:02
[61] => 2018-10-04 08:53:53
[62] => 2018-10-04 08:54:18
[63] => 2018-10-04 10:25:39
[64] => 2018-10-04 13:59:06
[65] => 2018-10-05 15:13:34
[66] => 2018-10-08 08:17:50
[67] => 2018-10-08 08:35:07
[68] => 2018-10-08 08:37:43
[69] => 2018-10-08 09:08:41
[70] => 2018-10-08 11:08:15
[71] => 2018-10-08 12:31:00
[72] => 2018-10-08 14:12:34
[73] => 2018-10-09 08:09:46
[74] => 2018-10-09 08:17:05
[75] => 2018-10-09 08:17:28
[76] => 2018-10-09 08:34:51
[77] => 2018-10-09 08:39:56
[78] => 2018-10-09 08:47:46
[79] => 2018-10-15 11:18:09
[80] => 2018-10-15 14:56:20
[81] => 2018-10-22 08:47:35
[82] => 2018-10-22 17:06:34
[83] => 2018-10-22 17:16:44
[84] => 2018-10-23 10:15:18
[85] => 2018-10-23 11:18:26
[86] => 2018-10-23 11:33:28
[87] => 2018-10-24 10:36:32
[88] => 2018-10-24 21:30:01
[89] => 2018-10-25 09:28:48
[90] => 2018-10-25 10:21:56
[91] => 2018-10-25 10:34:18
[92] => 2018-10-25 10:35:15
[93] => 2018-10-25 10:59:04
[94] => 2018-10-25 10:59:17
[95] => 2018-10-25 12:23:54
[96] => 2018-10-25 12:26:57
[97] => 2018-10-25 14:49:56
[98] => 2018-10-26 09:47:48
[99] => 2018-10-26 09:53:12
[100] => 2018-10-26 14:14:56
[101] => 2018-10-26 14:45:23
[102] => 2018-10-26 15:01:13
[103] => 2018-10-26 15:35:09
[104] => 2018-10-26 15:42:30
[105] => 2018-10-26 15:46:30
[106] => 2018-10-26 15:58:09
[107] => 2018-10-28 16:32:48
[108] => 2018-10-29 09:25:51
[109] => 2018-10-29 09:52:26
[110] => 2018-10-29 09:57:51
[111] => 2018-10-29 12:32:48
[112] => 2018-10-29 13:28:19
[113] => 2018-10-29 13:34:07
[114] => 2018-10-29 14:41:52
[115] => 2018-10-29 15:41:01
[116] => 2018-10-29 15:51:50
[117] => 2018-10-30 11:15:36
[118] => 2018-10-30 11:46:44
[119] => 2018-10-30 15:12:05
[120] => 2018-10-30 15:12:26
[121] => 2018-10-30 15:12:43
[122] => 2018-10-30 15:16:29
[123] => 2018-10-30 15:58:18
[124] => 2018-10-31 08:44:32
[125] => 2018-10-31 09:18:40
[126] => 2018-10-31 09:39:06
[127] => 2018-10-31 10:05:10
[128] => 2018-10-31 12:20:32
[129] => 2018-10-31 12:57:18
[130] => 2018-11-01 10:43:43
[131] => 2018-11-01 11:54:21
[132] => 2018-11-01 14:40:31
[133] => 2018-11-02 08:42:24
[134] => 2018-11-02 10:24:49
[135] => 2018-11-02 11:47:51
[136] => 2018-11-02 12:05:15
[137] => 2018-11-02 12:20:48
[138] => 2018-11-02 12:21:11
[139] => 2018-11-02 13:39:23
[140] => 2018-11-02 13:42:36
[141] => 2018-11-02 14:02:54
[142] => 2018-11-02 14:18:48
[143] => 2018-11-02 14:20:22
[144] => 2018-11-02 14:30:08
[145] => 2018-11-05 08:21:29
[146] => 2018-11-05 11:03:30
[147] => 2018-11-05 11:04:15
[148] => 2018-11-05 14:24:09
[149] => 2018-11-06 08:30:25
[150] => 2018-11-06 09:56:02
[151] => 2018-11-06 15:12:39
[152] => 2018-11-06 15:51:31
[153] => 2018-11-07 09:39:53
[154] => 2018-11-08 08:37:35
[155] => 2018-11-08 09:16:31
[156] => 2018-11-08 10:06:08
[157] => 2018-11-08 14:39:22
[158] => 2018-11-08 14:40:35
[159] => 2018-11-08 15:04:28
[160] => 2018-11-09 09:02:12
[161] => 2018-11-09 09:08:03
[162] => 2018-11-09 09:47:02
[163] => 2018-11-09 14:07:49
[164] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[165] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[166] => 2018-11-09 15:23:33
[167] => 2018-11-09 15:33:48
[168] => 2018-11-12 08:51:01
[169] => 2018-11-12 10:18:23
[170] => 2018-11-12 10:39:17
[171] => 2018-11-12 10:41:25
[172] => 2018-11-12 13:46:00
[173] => 2018-11-12 15:46:42
[174] => 2018-11-12 16:02:18
[175] => 2018-11-12 16:26:57
[176] => 2018-11-12 20:01:56
[177] => 2018-11-12 20:37:47
[178] => 2018-11-13 12:27:27
[179] => 2018-11-14 09:46:25
[180] => 2018-11-14 11:30:37
[181] => 2018-11-14 13:03:43
[182] => 2018-11-14 13:11:42
[183] => 2018-11-14 13:18:52
[184] => 2018-11-14 13:26:53
[185] => 2018-11-14 13:48:10
[186] => 2018-11-14 15:41:29
[187] => 2018-11-15 08:45:54
[188] => 2018-11-15 11:50:26
[189] => 2018-11-15 12:11:54
[190] => 2018-11-15 13:08:53
[191] => 2018-11-15 13:11:28
[192] => 2018-11-15 13:11:59
[193] => 2018-11-15 13:51:21
[194] => 2018-11-15 13:55:25
[195] => 2018-11-15 15:39:59
[196] => 2018-11-15 15:44:03
[197] => 2018-11-15 15:45:26
[198] => 2018-11-15 16:20:46
[199] => 2018-11-16 07:58:45
[200] => 2018-11-16 08:04:34
[201] => 2018-11-16 08:35:25
[202] => 2018-11-16 08:37:56
[203] => 2018-11-16 08:38:34
[204] => 2018-11-16 08:42:08
[205] => 2018-11-16 09:34:16
[206] => 2018-11-16 11:06:05
[207] => 2018-11-16 11:33:47
[208] => 2018-11-16 11:57:02
[209] => 2018-11-16 12:28:54
[210] => 2018-11-16 14:27:59
[211] => 2018-11-16 14:51:12
[212] => 2018-11-16 15:09:16
[213] => 2018-11-16 15:10:09
[214] => 2018-11-16 15:30:26
[215] => 2018-11-16 15:39:18
[216] => 2018-11-16 15:45:31
[217] => 2018-11-16 16:04:07
[218] => 2018-11-16 16:05:04
[219] => 2018-11-16 16:05:18
[220] => 2018-11-16 16:07:12
[221] => 2018-11-16 16:10:18
[222] => 2018-11-16 16:10:58
[223] => 2018-11-16 16:17:38
[224] => 2018-11-16 16:18:44
[225] => 2018-11-16 16:19:28
[226] => 2018-11-19 10:06:24
[227] => 2018-11-19 11:17:31
[228] => 2018-11-19 11:18:12
[229] => 2018-11-19 11:20:55
[230] => 2018-11-20 08:08:14
[231] => 2018-11-20 08:12:58
[232] => 2018-11-20 08:13:20
[233] => 2018-11-20 08:19:20
[234] => 2018-11-20 08:26:10
[235] => 2018-11-20 09:54:00
[236] => 2018-11-20 09:54:11
[237] => 2018-11-20 10:28:50
[238] => 2018-11-21 10:42:41
[239] => 2018-11-26 08:01:08
[240] => 2018-11-26 08:02:30
[241] => 2018-11-26 08:43:23
[242] => 2018-11-26 08:52:46
[243] => 2018-11-26 09:02:15
[244] => 2018-11-26 09:33:53
[245] => 2018-11-26 09:37:10
[246] => 2018-11-26 09:41:08
[247] => 2018-11-26 09:49:32
[248] => 2018-11-26 09:55:15
[249] => 2018-11-26 10:02:22
[250] => 2018-11-26 10:48:56
[251] => 2018-11-26 11:38:53
[252] => 2018-11-26 11:39:18
[253] => 2018-11-26 11:41:51
[254] => 2018-11-26 11:43:43
[255] => 2018-11-26 11:47:47
[256] => 2018-11-26 11:51:45
[257] => 2018-11-26 12:56:30
[258] => 2018-11-26 15:54:32
[259] => 2018-11-26 15:54:42
[260] => 2018-11-26 16:25:14
[261] => 2018-11-27 08:17:21
[262] => 2018-11-27 08:23:33
[263] => 2018-11-27 09:41:36
[264] => 2018-11-27 10:16:18
[265] => 2018-11-27 11:22:51
[266] => 2018-11-27 11:24:03
[267] => 2018-11-27 12:01:32
[268] => 2018-11-27 13:22:16
[269] => 2018-11-27 15:24:42
[270] => 2018-11-27 16:18:11
[271] => 2018-11-28 08:28:11
[272] => 2018-11-28 09:04:21
[273] => 2018-11-28 09:33:44
[274] => 2018-11-28 09:35:02
[275] => 2018-11-28 09:38:46
[276] => 2018-11-28 09:42:41
[277] => 2018-11-28 09:49:42
[278] => 2018-11-28 10:09:55
[279] => 2018-11-28 14:15:52
[280] => 2018-11-29 08:37:03
[281] => 2018-11-29 08:57:13
[282] => 2018-11-29 09:51:09
[283] => 2018-11-29 14:04:13
[284] => 2018-11-29 14:09:36
[285] => 2018-11-29 15:27:04
[286] => 2018-11-29 15:52:28
[287] => 2018-11-29 15:53:13
[288] => 2018-11-30 07:49:53
[289] => 2018-11-30 08:11:01
[290] => 2018-11-30 08:51:35
[291] => 2018-11-30 09:01:49
[292] => 2018-11-30 09:12:24
[293] => 2018-11-30 11:04:48
[294] => 2018-11-30 12:22:54
[295] => 2018-12-17 10:58:43
[296] => 2018-12-17 12:01:30
[297] => 2018-12-18 10:40:01
[298] => 2018-12-18 13:37:54
[299] => 2018-12-18 13:59:35
[300] => 2018-12-18 14:02:13
[301] => 2018-12-18 14:03:55
[302] => 2018-12-18 14:34:20
[303] => 2018-12-18 14:40:26
[304] => 2018-12-18 14:50:12
[305] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[306] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[307] => 2018-12-19 14:57:44
[308] => 2018-12-20 10:16:04
[309] => 2018-12-21 08:58:41
[310] => 2018-12-21 09:12:06
[311] => 2018-12-21 10:28:19
[312] => 2018-12-21 10:52:03
[313] => 2018-12-21 11:58:51
[314] => 2018-12-21 12:00:45
[315] => 2018-12-21 12:05:05
[316] => 2018-12-26 10:32:00
[317] => 2018-12-26 10:41:53
[318] => 2018-12-26 11:00:27
[319] => 2018-12-26 11:51:15
[320] => 2018-12-26 13:05:43
[321] => 2018-12-26 13:31:52
[322] => 2018-12-26 14:11:15
[323] => 2018-12-26 14:16:49
[324] => 2018-12-26 14:23:22
[325] => 2018-12-26 14:25:53
[326] => 2018-12-26 14:42:36
[327] => 2018-12-26 16:02:25
[328] => 2018-12-26 16:25:04
[329] => 2018-12-26 16:30:19
[330] => 2018-12-26 16:31:41
[331] => 2018-12-27 10:26:53
[332] => 2018-12-27 14:03:44
[333] => 2018-12-27 14:42:59
[334] => 2018-12-27 15:44:08
[335] => 2018-12-28 11:13:03
[336] => 2018-12-28 11:26:35
[337] => 2018-12-28 11:26:56
[338] => 2018-12-28 11:47:10
[339] => 2018-12-28 11:48:11
[340] => 2018-12-28 12:30:52
[341] => 2019-01-02 09:46:35
[342] => 2019-01-02 09:59:35
[343] => 2019-01-02 10:01:32
[344] => 2019-01-02 10:36:25
[345] => 2019-01-02 10:42:39
[346] => 2019-01-02 11:34:45
[347] => 2019-01-02 13:24:41
[348] => 2019-01-02 15:34:37
[349] => 2019-01-02 15:36:02
[350] => 2019-01-02 15:36:26
[351] => 2019-01-02 17:00:54
[352] => 2019-01-03 08:21:10
[353] => 2019-01-03 08:30:16
[354] => 2019-01-03 09:45:49
[355] => 2019-01-03 09:47:04
[facebook] => Array
[0] => 2018-09-24 09:31:53
[1] => 2018-09-24 09:31:59
[2] => 2018-09-24 09:32:10
[3] => 2018-09-24 09:32:14
[4] => 2018-09-24 09:32:24
[5] => 2018-09-24 09:32:55
[6] => 2018-09-24 09:33:36
[7] => 2018-09-24 09:33:52
[8] => 2018-10-29 13:34:42
[9] => 2018-10-29 13:34:56
[10] => 2018-11-01 15:29:57
[11] => 2018-11-14 13:34:46
[12] => 2018-11-14 13:59:11
[13] => 2018-12-17 14:42:06
[14] => 2018-12-18 14:41:02
[15] => 2018-12-18 14:49:13
[16] => 2018-12-18 14:50:25
[17] => 2018-12-18 15:41:48
[18] => 2018-12-18 16:09:08
[19] => 2018-12-18 16:30:51
[20] => 2018-12-21 15:35:20
[21] => 2018-12-26 14:21:01
[22] => 2018-12-26 14:27:47
[23] => 2018-12-26 16:04:20
[24] => 2018-12-26 16:04:39
[25] => 2019-01-02 09:46:48
[26] => 2019-01-02 09:48:01
[27] => 2019-01-02 09:48:55
[28] => 2019-01-02 09:49:04
[29] => 2019-01-02 09:49:18
[30] => 2019-01-02 09:49:21
[31] => 2019-01-02 09:50:10
[32] => 2019-01-02 09:50:18
[33] => 2019-01-02 09:50:40
[34] => 2019-01-02 09:50:58
[35] => 2019-01-02 09:51:07
[36] => 2019-01-02 09:51:20
[37] => 2019-01-02 09:51:44
[38] => 2019-01-02 09:52:58
[39] => 2019-01-02 09:53:35
[40] => 2019-01-02 09:59:19
[41] => 2019-01-02 10:01:41
[42] => 2019-01-02 10:01:57
[43] => 2019-01-02 10:01:59
[44] => 2019-01-02 10:02:01
[45] => 2019-01-02 10:02:20
[46] => 2019-01-02 10:02:21
[47] => 2019-01-02 10:02:48
[48] => 2019-01-02 10:04:19
[49] => 2019-01-02 10:04:26
[50] => 2019-01-02 10:04:32
[51] => 2019-01-02 10:04:42
[52] => 2019-01-02 10:22:54
[53] => 2019-01-02 13:16:57
[54] => 2019-01-03 09:46:36
[55] => 2019-01-03 09:47:11
[newsletters] => Array
[0] => 2018-09-25 08:40:37
[1] => 2018-10-24 10:37:29
[2] => 2018-12-17 11:38:57
[crm] => Array
[0] => 2018-10-08 08:34:40
[series] => Array
[0] => 2018-11-12 11:15:58
[1] => 2018-11-12 11:22:36
[2] => 2018-11-12 11:23:52
[3] => 2018-11-12 11:24:18
[4] => 2018-11-12 11:26:14
[5] => 2018-11-12 11:26:39
[6] => 2018-12-19 14:24:50
[7] => 2018-12-26 10:41:57
[8] => 2018-12-26 10:43:51
[legal_content_id] => 1893274444087726
[ach_verified] => 1
[copilot_upgrade_holiday] =>
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[ge_setup] => Array
[test_landing_page] => 1
[add_facebook_access] => 1
[accept_leadgen_tos] => 1
[paused] => 0
[status_report] => Array
[status] => fail
[is_good] =>
[sections] => Array
[0] => Array
[section_title] => Obituaries
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[1] => Array
[section_title] => Healing Registry
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[2] => Array
[section_title] => Social Site Settings
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[3] => Array
[section_title] => Website
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[4] => Array
[section_title] => Locations
[status] => fail
[messages] => Array
[0] => Broken address: Test, - Favorite
[1] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[2] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[3] => Broken address: , Sun Prairie - Favorite
[4] => Broken address: , Connecticut - Favorite
[5] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[6] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[7] => Broken address: 606 , - Favorite
[8] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[9] => Broken address: , Monona Wisconsin - Favorite
[10] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[11] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[12] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[13] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[14] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[15] => Broken address: , Madison - Favorite
[16] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[17] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[18] => Broken address: , Clara City Minnesota - Favorite
[19] => Broken address: , Windsor Wisconsin - Favorite
[20] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[21] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[22] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[23] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[24] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[25] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[26] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[27] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[28] => Broken address: For Directions:, - Favorite
[29] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[30] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[31] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[32] => Broken address: , Muscoda Wisconsin - Favorite
[33] => Broken address: Corner of County Trunk P and State Hwy. 12, - Favorite
[34] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[35] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[36] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[37] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[38] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[39] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[40] => Broken address: , Geneva Wisconsin - Favorite
[41] => Broken address: , Milwaukee Wisconsin - Favorite
[42] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[43] => Broken address: , Westfield Wisconsin - Favorite
[44] => Broken address: , Belmond Iowa - Favorite
[45] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[46] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[47] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[48] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[49] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[50] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[51] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[52] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[53] => Broken address: , Blue Mounds Wisconsin - Favorite
[54] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[55] => Broken address: , Middleton Wisconsin - Favorite
[56] => Broken address: , Walworth Wisconsin - Favorite
[57] => Broken address: , Wausau Wisconsin - Favorite
[58] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[59] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[60] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[61] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[62] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[63] => Broken address: , Marshall Wisconsin - Favorite
[64] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[65] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[66] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[67] => Broken address: , Westby Wisconsin - Favorite
[68] => Broken address: , Union Grove Wisconsin - Favorite
[69] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[70] => Broken address: , Sioux City Iowa - Favorite
[71] => Broken address: , Kiel Wisconsin - Favorite
[72] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[73] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[74] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[75] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[76] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[77] => Broken address: , Clintonville Wisconsin - Favorite
[78] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[79] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[80] => Broken address: , Fincastle Virginia - Favorite
[81] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[82] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[83] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[84] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[85] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[86] => Broken address: , Babylon New York - Favorite
[87] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[88] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[89] => Broken address: Please contact funeral home for details., - Favorite
[90] => Broken address: , Waunakee Wisconsin - Favorite
[91] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[92] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[93] => Broken address: , Ontario Wisconsin - Favorite
[94] => Broken address: Jefferson Street, Richland Center Wisconsin - Favorite
[95] => Broken address: -, St. Cloud Minnesota - Favorite
[is_good] =>
[last_updated] => 2018-06-25 15:20:10
[passare_customer_token] =>
[] =>
[calculator] => Array
[roi] => Array
[data] => Array
[type] => funeral_home
[city] => Mason City
[state] => Iowa
[radius] => 20
[cases] => 180
[conversion] => 10
[results] => Array
[obituary_traffic] => Array
[projected] => 133560
[registry_sales] => Array
[projected] => 10017
[registry_commission] => Array
[projected] => 1752.98
[email_list] => Array
[projected] => 714
[reviews] => Array
[projected] => 23.4
[fb_fans] => Array
[projected] => 1438
[fb_reach] => Array
[projected] => 16888
[fb_engagement] => Array
[projected] => 1032
[fb_link_clicks] => Array
[projected] => 498.6
[leads] => Array
[projected] => 385
[new_clients] => Array
[projected] => 39
[report] =>
[options] => {
"disposition": {
"step": "disposition",
"question": "How would you like the body to be handled?",
"options": [
"value": "burial_entombment",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"text": "Burial\/Entombment",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "cremation",
"icon": "fa-burn",
"text": "Cremation",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"gathering": {
"question": "Would you like a gathering with family & friends?",
"options": [
"value": "gathering",
"icon": "fa-users",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_gathering",
"icon": "fa-users-slash",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
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"question": "Would you like a memorial service?",
"options": [
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"icon": " fa-praying-hands",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-ban",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"urn": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of urn would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "Temporary",
"icon": "fa-archway",
"description": "Temporary container for transporting the ashes",
"prices": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-building",
"description": "Basic, functional urn for burial or entombment",
"prices": [
"value": "decorative",
"text": "Decorative",
"icon": "fa-church",
"description": "Beautiful urn for long term display and decoration",
"prices": [
"casket": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of casket would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-portrait",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-coffin",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-coffin-cross",
"prices": [
"burial": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "How would you like the casket to be buried?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-landscape",
"description": "Simple, flat marker in low cost cemetery and basic to no liner\/vault.",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-tombstone-alt",
"description": "Basic, upright headstone in an average cost cemetery with average burial vault",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-monument",
"description": "Fancy, upright headstone in a private cemetery with a premium burial vault",
"prices": [
"permanent_placement": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What would you like to do with the ashes?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "No Permanent Placement",
"icon": "fa-home",
"description": "Keep the ashes at home or wait to make a final decision",
"prices": [
"value": "mausoleum",
"text": "Mausoleum",
"icon": "fa-landmark",
"description": "The ashes will be held in a niche within a mausoleum",
"prices": [
"value": "burial",
"text": "Cemetery Burial",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"description": "The ashes will be buried in a cemetery with a marker",
"prices": [
"complete": []
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[immediate_need_confirmation] => We are here for you.
We are sorry for your loss. If you have not already spoken with us and need immediate attention, please call us at (612-599-6666) anytime. Your email request will be responded to only during business hours.
We consider it an honor and privilege to care for you and your family.
[dashboard_welcome] => We are here for you.
Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting for you to know that others care. You are in good hands at Funeral Innovations Admin, and we value the trust you have placed in us. To make things a little easier for you, we have included some helpful information and next steps.
[next_steps] => Dear {{first_name}},
First we want to thank you for trusting Funeral Innovations Admin to help care for {{deceased_first_name}}, and honor their life. As you begin to sort through the next steps, it can be overwhelming thinking about what needs to be done and in what order. Rest assured that we understand and are here for you to lean on.
To make things a little easier, we have outlined some useful tools, and information, to guide you. These tools are available within this private, secure, area of our website known as your Family Portal. We will guide your through a few simple steps that will help celebrate a life well lived and help make our time together as efficient as possible.
Once you have rested, there are a few items that will be helpful to us. Whatever you are able to gather, please bring to the meeting with the Funeral Innovations Admin director.
A list of these items are as follows:
Social Security Number of deceased.
Parents’ names, including mother’s maiden name.
Clothing, glasses, and any jewelry that is to be worn, including full set of underclothing. Shoes are optional.
Contact church if applicable.
Picture for newspaper and for cosmetics.
Ideas and information for the obituary.
If a veteran, military discharge papers.
[home] => Your Family Portal
To help you effectively manage your loved one's remembrance page, Funeral Innovations Admin offers you this exclusive Family Portal. Through your Family Portal, you can:
View, edit or remove tributes and photos posted by friends and loved ones
Select your preferred flowers and gifts through the Healing Registry
Track flower and gift purchases made through the remembrance page
Your login password was sent to you within your Family Portal welcome email. If you have any questions, please contact , or call (612-599-6666).
[immediate_need_text_format] => 0
[email] => Array
[new_account] => Hi {{first_name}},
Our deepest sympathies go to you and your family. Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting to know that we care. It is our honor and privilege to care for your loved one, along with all your family members.
We will be calling you soon to learn more about your preferences and to share information about your options to care for and remember your loved one.
When we call you, we will ask you to suggest a time to meet with a funeral director. It might be helpful for you to rest a bit or to give your family time to arrive from out of the area. You might want to attend this meeting with family, a friend or a clergy member that will be supporting you. Please keep in mind that we can meet anywhere you would be most comfortable, at the funeral home, at your home or at your church if you prefer. Either way, we are here for you and will make every accommodation to meet at your convenience.
Quite often families use this time to begin sharing memories and photos. Our Family Portal provides guidance on the next steps and allows you to invite family members to begin sharing memories and photos online. By adding family members, we will have it on record to communicate as needed. We encourage you, or someone in your family, to complete these simple steps before the arrangement conference.
To access the Family Portal:
Go to
Login using
Email: {{email}}
Call anytime, day or night if you have a question or want help. Some people find a lot of helpful information on our website, .
Warm Regards,
Family & Staff Members of Funeral Innovations Admin
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[phone] => 612-599-6666
[twilio_phone] => 15153053851
[facebook_page_name] => FI Test
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[0] => 2018-09-21 09:44:02
[1] => 2018-09-21 09:51:44
[2] => 2018-09-21 11:21:21
[3] => 2018-09-21 14:16:42
[4] => 2018-09-21 14:52:55
[5] => 2018-09-21 14:57:45
[6] => 2018-09-21 15:17:06
[7] => 2018-09-21 15:37:35
[8] => 2018-09-24 08:09:57
[9] => 2018-09-24 09:37:20
[10] => 2018-09-24 09:41:11
[11] => 2018-09-24 09:53:11
[12] => 2018-09-24 10:23:41
[13] => 2018-09-24 10:54:16
[14] => 2018-09-24 11:46:10
[15] => 2018-09-25 08:28:35
[16] => 2018-09-25 08:40:47
[17] => 2018-09-25 08:44:48
[18] => 2018-09-25 15:31:19
[19] => 2018-09-25 16:09:17
[20] => 2018-09-26 08:10:40
[21] => 2018-09-26 09:08:33
[22] => 2018-09-26 11:06:22
[23] => 2018-09-26 11:10:55
[24] => 2018-09-26 11:13:17
[25] => 2018-09-26 11:47:55
[26] => 2018-09-26 11:48:15
[27] => 2018-09-26 14:53:46
[28] => 2018-09-26 14:54:13
[29] => 2018-09-26 14:59:31
[30] => 2018-09-26 15:57:34
[31] => 2018-09-27 08:05:10
[32] => 2018-09-27 08:29:30
[33] => 2018-09-27 08:49:20
[34] => 2018-09-27 10:41:46
[35] => 2018-09-27 11:40:50
[36] => 2018-09-27 12:18:22
[37] => 2018-09-27 14:39:28
[38] => 2018-09-27 16:29:00
[39] => 2018-09-28 13:39:23
[40] => 2018-10-01 07:35:52
[41] => 2018-10-01 10:40:56
[42] => 2018-10-01 10:46:05
[43] => 2018-10-01 14:06:47
[44] => 2018-10-01 14:38:07
[45] => 2018-10-01 16:16:23
[46] => 2018-10-02 08:10:43
[47] => 2018-10-02 08:22:52
[48] => 2018-10-02 08:56:31
[49] => 2018-10-02 09:00:22
[50] => 2018-10-02 10:36:09
[51] => 2018-10-02 11:25:49
[52] => 2018-10-02 12:36:54
[53] => 2018-10-02 12:38:03
[54] => 2018-10-02 14:31:04
[55] => 2018-10-03 08:18:29
[56] => 2018-10-03 11:10:15
[57] => 2018-10-03 13:39:39
[58] => 2018-10-03 13:42:22
[59] => 2018-10-04 08:10:19
[60] => 2018-10-04 08:53:02
[61] => 2018-10-04 08:53:53
[62] => 2018-10-04 08:54:18
[63] => 2018-10-04 10:25:39
[64] => 2018-10-04 13:59:06
[65] => 2018-10-05 15:13:34
[66] => 2018-10-08 08:17:50
[67] => 2018-10-08 08:35:07
[68] => 2018-10-08 08:37:43
[69] => 2018-10-08 09:08:41
[70] => 2018-10-08 11:08:15
[71] => 2018-10-08 12:31:00
[72] => 2018-10-08 14:12:34
[73] => 2018-10-09 08:09:46
[74] => 2018-10-09 08:17:05
[75] => 2018-10-09 08:17:28
[76] => 2018-10-09 08:34:51
[77] => 2018-10-09 08:39:56
[78] => 2018-10-09 08:47:46
[79] => 2018-10-15 11:18:09
[80] => 2018-10-15 14:56:20
[81] => 2018-10-22 08:47:35
[82] => 2018-10-22 17:06:34
[83] => 2018-10-22 17:16:44
[84] => 2018-10-23 10:15:18
[85] => 2018-10-23 11:18:26
[86] => 2018-10-23 11:33:28
[87] => 2018-10-24 10:36:32
[88] => 2018-10-24 21:30:01
[89] => 2018-10-25 09:28:48
[90] => 2018-10-25 10:21:56
[91] => 2018-10-25 10:34:18
[92] => 2018-10-25 10:35:15
[93] => 2018-10-25 10:59:04
[94] => 2018-10-25 10:59:17
[95] => 2018-10-25 12:23:54
[96] => 2018-10-25 12:26:57
[97] => 2018-10-25 14:49:56
[98] => 2018-10-26 09:47:48
[99] => 2018-10-26 09:53:12
[100] => 2018-10-26 14:14:56
[101] => 2018-10-26 14:45:23
[102] => 2018-10-26 15:01:13
[103] => 2018-10-26 15:35:09
[104] => 2018-10-26 15:42:30
[105] => 2018-10-26 15:46:30
[106] => 2018-10-26 15:58:09
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[109] => 2018-10-29 09:52:26
[110] => 2018-10-29 09:57:51
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[113] => 2018-10-29 13:34:07
[114] => 2018-10-29 14:41:52
[115] => 2018-10-29 15:41:01
[116] => 2018-10-29 15:51:50
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[118] => 2018-10-30 11:46:44
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[120] => 2018-10-30 15:12:26
[121] => 2018-10-30 15:12:43
[122] => 2018-10-30 15:16:29
[123] => 2018-10-30 15:58:18
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[125] => 2018-10-31 09:18:40
[126] => 2018-10-31 09:39:06
[127] => 2018-10-31 10:05:10
[128] => 2018-10-31 12:20:32
[129] => 2018-10-31 12:57:18
[130] => 2018-11-01 10:43:43
[131] => 2018-11-01 11:54:21
[132] => 2018-11-01 14:40:31
[133] => 2018-11-02 08:42:24
[134] => 2018-11-02 10:24:49
[135] => 2018-11-02 11:47:51
[136] => 2018-11-02 12:05:15
[137] => 2018-11-02 12:20:48
[138] => 2018-11-02 12:21:11
[139] => 2018-11-02 13:39:23
[140] => 2018-11-02 13:42:36
[141] => 2018-11-02 14:02:54
[142] => 2018-11-02 14:18:48
[143] => 2018-11-02 14:20:22
[144] => 2018-11-02 14:30:08
[145] => 2018-11-05 08:21:29
[146] => 2018-11-05 11:03:30
[147] => 2018-11-05 11:04:15
[148] => 2018-11-05 14:24:09
[149] => 2018-11-06 08:30:25
[150] => 2018-11-06 09:56:02
[151] => 2018-11-06 15:12:39
[152] => 2018-11-06 15:51:31
[153] => 2018-11-07 09:39:53
[154] => 2018-11-08 08:37:35
[155] => 2018-11-08 09:16:31
[156] => 2018-11-08 10:06:08
[157] => 2018-11-08 14:39:22
[158] => 2018-11-08 14:40:35
[159] => 2018-11-08 15:04:28
[160] => 2018-11-09 09:02:12
[161] => 2018-11-09 09:08:03
[162] => 2018-11-09 09:47:02
[163] => 2018-11-09 14:07:49
[164] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[165] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[166] => 2018-11-09 15:23:33
[167] => 2018-11-09 15:33:48
[168] => 2018-11-12 08:51:01
[169] => 2018-11-12 10:18:23
[170] => 2018-11-12 10:39:17
[171] => 2018-11-12 10:41:25
[172] => 2018-11-12 13:46:00
[173] => 2018-11-12 15:46:42
[174] => 2018-11-12 16:02:18
[175] => 2018-11-12 16:26:57
[176] => 2018-11-12 20:01:56
[177] => 2018-11-12 20:37:47
[178] => 2018-11-13 12:27:27
[179] => 2018-11-14 09:46:25
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[182] => 2018-11-14 13:11:42
[183] => 2018-11-14 13:18:52
[184] => 2018-11-14 13:26:53
[185] => 2018-11-14 13:48:10
[186] => 2018-11-14 15:41:29
[187] => 2018-11-15 08:45:54
[188] => 2018-11-15 11:50:26
[189] => 2018-11-15 12:11:54
[190] => 2018-11-15 13:08:53
[191] => 2018-11-15 13:11:28
[192] => 2018-11-15 13:11:59
[193] => 2018-11-15 13:51:21
[194] => 2018-11-15 13:55:25
[195] => 2018-11-15 15:39:59
[196] => 2018-11-15 15:44:03
[197] => 2018-11-15 15:45:26
[198] => 2018-11-15 16:20:46
[199] => 2018-11-16 07:58:45
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[202] => 2018-11-16 08:37:56
[203] => 2018-11-16 08:38:34
[204] => 2018-11-16 08:42:08
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[206] => 2018-11-16 11:06:05
[207] => 2018-11-16 11:33:47
[208] => 2018-11-16 11:57:02
[209] => 2018-11-16 12:28:54
[210] => 2018-11-16 14:27:59
[211] => 2018-11-16 14:51:12
[212] => 2018-11-16 15:09:16
[213] => 2018-11-16 15:10:09
[214] => 2018-11-16 15:30:26
[215] => 2018-11-16 15:39:18
[216] => 2018-11-16 15:45:31
[217] => 2018-11-16 16:04:07
[218] => 2018-11-16 16:05:04
[219] => 2018-11-16 16:05:18
[220] => 2018-11-16 16:07:12
[221] => 2018-11-16 16:10:18
[222] => 2018-11-16 16:10:58
[223] => 2018-11-16 16:17:38
[224] => 2018-11-16 16:18:44
[225] => 2018-11-16 16:19:28
[226] => 2018-11-19 10:06:24
[227] => 2018-11-19 11:17:31
[228] => 2018-11-19 11:18:12
[229] => 2018-11-19 11:20:55
[230] => 2018-11-20 08:08:14
[231] => 2018-11-20 08:12:58
[232] => 2018-11-20 08:13:20
[233] => 2018-11-20 08:19:20
[234] => 2018-11-20 08:26:10
[235] => 2018-11-20 09:54:00
[236] => 2018-11-20 09:54:11
[237] => 2018-11-20 10:28:50
[238] => 2018-11-21 10:42:41
[239] => 2018-11-26 08:01:08
[240] => 2018-11-26 08:02:30
[241] => 2018-11-26 08:43:23
[242] => 2018-11-26 08:52:46
[243] => 2018-11-26 09:02:15
[244] => 2018-11-26 09:33:53
[245] => 2018-11-26 09:37:10
[246] => 2018-11-26 09:41:08
[247] => 2018-11-26 09:49:32
[248] => 2018-11-26 09:55:15
[249] => 2018-11-26 10:02:22
[250] => 2018-11-26 10:48:56
[251] => 2018-11-26 11:38:53
[252] => 2018-11-26 11:39:18
[253] => 2018-11-26 11:41:51
[254] => 2018-11-26 11:43:43
[255] => 2018-11-26 11:47:47
[256] => 2018-11-26 11:51:45
[257] => 2018-11-26 12:56:30
[258] => 2018-11-26 15:54:32
[259] => 2018-11-26 15:54:42
[260] => 2018-11-26 16:25:14
[261] => 2018-11-27 08:17:21
[262] => 2018-11-27 08:23:33
[263] => 2018-11-27 09:41:36
[264] => 2018-11-27 10:16:18
[265] => 2018-11-27 11:22:51
[266] => 2018-11-27 11:24:03
[267] => 2018-11-27 12:01:32
[268] => 2018-11-27 13:22:16
[269] => 2018-11-27 15:24:42
[270] => 2018-11-27 16:18:11
[271] => 2018-11-28 08:28:11
[272] => 2018-11-28 09:04:21
[273] => 2018-11-28 09:33:44
[274] => 2018-11-28 09:35:02
[275] => 2018-11-28 09:38:46
[276] => 2018-11-28 09:42:41
[277] => 2018-11-28 09:49:42
[278] => 2018-11-28 10:09:55
[279] => 2018-11-28 14:15:52
[280] => 2018-11-29 08:37:03
[281] => 2018-11-29 08:57:13
[282] => 2018-11-29 09:51:09
[283] => 2018-11-29 14:04:13
[284] => 2018-11-29 14:09:36
[285] => 2018-11-29 15:27:04
[286] => 2018-11-29 15:52:28
[287] => 2018-11-29 15:53:13
[288] => 2018-11-30 07:49:53
[289] => 2018-11-30 08:11:01
[290] => 2018-11-30 08:51:35
[291] => 2018-11-30 09:01:49
[292] => 2018-11-30 09:12:24
[293] => 2018-11-30 11:04:48
[294] => 2018-11-30 12:22:54
[295] => 2018-12-17 10:58:43
[296] => 2018-12-17 12:01:30
[297] => 2018-12-18 10:40:01
[298] => 2018-12-18 13:37:54
[299] => 2018-12-18 13:59:35
[300] => 2018-12-18 14:02:13
[301] => 2018-12-18 14:03:55
[302] => 2018-12-18 14:34:20
[303] => 2018-12-18 14:40:26
[304] => 2018-12-18 14:50:12
[305] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[306] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[307] => 2018-12-19 14:57:44
[308] => 2018-12-20 10:16:04
[309] => 2018-12-21 08:58:41
[310] => 2018-12-21 09:12:06
[311] => 2018-12-21 10:28:19
[312] => 2018-12-21 10:52:03
[313] => 2018-12-21 11:58:51
[314] => 2018-12-21 12:00:45
[315] => 2018-12-21 12:05:05
[316] => 2018-12-26 10:32:00
[317] => 2018-12-26 10:41:53
[318] => 2018-12-26 11:00:27
[319] => 2018-12-26 11:51:15
[320] => 2018-12-26 13:05:43
[321] => 2018-12-26 13:31:52
[322] => 2018-12-26 14:11:15
[323] => 2018-12-26 14:16:49
[324] => 2018-12-26 14:23:22
[325] => 2018-12-26 14:25:53
[326] => 2018-12-26 14:42:36
[327] => 2018-12-26 16:02:25
[328] => 2018-12-26 16:25:04
[329] => 2018-12-26 16:30:19
[330] => 2018-12-26 16:31:41
[331] => 2018-12-27 10:26:53
[332] => 2018-12-27 14:03:44
[333] => 2018-12-27 14:42:59
[334] => 2018-12-27 15:44:08
[335] => 2018-12-28 11:13:03
[336] => 2018-12-28 11:26:35
[337] => 2018-12-28 11:26:56
[338] => 2018-12-28 11:47:10
[339] => 2018-12-28 11:48:11
[340] => 2018-12-28 12:30:52
[341] => 2019-01-02 09:46:35
[342] => 2019-01-02 09:59:35
[343] => 2019-01-02 10:01:32
[344] => 2019-01-02 10:36:25
[345] => 2019-01-02 10:42:39
[346] => 2019-01-02 11:34:45
[347] => 2019-01-02 13:24:41
[348] => 2019-01-02 15:34:37
[349] => 2019-01-02 15:36:02
[350] => 2019-01-02 15:36:26
[351] => 2019-01-02 17:00:54
[352] => 2019-01-03 08:21:10
[353] => 2019-01-03 08:30:16
[354] => 2019-01-03 09:45:49
[355] => 2019-01-03 09:47:04
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[4] => 2018-09-24 09:32:24
[5] => 2018-09-24 09:32:55
[6] => 2018-09-24 09:33:36
[7] => 2018-09-24 09:33:52
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[10] => 2018-11-01 15:29:57
[11] => 2018-11-14 13:34:46
[12] => 2018-11-14 13:59:11
[13] => 2018-12-17 14:42:06
[14] => 2018-12-18 14:41:02
[15] => 2018-12-18 14:49:13
[16] => 2018-12-18 14:50:25
[17] => 2018-12-18 15:41:48
[18] => 2018-12-18 16:09:08
[19] => 2018-12-18 16:30:51
[20] => 2018-12-21 15:35:20
[21] => 2018-12-26 14:21:01
[22] => 2018-12-26 14:27:47
[23] => 2018-12-26 16:04:20
[24] => 2018-12-26 16:04:39
[25] => 2019-01-02 09:46:48
[26] => 2019-01-02 09:48:01
[27] => 2019-01-02 09:48:55
[28] => 2019-01-02 09:49:04
[29] => 2019-01-02 09:49:18
[30] => 2019-01-02 09:49:21
[31] => 2019-01-02 09:50:10
[32] => 2019-01-02 09:50:18
[33] => 2019-01-02 09:50:40
[34] => 2019-01-02 09:50:58
[35] => 2019-01-02 09:51:07
[36] => 2019-01-02 09:51:20
[37] => 2019-01-02 09:51:44
[38] => 2019-01-02 09:52:58
[39] => 2019-01-02 09:53:35
[40] => 2019-01-02 09:59:19
[41] => 2019-01-02 10:01:41
[42] => 2019-01-02 10:01:57
[43] => 2019-01-02 10:01:59
[44] => 2019-01-02 10:02:01
[45] => 2019-01-02 10:02:20
[46] => 2019-01-02 10:02:21
[47] => 2019-01-02 10:02:48
[48] => 2019-01-02 10:04:19
[49] => 2019-01-02 10:04:26
[50] => 2019-01-02 10:04:32
[51] => 2019-01-02 10:04:42
[52] => 2019-01-02 10:22:54
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[55] => 2019-01-03 09:47:11
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[4] => 2018-11-12 11:26:14
[5] => 2018-11-12 11:26:39
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[status_report] => Array
[status] => fail
[is_good] =>
[sections] => Array
[0] => Array
[section_title] => Obituaries
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[1] => Array
[section_title] => Healing Registry
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[2] => Array
[section_title] => Social Site Settings
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[3] => Array
[section_title] => Website
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[4] => Array
[section_title] => Locations
[status] => fail
[messages] => Array
[0] => Broken address: Test, - Favorite
[1] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[2] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[3] => Broken address: , Sun Prairie - Favorite
[4] => Broken address: , Connecticut - Favorite
[5] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[6] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[7] => Broken address: 606 , - Favorite
[8] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[9] => Broken address: , Monona Wisconsin - Favorite
[10] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[11] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[12] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[13] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[14] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[15] => Broken address: , Madison - Favorite
[16] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[17] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[18] => Broken address: , Clara City Minnesota - Favorite
[19] => Broken address: , Windsor Wisconsin - Favorite
[20] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[21] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[22] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[23] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[24] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[25] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[26] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[27] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[28] => Broken address: For Directions:, - Favorite
[29] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[30] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[31] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[32] => Broken address: , Muscoda Wisconsin - Favorite
[33] => Broken address: Corner of County Trunk P and State Hwy. 12, - Favorite
[34] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[35] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[36] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[37] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[38] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[39] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[40] => Broken address: , Geneva Wisconsin - Favorite
[41] => Broken address: , Milwaukee Wisconsin - Favorite
[42] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[43] => Broken address: , Westfield Wisconsin - Favorite
[44] => Broken address: , Belmond Iowa - Favorite
[45] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[46] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[47] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[48] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[49] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[50] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[51] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[52] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[53] => Broken address: , Blue Mounds Wisconsin - Favorite
[54] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[55] => Broken address: , Middleton Wisconsin - Favorite
[56] => Broken address: , Walworth Wisconsin - Favorite
[57] => Broken address: , Wausau Wisconsin - Favorite
[58] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[59] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[60] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[61] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[62] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[63] => Broken address: , Marshall Wisconsin - Favorite
[64] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[65] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[66] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[67] => Broken address: , Westby Wisconsin - Favorite
[68] => Broken address: , Union Grove Wisconsin - Favorite
[69] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[70] => Broken address: , Sioux City Iowa - Favorite
[71] => Broken address: , Kiel Wisconsin - Favorite
[72] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[73] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[74] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[75] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[76] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[77] => Broken address: , Clintonville Wisconsin - Favorite
[78] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[79] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[80] => Broken address: , Fincastle Virginia - Favorite
[81] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[82] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[83] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[84] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[85] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[86] => Broken address: , Babylon New York - Favorite
[87] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[88] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[89] => Broken address: Please contact funeral home for details., - Favorite
[90] => Broken address: , Waunakee Wisconsin - Favorite
[91] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[92] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[93] => Broken address: , Ontario Wisconsin - Favorite
[94] => Broken address: Jefferson Street, Richland Center Wisconsin - Favorite
[95] => Broken address: -, St. Cloud Minnesota - Favorite
[is_good] =>
[last_updated] => 2018-06-25 15:20:10
[passare_customer_token] =>
[] =>
[calculator] => Array
[roi] => Array
[data] => Array
[type] => funeral_home
[city] => Mason City
[state] => Iowa
[radius] => 20
[cases] => 180
[conversion] => 10
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[report] =>
[options] => {
"disposition": {
"step": "disposition",
"question": "How would you like the body to be handled?",
"options": [
"value": "burial_entombment",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"text": "Burial\/Entombment",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "cremation",
"icon": "fa-burn",
"text": "Cremation",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"gathering": {
"question": "Would you like a gathering with family & friends?",
"options": [
"value": "gathering",
"icon": "fa-users",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_gathering",
"icon": "fa-users-slash",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"memorial_service": {
"question": "Would you like a memorial service?",
"options": [
"value": "memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-praying-hands",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-ban",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"urn": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of urn would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "Temporary",
"icon": "fa-archway",
"description": "Temporary container for transporting the ashes",
"prices": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-building",
"description": "Basic, functional urn for burial or entombment",
"prices": [
"value": "decorative",
"text": "Decorative",
"icon": "fa-church",
"description": "Beautiful urn for long term display and decoration",
"prices": [
"casket": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of casket would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-portrait",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-coffin",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-coffin-cross",
"prices": [
"burial": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "How would you like the casket to be buried?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-landscape",
"description": "Simple, flat marker in low cost cemetery and basic to no liner\/vault.",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-tombstone-alt",
"description": "Basic, upright headstone in an average cost cemetery with average burial vault",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-monument",
"description": "Fancy, upright headstone in a private cemetery with a premium burial vault",
"prices": [
"permanent_placement": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What would you like to do with the ashes?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "No Permanent Placement",
"icon": "fa-home",
"description": "Keep the ashes at home or wait to make a final decision",
"prices": [
"value": "mausoleum",
"text": "Mausoleum",
"icon": "fa-landmark",
"description": "The ashes will be held in a niche within a mausoleum",
"prices": [
"value": "burial",
"text": "Cemetery Burial",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"description": "The ashes will be buried in a cemetery with a marker",
"prices": [
"complete": []
[name] => Brian Cataldo
[registerer] => 201617
[campaign_category_favorites] =>
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[10] => 49
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[15] => 54
[16] => 55
[17] => 56
[18] => 57
[19] => 58
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[21] => 60
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[33] => 52
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[35] => 54
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[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[read_required_class] =>
[flash_path] =>
[remembrance_path] =>
[resource_path] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[img_path] =>
[domain] =>
[host] =>
[modelNames] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[3] => User
[4] => User
[5] => PlansUser
[6] => PlansUser
[base] =>
[layout] => metro
[autoRender] => 1
[autoLayout] => 1
[Component] => Component Object
[__controllerVars] => Array
[plugin] =>
[name] => FacebookDetective
[base] =>
[_loaded] => Array
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[_primary] => Array
[0] => Auth
[1] => Session
[2] => Cookie
[3] => Util
[4] => EmailService
[__settings] => Array
[view] => View
[ext] => .ctp
[output] =>
[plugin] =>
[cacheAction] =>
[persistModel] =>
[passedArgs] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[scaffold] =>
[methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[modelClass] => FbStat
[modelKey] => facebook_detective
[validationErrors] =>
[__httpCodes] =>
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[FbStat] => FbStat Object
[name] => FbStat
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[0] => page_stories
[1] => page_storytellers
[2] => page_impressions
[3] => page_impressions_unique
[4] => page_impressions_organic
[5] => page_impressions_viral
[6] => page_engaged_users
[7] => page_consumptions
[8] => page_negative_feedback
[9] => page_fans
[10] => page_fan_adds
[11] => page_fan_removes
[12] => page_friends_of_fans
[13] => page_views
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_stats
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_stats
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[stats] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[end_time] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbStat
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_stats] => FbStat
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbStat
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[FbRank] => FbRank Object
[name] => FbRank
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[metric] => page_fans
[key] => Page Fans
[details] => The total number of fans
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[metric] => page_engaged_users
[key] => Engagement
[details] => The number of people who engaged with your page or content
[page_storytellers] => Array
[metric] => page_stories
[key] => Page Stories
[details] => When someone likes, comments or shares your post it creates a new story
[page_impressions] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_unique
[query] => page_impressions_unique
[key] => Reach
[details] => The number of people who were exposed to your page or content
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_viral
[key] => Virality
[details] => The number of people who were virally exposed to your page or content
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[metric] => page_storytellers_by_age_gender
[key] => Demographics
[details] => The percent of people engaged within your target demographic
[metrics] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[period] => lifetime
[label] => Total page fans
[page_storytellers] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Talking about your page
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total engaged fans
[page_impressions] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total views
[page_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total viral views
[page_impressions_viral_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached virally
[page_impressions_organic] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total organic views
[page_impressions_organic_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached organically
[page_views] => Array
[period] => day
[label] => Total views of your Facebook Page
[page_posts_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total people to see any of your posts
[page_stories] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total stories created by fans
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Engaged user by age and gender
[page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Page impressions by age and gender
[page_negative_feedback] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Negative feedback actions
[negative_feedback_rate] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Rate of negative feedback
[fan_penetration_organic] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Percent of fans reached organically
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_ranks
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_ranks
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[page_storytellers] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_fans] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[rank] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[cases] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[history] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[pending] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 1
[error] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbRank
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_ranks] => FbRank
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbRank
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[1] => rankings
[1] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[10] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/cake/dispatcher.php
[line] => 171
[function] => _invoke
[class] => Dispatcher
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[name] => FacebookDetective
[uses] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[components] => Array
[Auth] =>
[Session] =>
[Cookie] =>
[Util] =>
[EmailService] =>
[helpers] => Array
[Asset.asset] =>
[Session] =>
[Html] =>
[Javascript] =>
[Form] =>
[Text] =>
[Numbers] =>
[title] => Websites and software for funeral homes | Funeral Innovations
[salt] => m0num3nts
[is_dev] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[UserAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[here] => /power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[webroot] => /
[action] => rankings
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[data] =>
[paginate] => Array
[limit] => 20
[page] => 1
[viewPath] => facebook_detective
[layoutPath] =>
[viewVars] => Array
[index] => 12
[rank] => Array
[FbRank] => Array
[id] => 408
[user_id] => 201744
[page_storytellers] => 1968
[page_impressions] => 26228
[page_impressions_viral] => 50740
[page_engaged_users] => 5223
[page_fans] => 3177
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 57
[rank] => 13
[cases] =>
[history] => Array
[0] => Array
[total] => 368
[page_fans] => 180
[page_engaged_users] => 41
[page_storytellers] => 36
[page_impressions] => 58
[page_impressions_viral] => 53
[rank] => 59
[date] => May 9, 2014
[1] => Array
[total] => 426
[page_fans] => 186
[page_engaged_users] => 32
[page_storytellers] => 62
[page_impressions] => 97
[page_impressions_viral] => 49
[rank] => 71
[date] => July 7, 2014
[2] => Array
[total] => 210
[page_fans] => 127
[page_engaged_users] => 4
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 63
[page_impressions_viral] => 3
[rank] => 28
[date] => July 19, 2014
[3] => Array
[total] => 212
[page_fans] => 129
[page_engaged_users] => 4
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 63
[page_impressions_viral] => 3
[rank] => 27
[date] => August 3, 2014
[4] => Array
[total] => 171
[page_fans] => 93
[page_engaged_users] => 16
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 39
[page_impressions_viral] => 10
[rank] => 19
[date] => August 22, 2014
[5] => Array
[total] => 174
[page_fans] => 83
[page_engaged_users] => 28
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 27
[page_impressions_viral] => 23
[rank] => 18
[date] => September 10, 2014
[6] => Array
[total] => 315
[page_fans] => 74
[page_engaged_users] => 75
[page_storytellers] => 14
[page_impressions] => 58
[page_impressions_viral] => 94
[rank] => 41
[date] => October 21, 2014
[7] => Array
[total] => 352
[page_fans] => 61
[page_engaged_users] => 32
[page_storytellers] => 55
[page_impressions] => 43
[page_impressions_viral] => 27
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 134
[rank] => 43
[date] => December 28, 2014
[8] => Array
[total] => 362
[page_fans] => 48
[page_engaged_users] => 48
[page_storytellers] => 55
[page_impressions] => 83
[page_impressions_viral] => 65
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 63
[rank] => 28
[date] => February 13, 2015
[9] => Array
[total] => 307
[page_fans] => 39
[page_engaged_users] => 22
[page_storytellers] => 40
[page_impressions] => 40
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[immediate_need_confirmation] => We are here for you.
We are sorry for your loss. If you have not already spoken with us and need immediate attention, please call us at (612-599-6666) anytime. Your email request will be responded to only during business hours.
We consider it an honor and privilege to care for you and your family.
[dashboard_welcome] => We are here for you.
Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting for you to know that others care. You are in good hands at Funeral Innovations Admin, and we value the trust you have placed in us. To make things a little easier for you, we have included some helpful information and next steps.
[next_steps] => Dear {{first_name}},
First we want to thank you for trusting Funeral Innovations Admin to help care for {{deceased_first_name}}, and honor their life. As you begin to sort through the next steps, it can be overwhelming thinking about what needs to be done and in what order. Rest assured that we understand and are here for you to lean on.
To make things a little easier, we have outlined some useful tools, and information, to guide you. These tools are available within this private, secure, area of our website known as your Family Portal. We will guide your through a few simple steps that will help celebrate a life well lived and help make our time together as efficient as possible.
Once you have rested, there are a few items that will be helpful to us. Whatever you are able to gather, please bring to the meeting with the Funeral Innovations Admin director.
A list of these items are as follows:
Social Security Number of deceased.
Parents’ names, including mother’s maiden name.
Clothing, glasses, and any jewelry that is to be worn, including full set of underclothing. Shoes are optional.
Contact church if applicable.
Picture for newspaper and for cosmetics.
Ideas and information for the obituary.
If a veteran, military discharge papers.
[home] => Your Family Portal
To help you effectively manage your loved one's remembrance page, Funeral Innovations Admin offers you this exclusive Family Portal. Through your Family Portal, you can:
View, edit or remove tributes and photos posted by friends and loved ones
Select your preferred flowers and gifts through the Healing Registry
Track flower and gift purchases made through the remembrance page
Your login password was sent to you within your Family Portal welcome email. If you have any questions, please contact , or call (612-599-6666).
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[email] => Array
[new_account] => Hi {{first_name}},
Our deepest sympathies go to you and your family. Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting to know that we care. It is our honor and privilege to care for your loved one, along with all your family members.
We will be calling you soon to learn more about your preferences and to share information about your options to care for and remember your loved one.
When we call you, we will ask you to suggest a time to meet with a funeral director. It might be helpful for you to rest a bit or to give your family time to arrive from out of the area. You might want to attend this meeting with family, a friend or a clergy member that will be supporting you. Please keep in mind that we can meet anywhere you would be most comfortable, at the funeral home, at your home or at your church if you prefer. Either way, we are here for you and will make every accommodation to meet at your convenience.
Quite often families use this time to begin sharing memories and photos. Our Family Portal provides guidance on the next steps and allows you to invite family members to begin sharing memories and photos online. By adding family members, we will have it on record to communicate as needed. We encourage you, or someone in your family, to complete these simple steps before the arrangement conference.
To access the Family Portal:
Go to
Login using
Email: {{email}}
Call anytime, day or night if you have a question or want help. Some people find a lot of helpful information on our website, .
Warm Regards,
Family & Staff Members of Funeral Innovations Admin
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[twilio_phone] => 15153053851
[facebook_page_name] => FI Test
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[0] => 2018-09-21 09:44:02
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[39] => 2018-09-28 13:39:23
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[55] => 2018-10-03 08:18:29
[56] => 2018-10-03 11:10:15
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[61] => 2018-10-04 08:53:53
[62] => 2018-10-04 08:54:18
[63] => 2018-10-04 10:25:39
[64] => 2018-10-04 13:59:06
[65] => 2018-10-05 15:13:34
[66] => 2018-10-08 08:17:50
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[73] => 2018-10-09 08:09:46
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[76] => 2018-10-09 08:34:51
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[78] => 2018-10-09 08:47:46
[79] => 2018-10-15 11:18:09
[80] => 2018-10-15 14:56:20
[81] => 2018-10-22 08:47:35
[82] => 2018-10-22 17:06:34
[83] => 2018-10-22 17:16:44
[84] => 2018-10-23 10:15:18
[85] => 2018-10-23 11:18:26
[86] => 2018-10-23 11:33:28
[87] => 2018-10-24 10:36:32
[88] => 2018-10-24 21:30:01
[89] => 2018-10-25 09:28:48
[90] => 2018-10-25 10:21:56
[91] => 2018-10-25 10:34:18
[92] => 2018-10-25 10:35:15
[93] => 2018-10-25 10:59:04
[94] => 2018-10-25 10:59:17
[95] => 2018-10-25 12:23:54
[96] => 2018-10-25 12:26:57
[97] => 2018-10-25 14:49:56
[98] => 2018-10-26 09:47:48
[99] => 2018-10-26 09:53:12
[100] => 2018-10-26 14:14:56
[101] => 2018-10-26 14:45:23
[102] => 2018-10-26 15:01:13
[103] => 2018-10-26 15:35:09
[104] => 2018-10-26 15:42:30
[105] => 2018-10-26 15:46:30
[106] => 2018-10-26 15:58:09
[107] => 2018-10-28 16:32:48
[108] => 2018-10-29 09:25:51
[109] => 2018-10-29 09:52:26
[110] => 2018-10-29 09:57:51
[111] => 2018-10-29 12:32:48
[112] => 2018-10-29 13:28:19
[113] => 2018-10-29 13:34:07
[114] => 2018-10-29 14:41:52
[115] => 2018-10-29 15:41:01
[116] => 2018-10-29 15:51:50
[117] => 2018-10-30 11:15:36
[118] => 2018-10-30 11:46:44
[119] => 2018-10-30 15:12:05
[120] => 2018-10-30 15:12:26
[121] => 2018-10-30 15:12:43
[122] => 2018-10-30 15:16:29
[123] => 2018-10-30 15:58:18
[124] => 2018-10-31 08:44:32
[125] => 2018-10-31 09:18:40
[126] => 2018-10-31 09:39:06
[127] => 2018-10-31 10:05:10
[128] => 2018-10-31 12:20:32
[129] => 2018-10-31 12:57:18
[130] => 2018-11-01 10:43:43
[131] => 2018-11-01 11:54:21
[132] => 2018-11-01 14:40:31
[133] => 2018-11-02 08:42:24
[134] => 2018-11-02 10:24:49
[135] => 2018-11-02 11:47:51
[136] => 2018-11-02 12:05:15
[137] => 2018-11-02 12:20:48
[138] => 2018-11-02 12:21:11
[139] => 2018-11-02 13:39:23
[140] => 2018-11-02 13:42:36
[141] => 2018-11-02 14:02:54
[142] => 2018-11-02 14:18:48
[143] => 2018-11-02 14:20:22
[144] => 2018-11-02 14:30:08
[145] => 2018-11-05 08:21:29
[146] => 2018-11-05 11:03:30
[147] => 2018-11-05 11:04:15
[148] => 2018-11-05 14:24:09
[149] => 2018-11-06 08:30:25
[150] => 2018-11-06 09:56:02
[151] => 2018-11-06 15:12:39
[152] => 2018-11-06 15:51:31
[153] => 2018-11-07 09:39:53
[154] => 2018-11-08 08:37:35
[155] => 2018-11-08 09:16:31
[156] => 2018-11-08 10:06:08
[157] => 2018-11-08 14:39:22
[158] => 2018-11-08 14:40:35
[159] => 2018-11-08 15:04:28
[160] => 2018-11-09 09:02:12
[161] => 2018-11-09 09:08:03
[162] => 2018-11-09 09:47:02
[163] => 2018-11-09 14:07:49
[164] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[165] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[166] => 2018-11-09 15:23:33
[167] => 2018-11-09 15:33:48
[168] => 2018-11-12 08:51:01
[169] => 2018-11-12 10:18:23
[170] => 2018-11-12 10:39:17
[171] => 2018-11-12 10:41:25
[172] => 2018-11-12 13:46:00
[173] => 2018-11-12 15:46:42
[174] => 2018-11-12 16:02:18
[175] => 2018-11-12 16:26:57
[176] => 2018-11-12 20:01:56
[177] => 2018-11-12 20:37:47
[178] => 2018-11-13 12:27:27
[179] => 2018-11-14 09:46:25
[180] => 2018-11-14 11:30:37
[181] => 2018-11-14 13:03:43
[182] => 2018-11-14 13:11:42
[183] => 2018-11-14 13:18:52
[184] => 2018-11-14 13:26:53
[185] => 2018-11-14 13:48:10
[186] => 2018-11-14 15:41:29
[187] => 2018-11-15 08:45:54
[188] => 2018-11-15 11:50:26
[189] => 2018-11-15 12:11:54
[190] => 2018-11-15 13:08:53
[191] => 2018-11-15 13:11:28
[192] => 2018-11-15 13:11:59
[193] => 2018-11-15 13:51:21
[194] => 2018-11-15 13:55:25
[195] => 2018-11-15 15:39:59
[196] => 2018-11-15 15:44:03
[197] => 2018-11-15 15:45:26
[198] => 2018-11-15 16:20:46
[199] => 2018-11-16 07:58:45
[200] => 2018-11-16 08:04:34
[201] => 2018-11-16 08:35:25
[202] => 2018-11-16 08:37:56
[203] => 2018-11-16 08:38:34
[204] => 2018-11-16 08:42:08
[205] => 2018-11-16 09:34:16
[206] => 2018-11-16 11:06:05
[207] => 2018-11-16 11:33:47
[208] => 2018-11-16 11:57:02
[209] => 2018-11-16 12:28:54
[210] => 2018-11-16 14:27:59
[211] => 2018-11-16 14:51:12
[212] => 2018-11-16 15:09:16
[213] => 2018-11-16 15:10:09
[214] => 2018-11-16 15:30:26
[215] => 2018-11-16 15:39:18
[216] => 2018-11-16 15:45:31
[217] => 2018-11-16 16:04:07
[218] => 2018-11-16 16:05:04
[219] => 2018-11-16 16:05:18
[220] => 2018-11-16 16:07:12
[221] => 2018-11-16 16:10:18
[222] => 2018-11-16 16:10:58
[223] => 2018-11-16 16:17:38
[224] => 2018-11-16 16:18:44
[225] => 2018-11-16 16:19:28
[226] => 2018-11-19 10:06:24
[227] => 2018-11-19 11:17:31
[228] => 2018-11-19 11:18:12
[229] => 2018-11-19 11:20:55
[230] => 2018-11-20 08:08:14
[231] => 2018-11-20 08:12:58
[232] => 2018-11-20 08:13:20
[233] => 2018-11-20 08:19:20
[234] => 2018-11-20 08:26:10
[235] => 2018-11-20 09:54:00
[236] => 2018-11-20 09:54:11
[237] => 2018-11-20 10:28:50
[238] => 2018-11-21 10:42:41
[239] => 2018-11-26 08:01:08
[240] => 2018-11-26 08:02:30
[241] => 2018-11-26 08:43:23
[242] => 2018-11-26 08:52:46
[243] => 2018-11-26 09:02:15
[244] => 2018-11-26 09:33:53
[245] => 2018-11-26 09:37:10
[246] => 2018-11-26 09:41:08
[247] => 2018-11-26 09:49:32
[248] => 2018-11-26 09:55:15
[249] => 2018-11-26 10:02:22
[250] => 2018-11-26 10:48:56
[251] => 2018-11-26 11:38:53
[252] => 2018-11-26 11:39:18
[253] => 2018-11-26 11:41:51
[254] => 2018-11-26 11:43:43
[255] => 2018-11-26 11:47:47
[256] => 2018-11-26 11:51:45
[257] => 2018-11-26 12:56:30
[258] => 2018-11-26 15:54:32
[259] => 2018-11-26 15:54:42
[260] => 2018-11-26 16:25:14
[261] => 2018-11-27 08:17:21
[262] => 2018-11-27 08:23:33
[263] => 2018-11-27 09:41:36
[264] => 2018-11-27 10:16:18
[265] => 2018-11-27 11:22:51
[266] => 2018-11-27 11:24:03
[267] => 2018-11-27 12:01:32
[268] => 2018-11-27 13:22:16
[269] => 2018-11-27 15:24:42
[270] => 2018-11-27 16:18:11
[271] => 2018-11-28 08:28:11
[272] => 2018-11-28 09:04:21
[273] => 2018-11-28 09:33:44
[274] => 2018-11-28 09:35:02
[275] => 2018-11-28 09:38:46
[276] => 2018-11-28 09:42:41
[277] => 2018-11-28 09:49:42
[278] => 2018-11-28 10:09:55
[279] => 2018-11-28 14:15:52
[280] => 2018-11-29 08:37:03
[281] => 2018-11-29 08:57:13
[282] => 2018-11-29 09:51:09
[283] => 2018-11-29 14:04:13
[284] => 2018-11-29 14:09:36
[285] => 2018-11-29 15:27:04
[286] => 2018-11-29 15:52:28
[287] => 2018-11-29 15:53:13
[288] => 2018-11-30 07:49:53
[289] => 2018-11-30 08:11:01
[290] => 2018-11-30 08:51:35
[291] => 2018-11-30 09:01:49
[292] => 2018-11-30 09:12:24
[293] => 2018-11-30 11:04:48
[294] => 2018-11-30 12:22:54
[295] => 2018-12-17 10:58:43
[296] => 2018-12-17 12:01:30
[297] => 2018-12-18 10:40:01
[298] => 2018-12-18 13:37:54
[299] => 2018-12-18 13:59:35
[300] => 2018-12-18 14:02:13
[301] => 2018-12-18 14:03:55
[302] => 2018-12-18 14:34:20
[303] => 2018-12-18 14:40:26
[304] => 2018-12-18 14:50:12
[305] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[306] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[307] => 2018-12-19 14:57:44
[308] => 2018-12-20 10:16:04
[309] => 2018-12-21 08:58:41
[310] => 2018-12-21 09:12:06
[311] => 2018-12-21 10:28:19
[312] => 2018-12-21 10:52:03
[313] => 2018-12-21 11:58:51
[314] => 2018-12-21 12:00:45
[315] => 2018-12-21 12:05:05
[316] => 2018-12-26 10:32:00
[317] => 2018-12-26 10:41:53
[318] => 2018-12-26 11:00:27
[319] => 2018-12-26 11:51:15
[320] => 2018-12-26 13:05:43
[321] => 2018-12-26 13:31:52
[322] => 2018-12-26 14:11:15
[323] => 2018-12-26 14:16:49
[324] => 2018-12-26 14:23:22
[325] => 2018-12-26 14:25:53
[326] => 2018-12-26 14:42:36
[327] => 2018-12-26 16:02:25
[328] => 2018-12-26 16:25:04
[329] => 2018-12-26 16:30:19
[330] => 2018-12-26 16:31:41
[331] => 2018-12-27 10:26:53
[332] => 2018-12-27 14:03:44
[333] => 2018-12-27 14:42:59
[334] => 2018-12-27 15:44:08
[335] => 2018-12-28 11:13:03
[336] => 2018-12-28 11:26:35
[337] => 2018-12-28 11:26:56
[338] => 2018-12-28 11:47:10
[339] => 2018-12-28 11:48:11
[340] => 2018-12-28 12:30:52
[341] => 2019-01-02 09:46:35
[342] => 2019-01-02 09:59:35
[343] => 2019-01-02 10:01:32
[344] => 2019-01-02 10:36:25
[345] => 2019-01-02 10:42:39
[346] => 2019-01-02 11:34:45
[347] => 2019-01-02 13:24:41
[348] => 2019-01-02 15:34:37
[349] => 2019-01-02 15:36:02
[350] => 2019-01-02 15:36:26
[351] => 2019-01-02 17:00:54
[352] => 2019-01-03 08:21:10
[353] => 2019-01-03 08:30:16
[354] => 2019-01-03 09:45:49
[355] => 2019-01-03 09:47:04
[facebook] => Array
[0] => 2018-09-24 09:31:53
[1] => 2018-09-24 09:31:59
[2] => 2018-09-24 09:32:10
[3] => 2018-09-24 09:32:14
[4] => 2018-09-24 09:32:24
[5] => 2018-09-24 09:32:55
[6] => 2018-09-24 09:33:36
[7] => 2018-09-24 09:33:52
[8] => 2018-10-29 13:34:42
[9] => 2018-10-29 13:34:56
[10] => 2018-11-01 15:29:57
[11] => 2018-11-14 13:34:46
[12] => 2018-11-14 13:59:11
[13] => 2018-12-17 14:42:06
[14] => 2018-12-18 14:41:02
[15] => 2018-12-18 14:49:13
[16] => 2018-12-18 14:50:25
[17] => 2018-12-18 15:41:48
[18] => 2018-12-18 16:09:08
[19] => 2018-12-18 16:30:51
[20] => 2018-12-21 15:35:20
[21] => 2018-12-26 14:21:01
[22] => 2018-12-26 14:27:47
[23] => 2018-12-26 16:04:20
[24] => 2018-12-26 16:04:39
[25] => 2019-01-02 09:46:48
[26] => 2019-01-02 09:48:01
[27] => 2019-01-02 09:48:55
[28] => 2019-01-02 09:49:04
[29] => 2019-01-02 09:49:18
[30] => 2019-01-02 09:49:21
[31] => 2019-01-02 09:50:10
[32] => 2019-01-02 09:50:18
[33] => 2019-01-02 09:50:40
[34] => 2019-01-02 09:50:58
[35] => 2019-01-02 09:51:07
[36] => 2019-01-02 09:51:20
[37] => 2019-01-02 09:51:44
[38] => 2019-01-02 09:52:58
[39] => 2019-01-02 09:53:35
[40] => 2019-01-02 09:59:19
[41] => 2019-01-02 10:01:41
[42] => 2019-01-02 10:01:57
[43] => 2019-01-02 10:01:59
[44] => 2019-01-02 10:02:01
[45] => 2019-01-02 10:02:20
[46] => 2019-01-02 10:02:21
[47] => 2019-01-02 10:02:48
[48] => 2019-01-02 10:04:19
[49] => 2019-01-02 10:04:26
[50] => 2019-01-02 10:04:32
[51] => 2019-01-02 10:04:42
[52] => 2019-01-02 10:22:54
[53] => 2019-01-02 13:16:57
[54] => 2019-01-03 09:46:36
[55] => 2019-01-03 09:47:11
[newsletters] => Array
[0] => 2018-09-25 08:40:37
[1] => 2018-10-24 10:37:29
[2] => 2018-12-17 11:38:57
[crm] => Array
[0] => 2018-10-08 08:34:40
[series] => Array
[0] => 2018-11-12 11:15:58
[1] => 2018-11-12 11:22:36
[2] => 2018-11-12 11:23:52
[3] => 2018-11-12 11:24:18
[4] => 2018-11-12 11:26:14
[5] => 2018-11-12 11:26:39
[6] => 2018-12-19 14:24:50
[7] => 2018-12-26 10:41:57
[8] => 2018-12-26 10:43:51
[legal_content_id] => 1893274444087726
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[status_report] => Array
[status] => fail
[is_good] =>
[sections] => Array
[0] => Array
[section_title] => Obituaries
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[1] => Array
[section_title] => Healing Registry
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[2] => Array
[section_title] => Social Site Settings
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[3] => Array
[section_title] => Website
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[4] => Array
[section_title] => Locations
[status] => fail
[messages] => Array
[0] => Broken address: Test, - Favorite
[1] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[2] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[3] => Broken address: , Sun Prairie - Favorite
[4] => Broken address: , Connecticut - Favorite
[5] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[6] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[7] => Broken address: 606 , - Favorite
[8] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[9] => Broken address: , Monona Wisconsin - Favorite
[10] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[11] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[12] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[13] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[14] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[15] => Broken address: , Madison - Favorite
[16] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[17] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[18] => Broken address: , Clara City Minnesota - Favorite
[19] => Broken address: , Windsor Wisconsin - Favorite
[20] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[21] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[22] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[23] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[24] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[25] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[26] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[27] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[28] => Broken address: For Directions:, - Favorite
[29] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[30] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[31] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[32] => Broken address: , Muscoda Wisconsin - Favorite
[33] => Broken address: Corner of County Trunk P and State Hwy. 12, - Favorite
[34] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[35] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[36] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[37] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[38] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[39] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[40] => Broken address: , Geneva Wisconsin - Favorite
[41] => Broken address: , Milwaukee Wisconsin - Favorite
[42] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[43] => Broken address: , Westfield Wisconsin - Favorite
[44] => Broken address: , Belmond Iowa - Favorite
[45] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[46] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[47] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[48] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[49] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[50] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[51] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[52] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[53] => Broken address: , Blue Mounds Wisconsin - Favorite
[54] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[55] => Broken address: , Middleton Wisconsin - Favorite
[56] => Broken address: , Walworth Wisconsin - Favorite
[57] => Broken address: , Wausau Wisconsin - Favorite
[58] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[59] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[60] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[61] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[62] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[63] => Broken address: , Marshall Wisconsin - Favorite
[64] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[65] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[66] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[67] => Broken address: , Westby Wisconsin - Favorite
[68] => Broken address: , Union Grove Wisconsin - Favorite
[69] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[70] => Broken address: , Sioux City Iowa - Favorite
[71] => Broken address: , Kiel Wisconsin - Favorite
[72] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[73] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[74] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[75] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[76] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[77] => Broken address: , Clintonville Wisconsin - Favorite
[78] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[79] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[80] => Broken address: , Fincastle Virginia - Favorite
[81] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[82] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[83] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[84] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[85] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[86] => Broken address: , Babylon New York - Favorite
[87] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[88] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[89] => Broken address: Please contact funeral home for details., - Favorite
[90] => Broken address: , Waunakee Wisconsin - Favorite
[91] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[92] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[93] => Broken address: , Ontario Wisconsin - Favorite
[94] => Broken address: Jefferson Street, Richland Center Wisconsin - Favorite
[95] => Broken address: -, St. Cloud Minnesota - Favorite
[is_good] =>
[last_updated] => 2018-06-25 15:20:10
[passare_customer_token] =>
[] =>
[calculator] => Array
[roi] => Array
[data] => Array
[type] => funeral_home
[city] => Mason City
[state] => Iowa
[radius] => 20
[cases] => 180
[conversion] => 10
[results] => Array
[obituary_traffic] => Array
[projected] => 133560
[registry_sales] => Array
[projected] => 10017
[registry_commission] => Array
[projected] => 1752.98
[email_list] => Array
[projected] => 714
[reviews] => Array
[projected] => 23.4
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[projected] => 498.6
[leads] => Array
[projected] => 385
[new_clients] => Array
[projected] => 39
[report] =>
[options] => {
"disposition": {
"step": "disposition",
"question": "How would you like the body to be handled?",
"options": [
"value": "burial_entombment",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"text": "Burial\/Entombment",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "cremation",
"icon": "fa-burn",
"text": "Cremation",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"gathering": {
"question": "Would you like a gathering with family & friends?",
"options": [
"value": "gathering",
"icon": "fa-users",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_gathering",
"icon": "fa-users-slash",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"memorial_service": {
"question": "Would you like a memorial service?",
"options": [
"value": "memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-praying-hands",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-ban",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"urn": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of urn would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "Temporary",
"icon": "fa-archway",
"description": "Temporary container for transporting the ashes",
"prices": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-building",
"description": "Basic, functional urn for burial or entombment",
"prices": [
"value": "decorative",
"text": "Decorative",
"icon": "fa-church",
"description": "Beautiful urn for long term display and decoration",
"prices": [
"casket": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of casket would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-portrait",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-coffin",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-coffin-cross",
"prices": [
"burial": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "How would you like the casket to be buried?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-landscape",
"description": "Simple, flat marker in low cost cemetery and basic to no liner\/vault.",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-tombstone-alt",
"description": "Basic, upright headstone in an average cost cemetery with average burial vault",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-monument",
"description": "Fancy, upright headstone in a private cemetery with a premium burial vault",
"prices": [
"permanent_placement": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What would you like to do with the ashes?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "No Permanent Placement",
"icon": "fa-home",
"description": "Keep the ashes at home or wait to make a final decision",
"prices": [
"value": "mausoleum",
"text": "Mausoleum",
"icon": "fa-landmark",
"description": "The ashes will be held in a niche within a mausoleum",
"prices": [
"value": "burial",
"text": "Cemetery Burial",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"description": "The ashes will be buried in a cemetery with a marker",
"prices": [
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[immediate_need_confirmation] => We are here for you.
We are sorry for your loss. If you have not already spoken with us and need immediate attention, please call us at (612-599-6666) anytime. Your email request will be responded to only during business hours.
We consider it an honor and privilege to care for you and your family.
[dashboard_welcome] => We are here for you.
Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting for you to know that others care. You are in good hands at Funeral Innovations Admin, and we value the trust you have placed in us. To make things a little easier for you, we have included some helpful information and next steps.
[next_steps] => Dear {{first_name}},
First we want to thank you for trusting Funeral Innovations Admin to help care for {{deceased_first_name}}, and honor their life. As you begin to sort through the next steps, it can be overwhelming thinking about what needs to be done and in what order. Rest assured that we understand and are here for you to lean on.
To make things a little easier, we have outlined some useful tools, and information, to guide you. These tools are available within this private, secure, area of our website known as your Family Portal. We will guide your through a few simple steps that will help celebrate a life well lived and help make our time together as efficient as possible.
Once you have rested, there are a few items that will be helpful to us. Whatever you are able to gather, please bring to the meeting with the Funeral Innovations Admin director.
A list of these items are as follows:
Social Security Number of deceased.
Parents’ names, including mother’s maiden name.
Clothing, glasses, and any jewelry that is to be worn, including full set of underclothing. Shoes are optional.
Contact church if applicable.
Picture for newspaper and for cosmetics.
Ideas and information for the obituary.
If a veteran, military discharge papers.
[home] => Your Family Portal
To help you effectively manage your loved one's remembrance page, Funeral Innovations Admin offers you this exclusive Family Portal. Through your Family Portal, you can:
View, edit or remove tributes and photos posted by friends and loved ones
Select your preferred flowers and gifts through the Healing Registry
Track flower and gift purchases made through the remembrance page
Your login password was sent to you within your Family Portal welcome email. If you have any questions, please contact , or call (612-599-6666).
[immediate_need_text_format] => 0
[email] => Array
[new_account] => Hi {{first_name}},
Our deepest sympathies go to you and your family. Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting to know that we care. It is our honor and privilege to care for your loved one, along with all your family members.
We will be calling you soon to learn more about your preferences and to share information about your options to care for and remember your loved one.
When we call you, we will ask you to suggest a time to meet with a funeral director. It might be helpful for you to rest a bit or to give your family time to arrive from out of the area. You might want to attend this meeting with family, a friend or a clergy member that will be supporting you. Please keep in mind that we can meet anywhere you would be most comfortable, at the funeral home, at your home or at your church if you prefer. Either way, we are here for you and will make every accommodation to meet at your convenience.
Quite often families use this time to begin sharing memories and photos. Our Family Portal provides guidance on the next steps and allows you to invite family members to begin sharing memories and photos online. By adding family members, we will have it on record to communicate as needed. We encourage you, or someone in your family, to complete these simple steps before the arrangement conference.
To access the Family Portal:
Go to
Login using
Email: {{email}}
Call anytime, day or night if you have a question or want help. Some people find a lot of helpful information on our website, .
Warm Regards,
Family & Staff Members of Funeral Innovations Admin
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[phone] => 612-599-6666
[twilio_phone] => 15153053851
[facebook_page_name] => FI Test
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[0] => 2018-09-21 09:44:02
[1] => 2018-09-21 09:51:44
[2] => 2018-09-21 11:21:21
[3] => 2018-09-21 14:16:42
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[5] => 2018-09-21 14:57:45
[6] => 2018-09-21 15:17:06
[7] => 2018-09-21 15:37:35
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[13] => 2018-09-24 10:54:16
[14] => 2018-09-24 11:46:10
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[16] => 2018-09-25 08:40:47
[17] => 2018-09-25 08:44:48
[18] => 2018-09-25 15:31:19
[19] => 2018-09-25 16:09:17
[20] => 2018-09-26 08:10:40
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[23] => 2018-09-26 11:10:55
[24] => 2018-09-26 11:13:17
[25] => 2018-09-26 11:47:55
[26] => 2018-09-26 11:48:15
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[28] => 2018-09-26 14:54:13
[29] => 2018-09-26 14:59:31
[30] => 2018-09-26 15:57:34
[31] => 2018-09-27 08:05:10
[32] => 2018-09-27 08:29:30
[33] => 2018-09-27 08:49:20
[34] => 2018-09-27 10:41:46
[35] => 2018-09-27 11:40:50
[36] => 2018-09-27 12:18:22
[37] => 2018-09-27 14:39:28
[38] => 2018-09-27 16:29:00
[39] => 2018-09-28 13:39:23
[40] => 2018-10-01 07:35:52
[41] => 2018-10-01 10:40:56
[42] => 2018-10-01 10:46:05
[43] => 2018-10-01 14:06:47
[44] => 2018-10-01 14:38:07
[45] => 2018-10-01 16:16:23
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[55] => 2018-10-03 08:18:29
[56] => 2018-10-03 11:10:15
[57] => 2018-10-03 13:39:39
[58] => 2018-10-03 13:42:22
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[63] => 2018-10-04 10:25:39
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[73] => 2018-10-09 08:09:46
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[77] => 2018-10-09 08:39:56
[78] => 2018-10-09 08:47:46
[79] => 2018-10-15 11:18:09
[80] => 2018-10-15 14:56:20
[81] => 2018-10-22 08:47:35
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[83] => 2018-10-22 17:16:44
[84] => 2018-10-23 10:15:18
[85] => 2018-10-23 11:18:26
[86] => 2018-10-23 11:33:28
[87] => 2018-10-24 10:36:32
[88] => 2018-10-24 21:30:01
[89] => 2018-10-25 09:28:48
[90] => 2018-10-25 10:21:56
[91] => 2018-10-25 10:34:18
[92] => 2018-10-25 10:35:15
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[99] => 2018-10-26 09:53:12
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[103] => 2018-10-26 15:35:09
[104] => 2018-10-26 15:42:30
[105] => 2018-10-26 15:46:30
[106] => 2018-10-26 15:58:09
[107] => 2018-10-28 16:32:48
[108] => 2018-10-29 09:25:51
[109] => 2018-10-29 09:52:26
[110] => 2018-10-29 09:57:51
[111] => 2018-10-29 12:32:48
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[117] => 2018-10-30 11:15:36
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[119] => 2018-10-30 15:12:05
[120] => 2018-10-30 15:12:26
[121] => 2018-10-30 15:12:43
[122] => 2018-10-30 15:16:29
[123] => 2018-10-30 15:58:18
[124] => 2018-10-31 08:44:32
[125] => 2018-10-31 09:18:40
[126] => 2018-10-31 09:39:06
[127] => 2018-10-31 10:05:10
[128] => 2018-10-31 12:20:32
[129] => 2018-10-31 12:57:18
[130] => 2018-11-01 10:43:43
[131] => 2018-11-01 11:54:21
[132] => 2018-11-01 14:40:31
[133] => 2018-11-02 08:42:24
[134] => 2018-11-02 10:24:49
[135] => 2018-11-02 11:47:51
[136] => 2018-11-02 12:05:15
[137] => 2018-11-02 12:20:48
[138] => 2018-11-02 12:21:11
[139] => 2018-11-02 13:39:23
[140] => 2018-11-02 13:42:36
[141] => 2018-11-02 14:02:54
[142] => 2018-11-02 14:18:48
[143] => 2018-11-02 14:20:22
[144] => 2018-11-02 14:30:08
[145] => 2018-11-05 08:21:29
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[148] => 2018-11-05 14:24:09
[149] => 2018-11-06 08:30:25
[150] => 2018-11-06 09:56:02
[151] => 2018-11-06 15:12:39
[152] => 2018-11-06 15:51:31
[153] => 2018-11-07 09:39:53
[154] => 2018-11-08 08:37:35
[155] => 2018-11-08 09:16:31
[156] => 2018-11-08 10:06:08
[157] => 2018-11-08 14:39:22
[158] => 2018-11-08 14:40:35
[159] => 2018-11-08 15:04:28
[160] => 2018-11-09 09:02:12
[161] => 2018-11-09 09:08:03
[162] => 2018-11-09 09:47:02
[163] => 2018-11-09 14:07:49
[164] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[165] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[166] => 2018-11-09 15:23:33
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[169] => 2018-11-12 10:18:23
[170] => 2018-11-12 10:39:17
[171] => 2018-11-12 10:41:25
[172] => 2018-11-12 13:46:00
[173] => 2018-11-12 15:46:42
[174] => 2018-11-12 16:02:18
[175] => 2018-11-12 16:26:57
[176] => 2018-11-12 20:01:56
[177] => 2018-11-12 20:37:47
[178] => 2018-11-13 12:27:27
[179] => 2018-11-14 09:46:25
[180] => 2018-11-14 11:30:37
[181] => 2018-11-14 13:03:43
[182] => 2018-11-14 13:11:42
[183] => 2018-11-14 13:18:52
[184] => 2018-11-14 13:26:53
[185] => 2018-11-14 13:48:10
[186] => 2018-11-14 15:41:29
[187] => 2018-11-15 08:45:54
[188] => 2018-11-15 11:50:26
[189] => 2018-11-15 12:11:54
[190] => 2018-11-15 13:08:53
[191] => 2018-11-15 13:11:28
[192] => 2018-11-15 13:11:59
[193] => 2018-11-15 13:51:21
[194] => 2018-11-15 13:55:25
[195] => 2018-11-15 15:39:59
[196] => 2018-11-15 15:44:03
[197] => 2018-11-15 15:45:26
[198] => 2018-11-15 16:20:46
[199] => 2018-11-16 07:58:45
[200] => 2018-11-16 08:04:34
[201] => 2018-11-16 08:35:25
[202] => 2018-11-16 08:37:56
[203] => 2018-11-16 08:38:34
[204] => 2018-11-16 08:42:08
[205] => 2018-11-16 09:34:16
[206] => 2018-11-16 11:06:05
[207] => 2018-11-16 11:33:47
[208] => 2018-11-16 11:57:02
[209] => 2018-11-16 12:28:54
[210] => 2018-11-16 14:27:59
[211] => 2018-11-16 14:51:12
[212] => 2018-11-16 15:09:16
[213] => 2018-11-16 15:10:09
[214] => 2018-11-16 15:30:26
[215] => 2018-11-16 15:39:18
[216] => 2018-11-16 15:45:31
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[220] => 2018-11-16 16:07:12
[221] => 2018-11-16 16:10:18
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[226] => 2018-11-19 10:06:24
[227] => 2018-11-19 11:17:31
[228] => 2018-11-19 11:18:12
[229] => 2018-11-19 11:20:55
[230] => 2018-11-20 08:08:14
[231] => 2018-11-20 08:12:58
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[234] => 2018-11-20 08:26:10
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[238] => 2018-11-21 10:42:41
[239] => 2018-11-26 08:01:08
[240] => 2018-11-26 08:02:30
[241] => 2018-11-26 08:43:23
[242] => 2018-11-26 08:52:46
[243] => 2018-11-26 09:02:15
[244] => 2018-11-26 09:33:53
[245] => 2018-11-26 09:37:10
[246] => 2018-11-26 09:41:08
[247] => 2018-11-26 09:49:32
[248] => 2018-11-26 09:55:15
[249] => 2018-11-26 10:02:22
[250] => 2018-11-26 10:48:56
[251] => 2018-11-26 11:38:53
[252] => 2018-11-26 11:39:18
[253] => 2018-11-26 11:41:51
[254] => 2018-11-26 11:43:43
[255] => 2018-11-26 11:47:47
[256] => 2018-11-26 11:51:45
[257] => 2018-11-26 12:56:30
[258] => 2018-11-26 15:54:32
[259] => 2018-11-26 15:54:42
[260] => 2018-11-26 16:25:14
[261] => 2018-11-27 08:17:21
[262] => 2018-11-27 08:23:33
[263] => 2018-11-27 09:41:36
[264] => 2018-11-27 10:16:18
[265] => 2018-11-27 11:22:51
[266] => 2018-11-27 11:24:03
[267] => 2018-11-27 12:01:32
[268] => 2018-11-27 13:22:16
[269] => 2018-11-27 15:24:42
[270] => 2018-11-27 16:18:11
[271] => 2018-11-28 08:28:11
[272] => 2018-11-28 09:04:21
[273] => 2018-11-28 09:33:44
[274] => 2018-11-28 09:35:02
[275] => 2018-11-28 09:38:46
[276] => 2018-11-28 09:42:41
[277] => 2018-11-28 09:49:42
[278] => 2018-11-28 10:09:55
[279] => 2018-11-28 14:15:52
[280] => 2018-11-29 08:37:03
[281] => 2018-11-29 08:57:13
[282] => 2018-11-29 09:51:09
[283] => 2018-11-29 14:04:13
[284] => 2018-11-29 14:09:36
[285] => 2018-11-29 15:27:04
[286] => 2018-11-29 15:52:28
[287] => 2018-11-29 15:53:13
[288] => 2018-11-30 07:49:53
[289] => 2018-11-30 08:11:01
[290] => 2018-11-30 08:51:35
[291] => 2018-11-30 09:01:49
[292] => 2018-11-30 09:12:24
[293] => 2018-11-30 11:04:48
[294] => 2018-11-30 12:22:54
[295] => 2018-12-17 10:58:43
[296] => 2018-12-17 12:01:30
[297] => 2018-12-18 10:40:01
[298] => 2018-12-18 13:37:54
[299] => 2018-12-18 13:59:35
[300] => 2018-12-18 14:02:13
[301] => 2018-12-18 14:03:55
[302] => 2018-12-18 14:34:20
[303] => 2018-12-18 14:40:26
[304] => 2018-12-18 14:50:12
[305] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[306] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[307] => 2018-12-19 14:57:44
[308] => 2018-12-20 10:16:04
[309] => 2018-12-21 08:58:41
[310] => 2018-12-21 09:12:06
[311] => 2018-12-21 10:28:19
[312] => 2018-12-21 10:52:03
[313] => 2018-12-21 11:58:51
[314] => 2018-12-21 12:00:45
[315] => 2018-12-21 12:05:05
[316] => 2018-12-26 10:32:00
[317] => 2018-12-26 10:41:53
[318] => 2018-12-26 11:00:27
[319] => 2018-12-26 11:51:15
[320] => 2018-12-26 13:05:43
[321] => 2018-12-26 13:31:52
[322] => 2018-12-26 14:11:15
[323] => 2018-12-26 14:16:49
[324] => 2018-12-26 14:23:22
[325] => 2018-12-26 14:25:53
[326] => 2018-12-26 14:42:36
[327] => 2018-12-26 16:02:25
[328] => 2018-12-26 16:25:04
[329] => 2018-12-26 16:30:19
[330] => 2018-12-26 16:31:41
[331] => 2018-12-27 10:26:53
[332] => 2018-12-27 14:03:44
[333] => 2018-12-27 14:42:59
[334] => 2018-12-27 15:44:08
[335] => 2018-12-28 11:13:03
[336] => 2018-12-28 11:26:35
[337] => 2018-12-28 11:26:56
[338] => 2018-12-28 11:47:10
[339] => 2018-12-28 11:48:11
[340] => 2018-12-28 12:30:52
[341] => 2019-01-02 09:46:35
[342] => 2019-01-02 09:59:35
[343] => 2019-01-02 10:01:32
[344] => 2019-01-02 10:36:25
[345] => 2019-01-02 10:42:39
[346] => 2019-01-02 11:34:45
[347] => 2019-01-02 13:24:41
[348] => 2019-01-02 15:34:37
[349] => 2019-01-02 15:36:02
[350] => 2019-01-02 15:36:26
[351] => 2019-01-02 17:00:54
[352] => 2019-01-03 08:21:10
[353] => 2019-01-03 08:30:16
[354] => 2019-01-03 09:45:49
[355] => 2019-01-03 09:47:04
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[4] => 2018-09-24 09:32:24
[5] => 2018-09-24 09:32:55
[6] => 2018-09-24 09:33:36
[7] => 2018-09-24 09:33:52
[8] => 2018-10-29 13:34:42
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[10] => 2018-11-01 15:29:57
[11] => 2018-11-14 13:34:46
[12] => 2018-11-14 13:59:11
[13] => 2018-12-17 14:42:06
[14] => 2018-12-18 14:41:02
[15] => 2018-12-18 14:49:13
[16] => 2018-12-18 14:50:25
[17] => 2018-12-18 15:41:48
[18] => 2018-12-18 16:09:08
[19] => 2018-12-18 16:30:51
[20] => 2018-12-21 15:35:20
[21] => 2018-12-26 14:21:01
[22] => 2018-12-26 14:27:47
[23] => 2018-12-26 16:04:20
[24] => 2018-12-26 16:04:39
[25] => 2019-01-02 09:46:48
[26] => 2019-01-02 09:48:01
[27] => 2019-01-02 09:48:55
[28] => 2019-01-02 09:49:04
[29] => 2019-01-02 09:49:18
[30] => 2019-01-02 09:49:21
[31] => 2019-01-02 09:50:10
[32] => 2019-01-02 09:50:18
[33] => 2019-01-02 09:50:40
[34] => 2019-01-02 09:50:58
[35] => 2019-01-02 09:51:07
[36] => 2019-01-02 09:51:20
[37] => 2019-01-02 09:51:44
[38] => 2019-01-02 09:52:58
[39] => 2019-01-02 09:53:35
[40] => 2019-01-02 09:59:19
[41] => 2019-01-02 10:01:41
[42] => 2019-01-02 10:01:57
[43] => 2019-01-02 10:01:59
[44] => 2019-01-02 10:02:01
[45] => 2019-01-02 10:02:20
[46] => 2019-01-02 10:02:21
[47] => 2019-01-02 10:02:48
[48] => 2019-01-02 10:04:19
[49] => 2019-01-02 10:04:26
[50] => 2019-01-02 10:04:32
[51] => 2019-01-02 10:04:42
[52] => 2019-01-02 10:22:54
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[54] => 2019-01-03 09:46:36
[55] => 2019-01-03 09:47:11
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[series] => Array
[0] => 2018-11-12 11:15:58
[1] => 2018-11-12 11:22:36
[2] => 2018-11-12 11:23:52
[3] => 2018-11-12 11:24:18
[4] => 2018-11-12 11:26:14
[5] => 2018-11-12 11:26:39
[6] => 2018-12-19 14:24:50
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[status_report] => Array
[status] => fail
[is_good] =>
[sections] => Array
[0] => Array
[section_title] => Obituaries
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[1] => Array
[section_title] => Healing Registry
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[2] => Array
[section_title] => Social Site Settings
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[3] => Array
[section_title] => Website
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[4] => Array
[section_title] => Locations
[status] => fail
[messages] => Array
[0] => Broken address: Test, - Favorite
[1] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[2] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[3] => Broken address: , Sun Prairie - Favorite
[4] => Broken address: , Connecticut - Favorite
[5] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[6] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[7] => Broken address: 606 , - Favorite
[8] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[9] => Broken address: , Monona Wisconsin - Favorite
[10] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[11] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[12] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[13] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[14] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[15] => Broken address: , Madison - Favorite
[16] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[17] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[18] => Broken address: , Clara City Minnesota - Favorite
[19] => Broken address: , Windsor Wisconsin - Favorite
[20] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[21] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[22] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[23] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[24] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[25] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[26] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[27] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[28] => Broken address: For Directions:, - Favorite
[29] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[30] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[31] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[32] => Broken address: , Muscoda Wisconsin - Favorite
[33] => Broken address: Corner of County Trunk P and State Hwy. 12, - Favorite
[34] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[35] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[36] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[37] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[38] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[39] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[40] => Broken address: , Geneva Wisconsin - Favorite
[41] => Broken address: , Milwaukee Wisconsin - Favorite
[42] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[43] => Broken address: , Westfield Wisconsin - Favorite
[44] => Broken address: , Belmond Iowa - Favorite
[45] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[46] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[47] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[48] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[49] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[50] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[51] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[52] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[53] => Broken address: , Blue Mounds Wisconsin - Favorite
[54] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[55] => Broken address: , Middleton Wisconsin - Favorite
[56] => Broken address: , Walworth Wisconsin - Favorite
[57] => Broken address: , Wausau Wisconsin - Favorite
[58] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[59] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[60] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[61] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[62] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[63] => Broken address: , Marshall Wisconsin - Favorite
[64] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[65] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[66] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[67] => Broken address: , Westby Wisconsin - Favorite
[68] => Broken address: , Union Grove Wisconsin - Favorite
[69] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[70] => Broken address: , Sioux City Iowa - Favorite
[71] => Broken address: , Kiel Wisconsin - Favorite
[72] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[73] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[74] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[75] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[76] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[77] => Broken address: , Clintonville Wisconsin - Favorite
[78] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[79] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[80] => Broken address: , Fincastle Virginia - Favorite
[81] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[82] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[83] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[84] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[85] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[86] => Broken address: , Babylon New York - Favorite
[87] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[88] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[89] => Broken address: Please contact funeral home for details., - Favorite
[90] => Broken address: , Waunakee Wisconsin - Favorite
[91] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[92] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[93] => Broken address: , Ontario Wisconsin - Favorite
[94] => Broken address: Jefferson Street, Richland Center Wisconsin - Favorite
[95] => Broken address: -, St. Cloud Minnesota - Favorite
[is_good] =>
[last_updated] => 2018-06-25 15:20:10
[passare_customer_token] =>
[] =>
[calculator] => Array
[roi] => Array
[data] => Array
[type] => funeral_home
[city] => Mason City
[state] => Iowa
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[report] =>
[options] => {
"disposition": {
"step": "disposition",
"question": "How would you like the body to be handled?",
"options": [
"value": "burial_entombment",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"text": "Burial\/Entombment",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "cremation",
"icon": "fa-burn",
"text": "Cremation",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"gathering": {
"question": "Would you like a gathering with family & friends?",
"options": [
"value": "gathering",
"icon": "fa-users",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_gathering",
"icon": "fa-users-slash",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"memorial_service": {
"question": "Would you like a memorial service?",
"options": [
"value": "memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-praying-hands",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-ban",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"urn": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of urn would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "Temporary",
"icon": "fa-archway",
"description": "Temporary container for transporting the ashes",
"prices": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-building",
"description": "Basic, functional urn for burial or entombment",
"prices": [
"value": "decorative",
"text": "Decorative",
"icon": "fa-church",
"description": "Beautiful urn for long term display and decoration",
"prices": [
"casket": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of casket would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-portrait",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-coffin",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-coffin-cross",
"prices": [
"burial": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "How would you like the casket to be buried?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-landscape",
"description": "Simple, flat marker in low cost cemetery and basic to no liner\/vault.",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-tombstone-alt",
"description": "Basic, upright headstone in an average cost cemetery with average burial vault",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-monument",
"description": "Fancy, upright headstone in a private cemetery with a premium burial vault",
"prices": [
"permanent_placement": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What would you like to do with the ashes?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "No Permanent Placement",
"icon": "fa-home",
"description": "Keep the ashes at home or wait to make a final decision",
"prices": [
"value": "mausoleum",
"text": "Mausoleum",
"icon": "fa-landmark",
"description": "The ashes will be held in a niche within a mausoleum",
"prices": [
"value": "burial",
"text": "Cemetery Burial",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"description": "The ashes will be buried in a cemetery with a marker",
"prices": [
"complete": []
[name] => Brian Cataldo
[registerer] => 201617
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[11] => 50
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[16] => 55
[17] => 56
[18] => 57
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[21] => 60
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[24] => 63
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[31] => 50
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[33] => 52
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[35] => 54
[36] => 55
[37] => 56
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[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[read_required_class] =>
[flash_path] =>
[remembrance_path] =>
[resource_path] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[img_path] =>
[domain] =>
[host] =>
[modelNames] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[3] => User
[4] => User
[5] => PlansUser
[6] => PlansUser
[base] =>
[layout] => metro
[autoRender] => 1
[autoLayout] => 1
[Component] => Component Object
[__controllerVars] => Array
[plugin] =>
[name] => FacebookDetective
[base] =>
[_loaded] => Array
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[_primary] => Array
[0] => Auth
[1] => Session
[2] => Cookie
[3] => Util
[4] => EmailService
[__settings] => Array
[view] => View
[ext] => .ctp
[output] =>
[plugin] =>
[cacheAction] =>
[persistModel] =>
[passedArgs] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[scaffold] =>
[methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[modelClass] => FbStat
[modelKey] => facebook_detective
[validationErrors] =>
[__httpCodes] =>
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[FbStat] => FbStat Object
[name] => FbStat
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[0] => page_stories
[1] => page_storytellers
[2] => page_impressions
[3] => page_impressions_unique
[4] => page_impressions_organic
[5] => page_impressions_viral
[6] => page_engaged_users
[7] => page_consumptions
[8] => page_negative_feedback
[9] => page_fans
[10] => page_fan_adds
[11] => page_fan_removes
[12] => page_friends_of_fans
[13] => page_views
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_stats
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_stats
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[stats] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[end_time] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbStat
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_stats] => FbStat
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbStat
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[FbRank] => FbRank Object
[name] => FbRank
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[metric] => page_fans
[key] => Page Fans
[details] => The total number of fans
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[metric] => page_engaged_users
[key] => Engagement
[details] => The number of people who engaged with your page or content
[page_storytellers] => Array
[metric] => page_stories
[key] => Page Stories
[details] => When someone likes, comments or shares your post it creates a new story
[page_impressions] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_unique
[query] => page_impressions_unique
[key] => Reach
[details] => The number of people who were exposed to your page or content
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_viral
[key] => Virality
[details] => The number of people who were virally exposed to your page or content
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[metric] => page_storytellers_by_age_gender
[key] => Demographics
[details] => The percent of people engaged within your target demographic
[metrics] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[period] => lifetime
[label] => Total page fans
[page_storytellers] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Talking about your page
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total engaged fans
[page_impressions] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total views
[page_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total viral views
[page_impressions_viral_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached virally
[page_impressions_organic] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total organic views
[page_impressions_organic_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached organically
[page_views] => Array
[period] => day
[label] => Total views of your Facebook Page
[page_posts_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total people to see any of your posts
[page_stories] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total stories created by fans
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Engaged user by age and gender
[page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Page impressions by age and gender
[page_negative_feedback] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Negative feedback actions
[negative_feedback_rate] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Rate of negative feedback
[fan_penetration_organic] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Percent of fans reached organically
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_ranks
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_ranks
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[page_storytellers] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_fans] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[rank] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[cases] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[history] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[pending] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 1
[error] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbRank
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_ranks] => FbRank
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbRank
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[1] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[11] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/webroot/index.php
[line] => 83
[function] => dispatch
[class] => Dispatcher
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[previous:Exception:private] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookAuthenticationException Object
[message:protected] => Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.
[string:Exception:private] =>
[code:protected] => 190
[file:protected] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Exceptions/FacebookResponseException.php
[line:protected] => 89
[trace:Exception:private] => Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 210
[function] => create
[class] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookResponse Object
[httpStatusCode:protected] => 400
[headers:protected] => Array
[error-mid] => 3b61b1893bdda23cc09efe288a53acdf
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[cross-origin-resource-policy] => cross-origin
[x-app-usage] => {"call_count":0,"total_cputime":0,"total_time":0}
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[www-authenticate] => OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user."
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000; preload
[pragma] => no-cache
[cache-control] => no-store
[expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
[x-fb-request-id] => A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI
[x-fb-trace-id] => AGZwYWejg/m
[x-fb-rev] => 1020321434
[x-fb-debug] => oJuGiyGHRvoleojO/niNI1L1tqdyhQ9WGxjaMTTMz/FS9xtg8ry2SBw+pDm7WMSwEuawa5HABuBvfU806gCktA==
[content-length] => 228
[date] => Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:24:10 GMT
[proxy-status] => http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcK6hgsSq8eqrMBUIG_GLgESX49Gip2ZJBK_tZWYmCKb0lFhFiTtgeO53oXt"; e_fb_requesttime="AcKLSWGH6KP8OyFdSMM5GytAjk0HRgSIlHEBQQrHIuVpKAWA0nktVhV9l2yyHYfvfdA-i-JTYA"; e_proxy="AcJxHNoKPJmIBDqON4ss46eRzJyWEKjQacbv7ei00_jvChfObQNX4AksnMjOGXTbZikjkxVwpKYA50J2R4Q"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcLrX3GFGl1oioLhZzR366mKMUYwVkw3HFvfAl_V32CgaZRgsOciMlfaVozwo2cY2b8lDxlFsiXeSs8CZ6aEDpLiRICS3roUFAl93S1WzI7_P7k"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcJyCWL0u8FDxwngyDV--LgLcZSCkuGkceSzqPWH68JIqT_a2hTvJ53PleQv"; e_upip="AcJPjHRVgikQlNX1MkXzSEatdYvzQ0aw5qS-nifMvnxQq0eC32LN6-0LXXNDo358rCH1s58JGM-L7J4ilPQ3kRY2UBGp16hFEX5u"; e_fb_zone="AcJ7XB8SJU7FTxqeZ6iYz0ph3YOJcgKoss9Q7GtfAsbN6vKSeC6lpN8jbkDKNj8B"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcJJVErm-ISjTQoI7ORlCJam-zgIDlrUFgG6QooaEGDY8_R9RkXfEFgCSLsYL_8DSssg4gm-NpZ9iBrHS3k8Ht4RUVFON4W1j4A"; e_fb_httpversion="AcKrg8XqeonXZ3HIWpG1BXLHXznlk35o2S9NwuvLq8hPGVlQzE9SuzeIlpAv"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcIPVGbocpPNltVqmLoAFcZ7hh3OVTOGHXV1nY5ZX0S4XppRVlFFRoTl2vas6tkG4YFViaotVcE"; e_fb_configversion="AcJ3xvhYTFOGjPlB5u7ZNtHUpVMN8qGGpAertJq9UOgCQ7lB-wliAY1gmdSl9g"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcLiICT1G3mZRyPa9GacKFtY1-x_oSTABgnrAR-sFDRJ9qe5a6mGfVKuyO3K4O3hgplvREAQVFF5ptFUQLyrubSgUs5-fnyc"; e_fb_hostheader="AcLZpZLCJQh5H-hu8KScbAX94DA4oga2oyQvbERqLhKj02z4w9_xCkuvnL5BtoiU6eo-tZn31XNndJi-"; e_fb_builduser="AcIkOn-B6BvV1qzrc_UdmxhnQZZF2V4PG654EuBelmVboBelwePorKk0FxVzfUNMq6o"; e_fb_vipport="AcIqq8hgOo54EQzevr_Zff0Bwx4tmst9_JUwEYhutXQZUKuzAc2C6S1tkIij"; e_clientaddr="AcJMit-sjfdxujfqYb4BJ5uRVbNkWyDfXPEzHfnJq5aqtLa5y5giOGy0DOe85Pa4AYlEjq6g464Qn2y_N0pVCIRVS4muvqd1s22ZId1-uXTFIku-hA", http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcKxs9RvHS6mPgMjcDLLad6BraG9ebPMipNiX_bkQvE4EBoRDLs4JPGnEsw9"; e_fb_requesttime="AcJy6Yxn1Fi4if34Poz0rGMGf6O1HplMPHSgRRb8-NgpXuYYw2szdrP9YA3Z8n4sTrXEQp0dDg"; e_proxy="AcKEYI9UbaxggnH5dfstKfwDPNYR9bT2YCVQdmpllc3laemvCk1bmIYUPh5TtEu27p1ZHsKVAqdgH4M"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcJ04vJd5CImcMpMNoSh67uMpKYc46_pWgzM_0p70tGIAEeMGZcxLDDe3R0djIaTUFnNQebQeobU8JrORjVAMRYdHNXe8Wm5RH78Wg"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcKpI9rVppxlKEpzpQzIKylqofCa9Nrq2U3F4YHYgNWvetrj65sXk409SA"; e_upip="AcIkifLztb8d65XPBM-xwGC7rY0JcWc6r0toHlUZVR8ZkFgi1Am01NjJVOI39cagcm2O2HZdM4YEckDUWR38uOQ1h15eyb2D"; e_fb_zone="AcJx0dUmrUf36u9DOBkO7_5qvoChVfyq9LkDung7yFule0ydeomlkPbcdjxDiw"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcKA9MLMHMVZLKjtQUdWSitVdXtM85qWl4CZ6uBV85bfgxHKbmtm2ZlDM24WKRTz5JW7xak6AEMuB_38v8j5jZKkXj5GL2qGDoI"; e_fb_httpversion="AcIn8zi-jIMr22tVeW5XTgrjwjMWdO69hqPhUdviSyraiZiuoxheO07_EYuO"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcIz9yT-84GBNyBLAGh1mCuXoOwIS5_XIarPLooKfp6ZDvjJiH-7btV6Oc8SMUhf4Cc2nkKuofQ"; e_fb_configversion="AcKgRkTX5VSbQ31DrS_CLBR6ypqW5OaM2EnXYO2q9td77pu5FaaJoQPpth2YzA"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcK9zwM3GJHewhJ5SYbeiKa8FBWzfz8MCntUdoEnegRjhhIZlmlpgfVZBjn9G2MJRHA79IyECuw"; e_fb_hostheader="AcLmkNZ0-Mg4xvJHR6lD7YGlMyG7lQdM0fXUUxs9QLUqxmYRbQR6zlTcRlH3iuXSAzE9YW2lU1LKouUh"; e_fb_builduser="AcJemduKnp1km479vmu_pmW5nxt2ATtfcr13IWlezX1ppYO-8cRs7dYkjMRe9W3a-C0"; e_fb_vipport="AcIXjsU_1ADRSYKjpDLK3yVMK4GBnT0fdp0ZSsZghDgeLNejqjoRsOyvCDrx"; e_clientaddr="AcKpmFoQhTKBOYgJyCbZPyfykX6wvPFjZwTDkHRukt7wgvpU2JDRIZM_cRuKH3vfuUNznQuaXY_Ts8N0NhQ"
[x-fb-connection-quality] => EXCELLENT; q=0.9, rtt=6, rtx=0, c=10, mss=1380, tbw=3534, tp=-1, tpl=-1, uplat=120, ullat=0
[alt-svc] => h3=":443"; ma=86400
[body:protected] => {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.","type":"OAuthException","code":190,"error_subcode":464,"fbtrace_id":"A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI"}}
[decodedBody:protected] => Array
[error] => Array
[message] => Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.
[type] => OAuthException
[code] => 190
[error_subcode] => 464
[fbtrace_id] => A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI
[request:protected] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /464431616970971?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[thrownException:protected] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException Object
[1] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 255
[function] => makeException
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[2] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 82
[function] => decodeBody
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[3] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookClient.php
[line] => 225
[function] => __construct
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /464431616970971?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[1] => {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user.","type":"OAuthException","code":190,"error_subcode":464,"fbtrace_id":"A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI"}}
[2] => 400
[3] => Array
[error-mid] => 3b61b1893bdda23cc09efe288a53acdf
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[cross-origin-resource-policy] => cross-origin
[x-app-usage] => {"call_count":0,"total_cputime":0,"total_time":0}
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[www-authenticate] => OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Error validating access token: Sessions for the user are not allowed because the user is not a confirmed user."
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000; preload
[pragma] => no-cache
[cache-control] => no-store
[expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
[x-fb-request-id] => A_iRrsTCm7PtFAHCzQEkjvI
[x-fb-trace-id] => AGZwYWejg/m
[x-fb-rev] => 1020321434
[x-fb-debug] => oJuGiyGHRvoleojO/niNI1L1tqdyhQ9WGxjaMTTMz/FS9xtg8ry2SBw+pDm7WMSwEuawa5HABuBvfU806gCktA==
[content-length] => 228
[date] => Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:24:10 GMT
[proxy-status] => http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcK6hgsSq8eqrMBUIG_GLgESX49Gip2ZJBK_tZWYmCKb0lFhFiTtgeO53oXt"; e_fb_requesttime="AcKLSWGH6KP8OyFdSMM5GytAjk0HRgSIlHEBQQrHIuVpKAWA0nktVhV9l2yyHYfvfdA-i-JTYA"; e_proxy="AcJxHNoKPJmIBDqON4ss46eRzJyWEKjQacbv7ei00_jvChfObQNX4AksnMjOGXTbZikjkxVwpKYA50J2R4Q"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcLrX3GFGl1oioLhZzR366mKMUYwVkw3HFvfAl_V32CgaZRgsOciMlfaVozwo2cY2b8lDxlFsiXeSs8CZ6aEDpLiRICS3roUFAl93S1WzI7_P7k"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcJyCWL0u8FDxwngyDV--LgLcZSCkuGkceSzqPWH68JIqT_a2hTvJ53PleQv"; e_upip="AcJPjHRVgikQlNX1MkXzSEatdYvzQ0aw5qS-nifMvnxQq0eC32LN6-0LXXNDo358rCH1s58JGM-L7J4ilPQ3kRY2UBGp16hFEX5u"; e_fb_zone="AcJ7XB8SJU7FTxqeZ6iYz0ph3YOJcgKoss9Q7GtfAsbN6vKSeC6lpN8jbkDKNj8B"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcJJVErm-ISjTQoI7ORlCJam-zgIDlrUFgG6QooaEGDY8_R9RkXfEFgCSLsYL_8DSssg4gm-NpZ9iBrHS3k8Ht4RUVFON4W1j4A"; e_fb_httpversion="AcKrg8XqeonXZ3HIWpG1BXLHXznlk35o2S9NwuvLq8hPGVlQzE9SuzeIlpAv"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcIPVGbocpPNltVqmLoAFcZ7hh3OVTOGHXV1nY5ZX0S4XppRVlFFRoTl2vas6tkG4YFViaotVcE"; e_fb_configversion="AcJ3xvhYTFOGjPlB5u7ZNtHUpVMN8qGGpAertJq9UOgCQ7lB-wliAY1gmdSl9g"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcLiICT1G3mZRyPa9GacKFtY1-x_oSTABgnrAR-sFDRJ9qe5a6mGfVKuyO3K4O3hgplvREAQVFF5ptFUQLyrubSgUs5-fnyc"; e_fb_hostheader="AcLZpZLCJQh5H-hu8KScbAX94DA4oga2oyQvbERqLhKj02z4w9_xCkuvnL5BtoiU6eo-tZn31XNndJi-"; e_fb_builduser="AcIkOn-B6BvV1qzrc_UdmxhnQZZF2V4PG654EuBelmVboBelwePorKk0FxVzfUNMq6o"; e_fb_vipport="AcIqq8hgOo54EQzevr_Zff0Bwx4tmst9_JUwEYhutXQZUKuzAc2C6S1tkIij"; e_clientaddr="AcJMit-sjfdxujfqYb4BJ5uRVbNkWyDfXPEzHfnJq5aqtLa5y5giOGy0DOe85Pa4AYlEjq6g464Qn2y_N0pVCIRVS4muvqd1s22ZId1-uXTFIku-hA", http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcKxs9RvHS6mPgMjcDLLad6BraG9ebPMipNiX_bkQvE4EBoRDLs4JPGnEsw9"; e_fb_requesttime="AcJy6Yxn1Fi4if34Poz0rGMGf6O1HplMPHSgRRb8-NgpXuYYw2szdrP9YA3Z8n4sTrXEQp0dDg"; e_proxy="AcKEYI9UbaxggnH5dfstKfwDPNYR9bT2YCVQdmpllc3laemvCk1bmIYUPh5TtEu27p1ZHsKVAqdgH4M"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcJ04vJd5CImcMpMNoSh67uMpKYc46_pWgzM_0p70tGIAEeMGZcxLDDe3R0djIaTUFnNQebQeobU8JrORjVAMRYdHNXe8Wm5RH78Wg"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcKpI9rVppxlKEpzpQzIKylqofCa9Nrq2U3F4YHYgNWvetrj65sXk409SA"; e_upip="AcIkifLztb8d65XPBM-xwGC7rY0JcWc6r0toHlUZVR8ZkFgi1Am01NjJVOI39cagcm2O2HZdM4YEckDUWR38uOQ1h15eyb2D"; e_fb_zone="AcJx0dUmrUf36u9DOBkO7_5qvoChVfyq9LkDung7yFule0ydeomlkPbcdjxDiw"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcKA9MLMHMVZLKjtQUdWSitVdXtM85qWl4CZ6uBV85bfgxHKbmtm2ZlDM24WKRTz5JW7xak6AEMuB_38v8j5jZKkXj5GL2qGDoI"; e_fb_httpversion="AcIn8zi-jIMr22tVeW5XTgrjwjMWdO69hqPhUdviSyraiZiuoxheO07_EYuO"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcIz9yT-84GBNyBLAGh1mCuXoOwIS5_XIarPLooKfp6ZDvjJiH-7btV6Oc8SMUhf4Cc2nkKuofQ"; e_fb_configversion="AcKgRkTX5VSbQ31DrS_CLBR6ypqW5OaM2EnXYO2q9td77pu5FaaJoQPpth2YzA"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcK9zwM3GJHewhJ5SYbeiKa8FBWzfz8MCntUdoEnegRjhhIZlmlpgfVZBjn9G2MJRHA79IyECuw"; e_fb_hostheader="AcLmkNZ0-Mg4xvJHR6lD7YGlMyG7lQdM0fXUUxs9QLUqxmYRbQR6zlTcRlH3iuXSAzE9YW2lU1LKouUh"; e_fb_builduser="AcJemduKnp1km479vmu_pmW5nxt2ATtfcr13IWlezX1ppYO-8cRs7dYkjMRe9W3a-C0"; e_fb_vipport="AcIXjsU_1ADRSYKjpDLK3yVMK4GBnT0fdp0ZSsZghDgeLNejqjoRsOyvCDrx"; e_clientaddr="AcKpmFoQhTKBOYgJyCbZPyfykX6wvPFjZwTDkHRukt7wgvpU2JDRIZM_cRuKH3vfuUNznQuaXY_Ts8N0NhQ"
[x-fb-connection-quality] => EXCELLENT; q=0.9, rtt=6, rtx=0, c=10, mss=1380, tbw=3534, tp=-1, tpl=-1, uplat=120, ullat=0
[alt-svc] => h3=":443"; ma=86400
[4] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Facebook.php
[line] => 469
[function] => sendRequest
[class] => Facebook\FacebookClient
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /464431616970971?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[5] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Facebook.php
[line] => 342
[function] => sendRequest
[class] => Facebook\Facebook
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => GET
[1] => /464431616970971?fields=about,id,location
[2] => Array
[3] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[4] =>
[5] =>
[6] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/controllers/components/facebook_graph.php
[line] => 44
[function] => get
[class] => Facebook\Facebook
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => /464431616970971?fields=about,id,location
[1] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[7] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/controllers/facebook_detective_controller.php
[line] => 301
[function] => api
[class] => FacebookGraphComponent
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => CAACr7043c0YBACU9Y8gF5n3WPmGlLSEsKnmcPR2GLFsugM1ZAqNHFSHJJCWhvyfixjZCSWPH5B8y1EcpiKds1mx3Qpp4PIbNYQclR9tt8f9ZCAeQQ6ZBJmk36syaNhcyNLRh7P39wYtVad8GxI5r1cZBCByTvlYp71tHc4mWrJWFYPQE4WuTNMBwi5PGbkg0ZD
[1] => GET
[2] => /464431616970971?fields=about,id,location
[8] => Array
[function] => rankings
[class] => FacebookDetectiveController
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[9] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/cake/dispatcher.php
[line] => 204
[function] => call_user_func_array
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[name] => FacebookDetective
[uses] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[components] => Array
[Auth] =>
[Session] =>
[Cookie] =>
[Util] =>
[EmailService] =>
[helpers] => Array
[Asset.asset] =>
[Session] =>
[Html] =>
[Javascript] =>
[Form] =>
[Text] =>
[Numbers] =>
[title] => Websites and software for funeral homes | Funeral Innovations
[salt] => m0num3nts
[is_dev] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[UserAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[here] => /power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[webroot] => /
[action] => rankings
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[data] =>
[paginate] => Array
[limit] => 20
[page] => 1
[viewPath] => facebook_detective
[layoutPath] =>
[viewVars] => Array
[index] => 12
[rank] => Array
[FbRank] => Array
[id] => 408
[user_id] => 201744
[page_storytellers] => 1968
[page_impressions] => 26228
[page_impressions_viral] => 50740
[page_engaged_users] => 5223
[page_fans] => 3177
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 57
[rank] => 13
[cases] =>
[history] => Array
[0] => Array
[total] => 368
[page_fans] => 180
[page_engaged_users] => 41
[page_storytellers] => 36
[page_impressions] => 58
[page_impressions_viral] => 53
[rank] => 59
[date] => May 9, 2014
[1] => Array
[total] => 426
[page_fans] => 186
[page_engaged_users] => 32
[page_storytellers] => 62
[page_impressions] => 97
[page_impressions_viral] => 49
[rank] => 71
[date] => July 7, 2014
[2] => Array
[total] => 210
[page_fans] => 127
[page_engaged_users] => 4
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 63
[page_impressions_viral] => 3
[rank] => 28
[date] => July 19, 2014
[3] => Array
[total] => 212
[page_fans] => 129
[page_engaged_users] => 4
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 63
[page_impressions_viral] => 3
[rank] => 27
[date] => August 3, 2014
[4] => Array
[total] => 171
[page_fans] => 93
[page_engaged_users] => 16
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 39
[page_impressions_viral] => 10
[rank] => 19
[date] => August 22, 2014
[5] => Array
[total] => 174
[page_fans] => 83
[page_engaged_users] => 28
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 27
[page_impressions_viral] => 23
[rank] => 18
[date] => September 10, 2014
[6] => Array
[total] => 315
[page_fans] => 74
[page_engaged_users] => 75
[page_storytellers] => 14
[page_impressions] => 58
[page_impressions_viral] => 94
[rank] => 41
[date] => October 21, 2014
[7] => Array
[total] => 352
[page_fans] => 61
[page_engaged_users] => 32
[page_storytellers] => 55
[page_impressions] => 43
[page_impressions_viral] => 27
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 134
[rank] => 43
[date] => December 28, 2014
[8] => Array
[total] => 362
[page_fans] => 48
[page_engaged_users] => 48
[page_storytellers] => 55
[page_impressions] => 83
[page_impressions_viral] => 65
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 63
[rank] => 28
[date] => February 13, 2015
[9] => Array
[total] => 307
[page_fans] => 39
[page_engaged_users] => 22
[page_storytellers] => 40
[page_impressions] => 40
[page_impressions_viral] => 25
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 141
[rank] => 26
[date] => April 22, 2015
[10] => Array
[total] => 239
[page_fans] => 20
[page_engaged_users] => 8
[page_storytellers] => 15
[page_impressions] => 28
[page_impressions_viral] => 10
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 158
[rank] => 7
[date] => September 14, 2016
[11] => Array
[total] => 204
[page_fans] => 19
[page_engaged_users] => 5
[page_storytellers] => 11
[page_impressions] => 19
[page_impressions_viral] => 7
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 143
[rank] => 3
[date] => May 16, 2017
[12] => Array
[total] => 262
[page_fans] => 14
[page_engaged_users] => 7
[page_storytellers] => 10
[page_impressions] => 23
[page_impressions_viral] => 20
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 188
[rank] => 13
[date] => June 2, 2020
[pending] => 0
[error] => 0
[created] => 2014-04-08 14:10:33
[modified] => 2014-04-08 14:10:33
[User] => Array
[id] => 201744
[SalesforceId] =>
[SFOfficialCompanyName] =>
[username] =>
[password] => 4e94d59311dcffcbd5a6021947a94cf559af9caf
[email] =>
[first_name] => D. Mark
[last_name] => Adams
[company_name] => Voss & Sons, Inc
[company_url] =>
[domain_id] =>
[site_id] =>
[slug] =>
[address] => 316 N Chestnut St
[city] => Seymour
[state] => Indiana
[zip] => 47274
[phone] => 812-522-5558
[last_login] =>
[active] => 1
[company_id] => 201744
[facebook_id] => 464431616970971
[ad_account] =>
[facebook_user_id] =>
[stripe_customer_id] => cus_3uLbB0K0J9B5mm
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[immediate_need_confirmation] => We are here for you.
We are sorry for your loss. If you have not already spoken with us and need immediate attention, please call us at (612-599-6666) anytime. Your email request will be responded to only during business hours.
We consider it an honor and privilege to care for you and your family.
[dashboard_welcome] => We are here for you.
Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting for you to know that others care. You are in good hands at Funeral Innovations Admin, and we value the trust you have placed in us. To make things a little easier for you, we have included some helpful information and next steps.
[next_steps] => Dear {{first_name}},
First we want to thank you for trusting Funeral Innovations Admin to help care for {{deceased_first_name}}, and honor their life. As you begin to sort through the next steps, it can be overwhelming thinking about what needs to be done and in what order. Rest assured that we understand and are here for you to lean on.
To make things a little easier, we have outlined some useful tools, and information, to guide you. These tools are available within this private, secure, area of our website known as your Family Portal. We will guide your through a few simple steps that will help celebrate a life well lived and help make our time together as efficient as possible.
Once you have rested, there are a few items that will be helpful to us. Whatever you are able to gather, please bring to the meeting with the Funeral Innovations Admin director.
A list of these items are as follows:
Social Security Number of deceased.
Parents’ names, including mother’s maiden name.
Clothing, glasses, and any jewelry that is to be worn, including full set of underclothing. Shoes are optional.
Contact church if applicable.
Picture for newspaper and for cosmetics.
Ideas and information for the obituary.
If a veteran, military discharge papers.
[home] => Your Family Portal
To help you effectively manage your loved one's remembrance page, Funeral Innovations Admin offers you this exclusive Family Portal. Through your Family Portal, you can:
View, edit or remove tributes and photos posted by friends and loved ones
Select your preferred flowers and gifts through the Healing Registry
Track flower and gift purchases made through the remembrance page
Your login password was sent to you within your Family Portal welcome email. If you have any questions, please contact , or call (612-599-6666).
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[email] => Array
[new_account] => Hi {{first_name}},
Our deepest sympathies go to you and your family. Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting to know that we care. It is our honor and privilege to care for your loved one, along with all your family members.
We will be calling you soon to learn more about your preferences and to share information about your options to care for and remember your loved one.
When we call you, we will ask you to suggest a time to meet with a funeral director. It might be helpful for you to rest a bit or to give your family time to arrive from out of the area. You might want to attend this meeting with family, a friend or a clergy member that will be supporting you. Please keep in mind that we can meet anywhere you would be most comfortable, at the funeral home, at your home or at your church if you prefer. Either way, we are here for you and will make every accommodation to meet at your convenience.
Quite often families use this time to begin sharing memories and photos. Our Family Portal provides guidance on the next steps and allows you to invite family members to begin sharing memories and photos online. By adding family members, we will have it on record to communicate as needed. We encourage you, or someone in your family, to complete these simple steps before the arrangement conference.
To access the Family Portal:
Go to
Login using
Email: {{email}}
Call anytime, day or night if you have a question or want help. Some people find a lot of helpful information on our website, .
Warm Regards,
Family & Staff Members of Funeral Innovations Admin
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[twilio_phone] => 15153053851
[facebook_page_name] => FI Test
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[0] => 2018-09-21 09:44:02
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[39] => 2018-09-28 13:39:23
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[55] => 2018-10-03 08:18:29
[56] => 2018-10-03 11:10:15
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[61] => 2018-10-04 08:53:53
[62] => 2018-10-04 08:54:18
[63] => 2018-10-04 10:25:39
[64] => 2018-10-04 13:59:06
[65] => 2018-10-05 15:13:34
[66] => 2018-10-08 08:17:50
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[73] => 2018-10-09 08:09:46
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[76] => 2018-10-09 08:34:51
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[78] => 2018-10-09 08:47:46
[79] => 2018-10-15 11:18:09
[80] => 2018-10-15 14:56:20
[81] => 2018-10-22 08:47:35
[82] => 2018-10-22 17:06:34
[83] => 2018-10-22 17:16:44
[84] => 2018-10-23 10:15:18
[85] => 2018-10-23 11:18:26
[86] => 2018-10-23 11:33:28
[87] => 2018-10-24 10:36:32
[88] => 2018-10-24 21:30:01
[89] => 2018-10-25 09:28:48
[90] => 2018-10-25 10:21:56
[91] => 2018-10-25 10:34:18
[92] => 2018-10-25 10:35:15
[93] => 2018-10-25 10:59:04
[94] => 2018-10-25 10:59:17
[95] => 2018-10-25 12:23:54
[96] => 2018-10-25 12:26:57
[97] => 2018-10-25 14:49:56
[98] => 2018-10-26 09:47:48
[99] => 2018-10-26 09:53:12
[100] => 2018-10-26 14:14:56
[101] => 2018-10-26 14:45:23
[102] => 2018-10-26 15:01:13
[103] => 2018-10-26 15:35:09
[104] => 2018-10-26 15:42:30
[105] => 2018-10-26 15:46:30
[106] => 2018-10-26 15:58:09
[107] => 2018-10-28 16:32:48
[108] => 2018-10-29 09:25:51
[109] => 2018-10-29 09:52:26
[110] => 2018-10-29 09:57:51
[111] => 2018-10-29 12:32:48
[112] => 2018-10-29 13:28:19
[113] => 2018-10-29 13:34:07
[114] => 2018-10-29 14:41:52
[115] => 2018-10-29 15:41:01
[116] => 2018-10-29 15:51:50
[117] => 2018-10-30 11:15:36
[118] => 2018-10-30 11:46:44
[119] => 2018-10-30 15:12:05
[120] => 2018-10-30 15:12:26
[121] => 2018-10-30 15:12:43
[122] => 2018-10-30 15:16:29
[123] => 2018-10-30 15:58:18
[124] => 2018-10-31 08:44:32
[125] => 2018-10-31 09:18:40
[126] => 2018-10-31 09:39:06
[127] => 2018-10-31 10:05:10
[128] => 2018-10-31 12:20:32
[129] => 2018-10-31 12:57:18
[130] => 2018-11-01 10:43:43
[131] => 2018-11-01 11:54:21
[132] => 2018-11-01 14:40:31
[133] => 2018-11-02 08:42:24
[134] => 2018-11-02 10:24:49
[135] => 2018-11-02 11:47:51
[136] => 2018-11-02 12:05:15
[137] => 2018-11-02 12:20:48
[138] => 2018-11-02 12:21:11
[139] => 2018-11-02 13:39:23
[140] => 2018-11-02 13:42:36
[141] => 2018-11-02 14:02:54
[142] => 2018-11-02 14:18:48
[143] => 2018-11-02 14:20:22
[144] => 2018-11-02 14:30:08
[145] => 2018-11-05 08:21:29
[146] => 2018-11-05 11:03:30
[147] => 2018-11-05 11:04:15
[148] => 2018-11-05 14:24:09
[149] => 2018-11-06 08:30:25
[150] => 2018-11-06 09:56:02
[151] => 2018-11-06 15:12:39
[152] => 2018-11-06 15:51:31
[153] => 2018-11-07 09:39:53
[154] => 2018-11-08 08:37:35
[155] => 2018-11-08 09:16:31
[156] => 2018-11-08 10:06:08
[157] => 2018-11-08 14:39:22
[158] => 2018-11-08 14:40:35
[159] => 2018-11-08 15:04:28
[160] => 2018-11-09 09:02:12
[161] => 2018-11-09 09:08:03
[162] => 2018-11-09 09:47:02
[163] => 2018-11-09 14:07:49
[164] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[165] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[166] => 2018-11-09 15:23:33
[167] => 2018-11-09 15:33:48
[168] => 2018-11-12 08:51:01
[169] => 2018-11-12 10:18:23
[170] => 2018-11-12 10:39:17
[171] => 2018-11-12 10:41:25
[172] => 2018-11-12 13:46:00
[173] => 2018-11-12 15:46:42
[174] => 2018-11-12 16:02:18
[175] => 2018-11-12 16:26:57
[176] => 2018-11-12 20:01:56
[177] => 2018-11-12 20:37:47
[178] => 2018-11-13 12:27:27
[179] => 2018-11-14 09:46:25
[180] => 2018-11-14 11:30:37
[181] => 2018-11-14 13:03:43
[182] => 2018-11-14 13:11:42
[183] => 2018-11-14 13:18:52
[184] => 2018-11-14 13:26:53
[185] => 2018-11-14 13:48:10
[186] => 2018-11-14 15:41:29
[187] => 2018-11-15 08:45:54
[188] => 2018-11-15 11:50:26
[189] => 2018-11-15 12:11:54
[190] => 2018-11-15 13:08:53
[191] => 2018-11-15 13:11:28
[192] => 2018-11-15 13:11:59
[193] => 2018-11-15 13:51:21
[194] => 2018-11-15 13:55:25
[195] => 2018-11-15 15:39:59
[196] => 2018-11-15 15:44:03
[197] => 2018-11-15 15:45:26
[198] => 2018-11-15 16:20:46
[199] => 2018-11-16 07:58:45
[200] => 2018-11-16 08:04:34
[201] => 2018-11-16 08:35:25
[202] => 2018-11-16 08:37:56
[203] => 2018-11-16 08:38:34
[204] => 2018-11-16 08:42:08
[205] => 2018-11-16 09:34:16
[206] => 2018-11-16 11:06:05
[207] => 2018-11-16 11:33:47
[208] => 2018-11-16 11:57:02
[209] => 2018-11-16 12:28:54
[210] => 2018-11-16 14:27:59
[211] => 2018-11-16 14:51:12
[212] => 2018-11-16 15:09:16
[213] => 2018-11-16 15:10:09
[214] => 2018-11-16 15:30:26
[215] => 2018-11-16 15:39:18
[216] => 2018-11-16 15:45:31
[217] => 2018-11-16 16:04:07
[218] => 2018-11-16 16:05:04
[219] => 2018-11-16 16:05:18
[220] => 2018-11-16 16:07:12
[221] => 2018-11-16 16:10:18
[222] => 2018-11-16 16:10:58
[223] => 2018-11-16 16:17:38
[224] => 2018-11-16 16:18:44
[225] => 2018-11-16 16:19:28
[226] => 2018-11-19 10:06:24
[227] => 2018-11-19 11:17:31
[228] => 2018-11-19 11:18:12
[229] => 2018-11-19 11:20:55
[230] => 2018-11-20 08:08:14
[231] => 2018-11-20 08:12:58
[232] => 2018-11-20 08:13:20
[233] => 2018-11-20 08:19:20
[234] => 2018-11-20 08:26:10
[235] => 2018-11-20 09:54:00
[236] => 2018-11-20 09:54:11
[237] => 2018-11-20 10:28:50
[238] => 2018-11-21 10:42:41
[239] => 2018-11-26 08:01:08
[240] => 2018-11-26 08:02:30
[241] => 2018-11-26 08:43:23
[242] => 2018-11-26 08:52:46
[243] => 2018-11-26 09:02:15
[244] => 2018-11-26 09:33:53
[245] => 2018-11-26 09:37:10
[246] => 2018-11-26 09:41:08
[247] => 2018-11-26 09:49:32
[248] => 2018-11-26 09:55:15
[249] => 2018-11-26 10:02:22
[250] => 2018-11-26 10:48:56
[251] => 2018-11-26 11:38:53
[252] => 2018-11-26 11:39:18
[253] => 2018-11-26 11:41:51
[254] => 2018-11-26 11:43:43
[255] => 2018-11-26 11:47:47
[256] => 2018-11-26 11:51:45
[257] => 2018-11-26 12:56:30
[258] => 2018-11-26 15:54:32
[259] => 2018-11-26 15:54:42
[260] => 2018-11-26 16:25:14
[261] => 2018-11-27 08:17:21
[262] => 2018-11-27 08:23:33
[263] => 2018-11-27 09:41:36
[264] => 2018-11-27 10:16:18
[265] => 2018-11-27 11:22:51
[266] => 2018-11-27 11:24:03
[267] => 2018-11-27 12:01:32
[268] => 2018-11-27 13:22:16
[269] => 2018-11-27 15:24:42
[270] => 2018-11-27 16:18:11
[271] => 2018-11-28 08:28:11
[272] => 2018-11-28 09:04:21
[273] => 2018-11-28 09:33:44
[274] => 2018-11-28 09:35:02
[275] => 2018-11-28 09:38:46
[276] => 2018-11-28 09:42:41
[277] => 2018-11-28 09:49:42
[278] => 2018-11-28 10:09:55
[279] => 2018-11-28 14:15:52
[280] => 2018-11-29 08:37:03
[281] => 2018-11-29 08:57:13
[282] => 2018-11-29 09:51:09
[283] => 2018-11-29 14:04:13
[284] => 2018-11-29 14:09:36
[285] => 2018-11-29 15:27:04
[286] => 2018-11-29 15:52:28
[287] => 2018-11-29 15:53:13
[288] => 2018-11-30 07:49:53
[289] => 2018-11-30 08:11:01
[290] => 2018-11-30 08:51:35
[291] => 2018-11-30 09:01:49
[292] => 2018-11-30 09:12:24
[293] => 2018-11-30 11:04:48
[294] => 2018-11-30 12:22:54
[295] => 2018-12-17 10:58:43
[296] => 2018-12-17 12:01:30
[297] => 2018-12-18 10:40:01
[298] => 2018-12-18 13:37:54
[299] => 2018-12-18 13:59:35
[300] => 2018-12-18 14:02:13
[301] => 2018-12-18 14:03:55
[302] => 2018-12-18 14:34:20
[303] => 2018-12-18 14:40:26
[304] => 2018-12-18 14:50:12
[305] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[306] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[307] => 2018-12-19 14:57:44
[308] => 2018-12-20 10:16:04
[309] => 2018-12-21 08:58:41
[310] => 2018-12-21 09:12:06
[311] => 2018-12-21 10:28:19
[312] => 2018-12-21 10:52:03
[313] => 2018-12-21 11:58:51
[314] => 2018-12-21 12:00:45
[315] => 2018-12-21 12:05:05
[316] => 2018-12-26 10:32:00
[317] => 2018-12-26 10:41:53
[318] => 2018-12-26 11:00:27
[319] => 2018-12-26 11:51:15
[320] => 2018-12-26 13:05:43
[321] => 2018-12-26 13:31:52
[322] => 2018-12-26 14:11:15
[323] => 2018-12-26 14:16:49
[324] => 2018-12-26 14:23:22
[325] => 2018-12-26 14:25:53
[326] => 2018-12-26 14:42:36
[327] => 2018-12-26 16:02:25
[328] => 2018-12-26 16:25:04
[329] => 2018-12-26 16:30:19
[330] => 2018-12-26 16:31:41
[331] => 2018-12-27 10:26:53
[332] => 2018-12-27 14:03:44
[333] => 2018-12-27 14:42:59
[334] => 2018-12-27 15:44:08
[335] => 2018-12-28 11:13:03
[336] => 2018-12-28 11:26:35
[337] => 2018-12-28 11:26:56
[338] => 2018-12-28 11:47:10
[339] => 2018-12-28 11:48:11
[340] => 2018-12-28 12:30:52
[341] => 2019-01-02 09:46:35
[342] => 2019-01-02 09:59:35
[343] => 2019-01-02 10:01:32
[344] => 2019-01-02 10:36:25
[345] => 2019-01-02 10:42:39
[346] => 2019-01-02 11:34:45
[347] => 2019-01-02 13:24:41
[348] => 2019-01-02 15:34:37
[349] => 2019-01-02 15:36:02
[350] => 2019-01-02 15:36:26
[351] => 2019-01-02 17:00:54
[352] => 2019-01-03 08:21:10
[353] => 2019-01-03 08:30:16
[354] => 2019-01-03 09:45:49
[355] => 2019-01-03 09:47:04
[facebook] => Array
[0] => 2018-09-24 09:31:53
[1] => 2018-09-24 09:31:59
[2] => 2018-09-24 09:32:10
[3] => 2018-09-24 09:32:14
[4] => 2018-09-24 09:32:24
[5] => 2018-09-24 09:32:55
[6] => 2018-09-24 09:33:36
[7] => 2018-09-24 09:33:52
[8] => 2018-10-29 13:34:42
[9] => 2018-10-29 13:34:56
[10] => 2018-11-01 15:29:57
[11] => 2018-11-14 13:34:46
[12] => 2018-11-14 13:59:11
[13] => 2018-12-17 14:42:06
[14] => 2018-12-18 14:41:02
[15] => 2018-12-18 14:49:13
[16] => 2018-12-18 14:50:25
[17] => 2018-12-18 15:41:48
[18] => 2018-12-18 16:09:08
[19] => 2018-12-18 16:30:51
[20] => 2018-12-21 15:35:20
[21] => 2018-12-26 14:21:01
[22] => 2018-12-26 14:27:47
[23] => 2018-12-26 16:04:20
[24] => 2018-12-26 16:04:39
[25] => 2019-01-02 09:46:48
[26] => 2019-01-02 09:48:01
[27] => 2019-01-02 09:48:55
[28] => 2019-01-02 09:49:04
[29] => 2019-01-02 09:49:18
[30] => 2019-01-02 09:49:21
[31] => 2019-01-02 09:50:10
[32] => 2019-01-02 09:50:18
[33] => 2019-01-02 09:50:40
[34] => 2019-01-02 09:50:58
[35] => 2019-01-02 09:51:07
[36] => 2019-01-02 09:51:20
[37] => 2019-01-02 09:51:44
[38] => 2019-01-02 09:52:58
[39] => 2019-01-02 09:53:35
[40] => 2019-01-02 09:59:19
[41] => 2019-01-02 10:01:41
[42] => 2019-01-02 10:01:57
[43] => 2019-01-02 10:01:59
[44] => 2019-01-02 10:02:01
[45] => 2019-01-02 10:02:20
[46] => 2019-01-02 10:02:21
[47] => 2019-01-02 10:02:48
[48] => 2019-01-02 10:04:19
[49] => 2019-01-02 10:04:26
[50] => 2019-01-02 10:04:32
[51] => 2019-01-02 10:04:42
[52] => 2019-01-02 10:22:54
[53] => 2019-01-02 13:16:57
[54] => 2019-01-03 09:46:36
[55] => 2019-01-03 09:47:11
[newsletters] => Array
[0] => 2018-09-25 08:40:37
[1] => 2018-10-24 10:37:29
[2] => 2018-12-17 11:38:57
[crm] => Array
[0] => 2018-10-08 08:34:40
[series] => Array
[0] => 2018-11-12 11:15:58
[1] => 2018-11-12 11:22:36
[2] => 2018-11-12 11:23:52
[3] => 2018-11-12 11:24:18
[4] => 2018-11-12 11:26:14
[5] => 2018-11-12 11:26:39
[6] => 2018-12-19 14:24:50
[7] => 2018-12-26 10:41:57
[8] => 2018-12-26 10:43:51
[legal_content_id] => 1893274444087726
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[status_report] => Array
[status] => fail
[is_good] =>
[sections] => Array
[0] => Array
[section_title] => Obituaries
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[1] => Array
[section_title] => Healing Registry
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[2] => Array
[section_title] => Social Site Settings
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[3] => Array
[section_title] => Website
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[4] => Array
[section_title] => Locations
[status] => fail
[messages] => Array
[0] => Broken address: Test, - Favorite
[1] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[2] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[3] => Broken address: , Sun Prairie - Favorite
[4] => Broken address: , Connecticut - Favorite
[5] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[6] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[7] => Broken address: 606 , - Favorite
[8] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[9] => Broken address: , Monona Wisconsin - Favorite
[10] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[11] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[12] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[13] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[14] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[15] => Broken address: , Madison - Favorite
[16] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[17] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[18] => Broken address: , Clara City Minnesota - Favorite
[19] => Broken address: , Windsor Wisconsin - Favorite
[20] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[21] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[22] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[23] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[24] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[25] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[26] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[27] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[28] => Broken address: For Directions:, - Favorite
[29] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[30] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[31] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[32] => Broken address: , Muscoda Wisconsin - Favorite
[33] => Broken address: Corner of County Trunk P and State Hwy. 12, - Favorite
[34] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[35] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[36] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[37] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[38] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[39] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[40] => Broken address: , Geneva Wisconsin - Favorite
[41] => Broken address: , Milwaukee Wisconsin - Favorite
[42] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[43] => Broken address: , Westfield Wisconsin - Favorite
[44] => Broken address: , Belmond Iowa - Favorite
[45] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[46] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[47] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[48] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[49] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[50] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[51] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[52] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[53] => Broken address: , Blue Mounds Wisconsin - Favorite
[54] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[55] => Broken address: , Middleton Wisconsin - Favorite
[56] => Broken address: , Walworth Wisconsin - Favorite
[57] => Broken address: , Wausau Wisconsin - Favorite
[58] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[59] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[60] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[61] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[62] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[63] => Broken address: , Marshall Wisconsin - Favorite
[64] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[65] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[66] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[67] => Broken address: , Westby Wisconsin - Favorite
[68] => Broken address: , Union Grove Wisconsin - Favorite
[69] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[70] => Broken address: , Sioux City Iowa - Favorite
[71] => Broken address: , Kiel Wisconsin - Favorite
[72] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[73] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[74] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[75] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[76] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[77] => Broken address: , Clintonville Wisconsin - Favorite
[78] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[79] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[80] => Broken address: , Fincastle Virginia - Favorite
[81] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[82] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[83] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[84] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[85] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[86] => Broken address: , Babylon New York - Favorite
[87] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[88] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[89] => Broken address: Please contact funeral home for details., - Favorite
[90] => Broken address: , Waunakee Wisconsin - Favorite
[91] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[92] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[93] => Broken address: , Ontario Wisconsin - Favorite
[94] => Broken address: Jefferson Street, Richland Center Wisconsin - Favorite
[95] => Broken address: -, St. Cloud Minnesota - Favorite
[is_good] =>
[last_updated] => 2018-06-25 15:20:10
[passare_customer_token] =>
[] =>
[calculator] => Array
[roi] => Array
[data] => Array
[type] => funeral_home
[city] => Mason City
[state] => Iowa
[radius] => 20
[cases] => 180
[conversion] => 10
[results] => Array
[obituary_traffic] => Array
[projected] => 133560
[registry_sales] => Array
[projected] => 10017
[registry_commission] => Array
[projected] => 1752.98
[email_list] => Array
[projected] => 714
[reviews] => Array
[projected] => 23.4
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[projected] => 498.6
[leads] => Array
[projected] => 385
[new_clients] => Array
[projected] => 39
[report] =>
[options] => {
"disposition": {
"step": "disposition",
"question": "How would you like the body to be handled?",
"options": [
"value": "burial_entombment",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"text": "Burial\/Entombment",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "cremation",
"icon": "fa-burn",
"text": "Cremation",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"gathering": {
"question": "Would you like a gathering with family & friends?",
"options": [
"value": "gathering",
"icon": "fa-users",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_gathering",
"icon": "fa-users-slash",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"memorial_service": {
"question": "Would you like a memorial service?",
"options": [
"value": "memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-praying-hands",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-ban",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"urn": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of urn would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "Temporary",
"icon": "fa-archway",
"description": "Temporary container for transporting the ashes",
"prices": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-building",
"description": "Basic, functional urn for burial or entombment",
"prices": [
"value": "decorative",
"text": "Decorative",
"icon": "fa-church",
"description": "Beautiful urn for long term display and decoration",
"prices": [
"casket": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of casket would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-portrait",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-coffin",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-coffin-cross",
"prices": [
"burial": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "How would you like the casket to be buried?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-landscape",
"description": "Simple, flat marker in low cost cemetery and basic to no liner\/vault.",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-tombstone-alt",
"description": "Basic, upright headstone in an average cost cemetery with average burial vault",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-monument",
"description": "Fancy, upright headstone in a private cemetery with a premium burial vault",
"prices": [
"permanent_placement": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What would you like to do with the ashes?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "No Permanent Placement",
"icon": "fa-home",
"description": "Keep the ashes at home or wait to make a final decision",
"prices": [
"value": "mausoleum",
"text": "Mausoleum",
"icon": "fa-landmark",
"description": "The ashes will be held in a niche within a mausoleum",
"prices": [
"value": "burial",
"text": "Cemetery Burial",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"description": "The ashes will be buried in a cemetery with a marker",
"prices": [
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[immediate_need_confirmation] => We are here for you.
We are sorry for your loss. If you have not already spoken with us and need immediate attention, please call us at (612-599-6666) anytime. Your email request will be responded to only during business hours.
We consider it an honor and privilege to care for you and your family.
[dashboard_welcome] => We are here for you.
Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting for you to know that others care. You are in good hands at Funeral Innovations Admin, and we value the trust you have placed in us. To make things a little easier for you, we have included some helpful information and next steps.
[next_steps] => Dear {{first_name}},
First we want to thank you for trusting Funeral Innovations Admin to help care for {{deceased_first_name}}, and honor their life. As you begin to sort through the next steps, it can be overwhelming thinking about what needs to be done and in what order. Rest assured that we understand and are here for you to lean on.
To make things a little easier, we have outlined some useful tools, and information, to guide you. These tools are available within this private, secure, area of our website known as your Family Portal. We will guide your through a few simple steps that will help celebrate a life well lived and help make our time together as efficient as possible.
Once you have rested, there are a few items that will be helpful to us. Whatever you are able to gather, please bring to the meeting with the Funeral Innovations Admin director.
A list of these items are as follows:
Social Security Number of deceased.
Parents’ names, including mother’s maiden name.
Clothing, glasses, and any jewelry that is to be worn, including full set of underclothing. Shoes are optional.
Contact church if applicable.
Picture for newspaper and for cosmetics.
Ideas and information for the obituary.
If a veteran, military discharge papers.
[home] => Your Family Portal
To help you effectively manage your loved one's remembrance page, Funeral Innovations Admin offers you this exclusive Family Portal. Through your Family Portal, you can:
View, edit or remove tributes and photos posted by friends and loved ones
Select your preferred flowers and gifts through the Healing Registry
Track flower and gift purchases made through the remembrance page
Your login password was sent to you within your Family Portal welcome email. If you have any questions, please contact , or call (612-599-6666).
[immediate_need_text_format] => 0
[email] => Array
[new_account] => Hi {{first_name}},
Our deepest sympathies go to you and your family. Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting to know that we care. It is our honor and privilege to care for your loved one, along with all your family members.
We will be calling you soon to learn more about your preferences and to share information about your options to care for and remember your loved one.
When we call you, we will ask you to suggest a time to meet with a funeral director. It might be helpful for you to rest a bit or to give your family time to arrive from out of the area. You might want to attend this meeting with family, a friend or a clergy member that will be supporting you. Please keep in mind that we can meet anywhere you would be most comfortable, at the funeral home, at your home or at your church if you prefer. Either way, we are here for you and will make every accommodation to meet at your convenience.
Quite often families use this time to begin sharing memories and photos. Our Family Portal provides guidance on the next steps and allows you to invite family members to begin sharing memories and photos online. By adding family members, we will have it on record to communicate as needed. We encourage you, or someone in your family, to complete these simple steps before the arrangement conference.
To access the Family Portal:
Go to
Login using
Email: {{email}}
Call anytime, day or night if you have a question or want help. Some people find a lot of helpful information on our website, .
Warm Regards,
Family & Staff Members of Funeral Innovations Admin
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[phone] => 612-599-6666
[twilio_phone] => 15153053851
[facebook_page_name] => FI Test
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[0] => 2018-09-21 09:44:02
[1] => 2018-09-21 09:51:44
[2] => 2018-09-21 11:21:21
[3] => 2018-09-21 14:16:42
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[5] => 2018-09-21 14:57:45
[6] => 2018-09-21 15:17:06
[7] => 2018-09-21 15:37:35
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[13] => 2018-09-24 10:54:16
[14] => 2018-09-24 11:46:10
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[16] => 2018-09-25 08:40:47
[17] => 2018-09-25 08:44:48
[18] => 2018-09-25 15:31:19
[19] => 2018-09-25 16:09:17
[20] => 2018-09-26 08:10:40
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[23] => 2018-09-26 11:10:55
[24] => 2018-09-26 11:13:17
[25] => 2018-09-26 11:47:55
[26] => 2018-09-26 11:48:15
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[28] => 2018-09-26 14:54:13
[29] => 2018-09-26 14:59:31
[30] => 2018-09-26 15:57:34
[31] => 2018-09-27 08:05:10
[32] => 2018-09-27 08:29:30
[33] => 2018-09-27 08:49:20
[34] => 2018-09-27 10:41:46
[35] => 2018-09-27 11:40:50
[36] => 2018-09-27 12:18:22
[37] => 2018-09-27 14:39:28
[38] => 2018-09-27 16:29:00
[39] => 2018-09-28 13:39:23
[40] => 2018-10-01 07:35:52
[41] => 2018-10-01 10:40:56
[42] => 2018-10-01 10:46:05
[43] => 2018-10-01 14:06:47
[44] => 2018-10-01 14:38:07
[45] => 2018-10-01 16:16:23
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[55] => 2018-10-03 08:18:29
[56] => 2018-10-03 11:10:15
[57] => 2018-10-03 13:39:39
[58] => 2018-10-03 13:42:22
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[63] => 2018-10-04 10:25:39
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[73] => 2018-10-09 08:09:46
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[77] => 2018-10-09 08:39:56
[78] => 2018-10-09 08:47:46
[79] => 2018-10-15 11:18:09
[80] => 2018-10-15 14:56:20
[81] => 2018-10-22 08:47:35
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[83] => 2018-10-22 17:16:44
[84] => 2018-10-23 10:15:18
[85] => 2018-10-23 11:18:26
[86] => 2018-10-23 11:33:28
[87] => 2018-10-24 10:36:32
[88] => 2018-10-24 21:30:01
[89] => 2018-10-25 09:28:48
[90] => 2018-10-25 10:21:56
[91] => 2018-10-25 10:34:18
[92] => 2018-10-25 10:35:15
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[99] => 2018-10-26 09:53:12
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[103] => 2018-10-26 15:35:09
[104] => 2018-10-26 15:42:30
[105] => 2018-10-26 15:46:30
[106] => 2018-10-26 15:58:09
[107] => 2018-10-28 16:32:48
[108] => 2018-10-29 09:25:51
[109] => 2018-10-29 09:52:26
[110] => 2018-10-29 09:57:51
[111] => 2018-10-29 12:32:48
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[117] => 2018-10-30 11:15:36
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[119] => 2018-10-30 15:12:05
[120] => 2018-10-30 15:12:26
[121] => 2018-10-30 15:12:43
[122] => 2018-10-30 15:16:29
[123] => 2018-10-30 15:58:18
[124] => 2018-10-31 08:44:32
[125] => 2018-10-31 09:18:40
[126] => 2018-10-31 09:39:06
[127] => 2018-10-31 10:05:10
[128] => 2018-10-31 12:20:32
[129] => 2018-10-31 12:57:18
[130] => 2018-11-01 10:43:43
[131] => 2018-11-01 11:54:21
[132] => 2018-11-01 14:40:31
[133] => 2018-11-02 08:42:24
[134] => 2018-11-02 10:24:49
[135] => 2018-11-02 11:47:51
[136] => 2018-11-02 12:05:15
[137] => 2018-11-02 12:20:48
[138] => 2018-11-02 12:21:11
[139] => 2018-11-02 13:39:23
[140] => 2018-11-02 13:42:36
[141] => 2018-11-02 14:02:54
[142] => 2018-11-02 14:18:48
[143] => 2018-11-02 14:20:22
[144] => 2018-11-02 14:30:08
[145] => 2018-11-05 08:21:29
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[148] => 2018-11-05 14:24:09
[149] => 2018-11-06 08:30:25
[150] => 2018-11-06 09:56:02
[151] => 2018-11-06 15:12:39
[152] => 2018-11-06 15:51:31
[153] => 2018-11-07 09:39:53
[154] => 2018-11-08 08:37:35
[155] => 2018-11-08 09:16:31
[156] => 2018-11-08 10:06:08
[157] => 2018-11-08 14:39:22
[158] => 2018-11-08 14:40:35
[159] => 2018-11-08 15:04:28
[160] => 2018-11-09 09:02:12
[161] => 2018-11-09 09:08:03
[162] => 2018-11-09 09:47:02
[163] => 2018-11-09 14:07:49
[164] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[165] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[166] => 2018-11-09 15:23:33
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[169] => 2018-11-12 10:18:23
[170] => 2018-11-12 10:39:17
[171] => 2018-11-12 10:41:25
[172] => 2018-11-12 13:46:00
[173] => 2018-11-12 15:46:42
[174] => 2018-11-12 16:02:18
[175] => 2018-11-12 16:26:57
[176] => 2018-11-12 20:01:56
[177] => 2018-11-12 20:37:47
[178] => 2018-11-13 12:27:27
[179] => 2018-11-14 09:46:25
[180] => 2018-11-14 11:30:37
[181] => 2018-11-14 13:03:43
[182] => 2018-11-14 13:11:42
[183] => 2018-11-14 13:18:52
[184] => 2018-11-14 13:26:53
[185] => 2018-11-14 13:48:10
[186] => 2018-11-14 15:41:29
[187] => 2018-11-15 08:45:54
[188] => 2018-11-15 11:50:26
[189] => 2018-11-15 12:11:54
[190] => 2018-11-15 13:08:53
[191] => 2018-11-15 13:11:28
[192] => 2018-11-15 13:11:59
[193] => 2018-11-15 13:51:21
[194] => 2018-11-15 13:55:25
[195] => 2018-11-15 15:39:59
[196] => 2018-11-15 15:44:03
[197] => 2018-11-15 15:45:26
[198] => 2018-11-15 16:20:46
[199] => 2018-11-16 07:58:45
[200] => 2018-11-16 08:04:34
[201] => 2018-11-16 08:35:25
[202] => 2018-11-16 08:37:56
[203] => 2018-11-16 08:38:34
[204] => 2018-11-16 08:42:08
[205] => 2018-11-16 09:34:16
[206] => 2018-11-16 11:06:05
[207] => 2018-11-16 11:33:47
[208] => 2018-11-16 11:57:02
[209] => 2018-11-16 12:28:54
[210] => 2018-11-16 14:27:59
[211] => 2018-11-16 14:51:12
[212] => 2018-11-16 15:09:16
[213] => 2018-11-16 15:10:09
[214] => 2018-11-16 15:30:26
[215] => 2018-11-16 15:39:18
[216] => 2018-11-16 15:45:31
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[220] => 2018-11-16 16:07:12
[221] => 2018-11-16 16:10:18
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[226] => 2018-11-19 10:06:24
[227] => 2018-11-19 11:17:31
[228] => 2018-11-19 11:18:12
[229] => 2018-11-19 11:20:55
[230] => 2018-11-20 08:08:14
[231] => 2018-11-20 08:12:58
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[234] => 2018-11-20 08:26:10
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[238] => 2018-11-21 10:42:41
[239] => 2018-11-26 08:01:08
[240] => 2018-11-26 08:02:30
[241] => 2018-11-26 08:43:23
[242] => 2018-11-26 08:52:46
[243] => 2018-11-26 09:02:15
[244] => 2018-11-26 09:33:53
[245] => 2018-11-26 09:37:10
[246] => 2018-11-26 09:41:08
[247] => 2018-11-26 09:49:32
[248] => 2018-11-26 09:55:15
[249] => 2018-11-26 10:02:22
[250] => 2018-11-26 10:48:56
[251] => 2018-11-26 11:38:53
[252] => 2018-11-26 11:39:18
[253] => 2018-11-26 11:41:51
[254] => 2018-11-26 11:43:43
[255] => 2018-11-26 11:47:47
[256] => 2018-11-26 11:51:45
[257] => 2018-11-26 12:56:30
[258] => 2018-11-26 15:54:32
[259] => 2018-11-26 15:54:42
[260] => 2018-11-26 16:25:14
[261] => 2018-11-27 08:17:21
[262] => 2018-11-27 08:23:33
[263] => 2018-11-27 09:41:36
[264] => 2018-11-27 10:16:18
[265] => 2018-11-27 11:22:51
[266] => 2018-11-27 11:24:03
[267] => 2018-11-27 12:01:32
[268] => 2018-11-27 13:22:16
[269] => 2018-11-27 15:24:42
[270] => 2018-11-27 16:18:11
[271] => 2018-11-28 08:28:11
[272] => 2018-11-28 09:04:21
[273] => 2018-11-28 09:33:44
[274] => 2018-11-28 09:35:02
[275] => 2018-11-28 09:38:46
[276] => 2018-11-28 09:42:41
[277] => 2018-11-28 09:49:42
[278] => 2018-11-28 10:09:55
[279] => 2018-11-28 14:15:52
[280] => 2018-11-29 08:37:03
[281] => 2018-11-29 08:57:13
[282] => 2018-11-29 09:51:09
[283] => 2018-11-29 14:04:13
[284] => 2018-11-29 14:09:36
[285] => 2018-11-29 15:27:04
[286] => 2018-11-29 15:52:28
[287] => 2018-11-29 15:53:13
[288] => 2018-11-30 07:49:53
[289] => 2018-11-30 08:11:01
[290] => 2018-11-30 08:51:35
[291] => 2018-11-30 09:01:49
[292] => 2018-11-30 09:12:24
[293] => 2018-11-30 11:04:48
[294] => 2018-11-30 12:22:54
[295] => 2018-12-17 10:58:43
[296] => 2018-12-17 12:01:30
[297] => 2018-12-18 10:40:01
[298] => 2018-12-18 13:37:54
[299] => 2018-12-18 13:59:35
[300] => 2018-12-18 14:02:13
[301] => 2018-12-18 14:03:55
[302] => 2018-12-18 14:34:20
[303] => 2018-12-18 14:40:26
[304] => 2018-12-18 14:50:12
[305] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[306] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[307] => 2018-12-19 14:57:44
[308] => 2018-12-20 10:16:04
[309] => 2018-12-21 08:58:41
[310] => 2018-12-21 09:12:06
[311] => 2018-12-21 10:28:19
[312] => 2018-12-21 10:52:03
[313] => 2018-12-21 11:58:51
[314] => 2018-12-21 12:00:45
[315] => 2018-12-21 12:05:05
[316] => 2018-12-26 10:32:00
[317] => 2018-12-26 10:41:53
[318] => 2018-12-26 11:00:27
[319] => 2018-12-26 11:51:15
[320] => 2018-12-26 13:05:43
[321] => 2018-12-26 13:31:52
[322] => 2018-12-26 14:11:15
[323] => 2018-12-26 14:16:49
[324] => 2018-12-26 14:23:22
[325] => 2018-12-26 14:25:53
[326] => 2018-12-26 14:42:36
[327] => 2018-12-26 16:02:25
[328] => 2018-12-26 16:25:04
[329] => 2018-12-26 16:30:19
[330] => 2018-12-26 16:31:41
[331] => 2018-12-27 10:26:53
[332] => 2018-12-27 14:03:44
[333] => 2018-12-27 14:42:59
[334] => 2018-12-27 15:44:08
[335] => 2018-12-28 11:13:03
[336] => 2018-12-28 11:26:35
[337] => 2018-12-28 11:26:56
[338] => 2018-12-28 11:47:10
[339] => 2018-12-28 11:48:11
[340] => 2018-12-28 12:30:52
[341] => 2019-01-02 09:46:35
[342] => 2019-01-02 09:59:35
[343] => 2019-01-02 10:01:32
[344] => 2019-01-02 10:36:25
[345] => 2019-01-02 10:42:39
[346] => 2019-01-02 11:34:45
[347] => 2019-01-02 13:24:41
[348] => 2019-01-02 15:34:37
[349] => 2019-01-02 15:36:02
[350] => 2019-01-02 15:36:26
[351] => 2019-01-02 17:00:54
[352] => 2019-01-03 08:21:10
[353] => 2019-01-03 08:30:16
[354] => 2019-01-03 09:45:49
[355] => 2019-01-03 09:47:04
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[4] => 2018-09-24 09:32:24
[5] => 2018-09-24 09:32:55
[6] => 2018-09-24 09:33:36
[7] => 2018-09-24 09:33:52
[8] => 2018-10-29 13:34:42
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[10] => 2018-11-01 15:29:57
[11] => 2018-11-14 13:34:46
[12] => 2018-11-14 13:59:11
[13] => 2018-12-17 14:42:06
[14] => 2018-12-18 14:41:02
[15] => 2018-12-18 14:49:13
[16] => 2018-12-18 14:50:25
[17] => 2018-12-18 15:41:48
[18] => 2018-12-18 16:09:08
[19] => 2018-12-18 16:30:51
[20] => 2018-12-21 15:35:20
[21] => 2018-12-26 14:21:01
[22] => 2018-12-26 14:27:47
[23] => 2018-12-26 16:04:20
[24] => 2018-12-26 16:04:39
[25] => 2019-01-02 09:46:48
[26] => 2019-01-02 09:48:01
[27] => 2019-01-02 09:48:55
[28] => 2019-01-02 09:49:04
[29] => 2019-01-02 09:49:18
[30] => 2019-01-02 09:49:21
[31] => 2019-01-02 09:50:10
[32] => 2019-01-02 09:50:18
[33] => 2019-01-02 09:50:40
[34] => 2019-01-02 09:50:58
[35] => 2019-01-02 09:51:07
[36] => 2019-01-02 09:51:20
[37] => 2019-01-02 09:51:44
[38] => 2019-01-02 09:52:58
[39] => 2019-01-02 09:53:35
[40] => 2019-01-02 09:59:19
[41] => 2019-01-02 10:01:41
[42] => 2019-01-02 10:01:57
[43] => 2019-01-02 10:01:59
[44] => 2019-01-02 10:02:01
[45] => 2019-01-02 10:02:20
[46] => 2019-01-02 10:02:21
[47] => 2019-01-02 10:02:48
[48] => 2019-01-02 10:04:19
[49] => 2019-01-02 10:04:26
[50] => 2019-01-02 10:04:32
[51] => 2019-01-02 10:04:42
[52] => 2019-01-02 10:22:54
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[54] => 2019-01-03 09:46:36
[55] => 2019-01-03 09:47:11
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[series] => Array
[0] => 2018-11-12 11:15:58
[1] => 2018-11-12 11:22:36
[2] => 2018-11-12 11:23:52
[3] => 2018-11-12 11:24:18
[4] => 2018-11-12 11:26:14
[5] => 2018-11-12 11:26:39
[6] => 2018-12-19 14:24:50
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[status_report] => Array
[status] => fail
[is_good] =>
[sections] => Array
[0] => Array
[section_title] => Obituaries
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[1] => Array
[section_title] => Healing Registry
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[2] => Array
[section_title] => Social Site Settings
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[3] => Array
[section_title] => Website
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[4] => Array
[section_title] => Locations
[status] => fail
[messages] => Array
[0] => Broken address: Test, - Favorite
[1] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[2] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[3] => Broken address: , Sun Prairie - Favorite
[4] => Broken address: , Connecticut - Favorite
[5] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[6] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[7] => Broken address: 606 , - Favorite
[8] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[9] => Broken address: , Monona Wisconsin - Favorite
[10] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[11] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[12] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[13] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[14] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[15] => Broken address: , Madison - Favorite
[16] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[17] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[18] => Broken address: , Clara City Minnesota - Favorite
[19] => Broken address: , Windsor Wisconsin - Favorite
[20] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[21] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[22] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[23] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[24] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[25] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[26] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[27] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[28] => Broken address: For Directions:, - Favorite
[29] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[30] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[31] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[32] => Broken address: , Muscoda Wisconsin - Favorite
[33] => Broken address: Corner of County Trunk P and State Hwy. 12, - Favorite
[34] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[35] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[36] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[37] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[38] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[39] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[40] => Broken address: , Geneva Wisconsin - Favorite
[41] => Broken address: , Milwaukee Wisconsin - Favorite
[42] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[43] => Broken address: , Westfield Wisconsin - Favorite
[44] => Broken address: , Belmond Iowa - Favorite
[45] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[46] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[47] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[48] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[49] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[50] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[51] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[52] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[53] => Broken address: , Blue Mounds Wisconsin - Favorite
[54] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[55] => Broken address: , Middleton Wisconsin - Favorite
[56] => Broken address: , Walworth Wisconsin - Favorite
[57] => Broken address: , Wausau Wisconsin - Favorite
[58] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[59] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[60] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[61] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[62] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[63] => Broken address: , Marshall Wisconsin - Favorite
[64] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[65] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[66] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[67] => Broken address: , Westby Wisconsin - Favorite
[68] => Broken address: , Union Grove Wisconsin - Favorite
[69] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[70] => Broken address: , Sioux City Iowa - Favorite
[71] => Broken address: , Kiel Wisconsin - Favorite
[72] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[73] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[74] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[75] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[76] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[77] => Broken address: , Clintonville Wisconsin - Favorite
[78] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[79] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[80] => Broken address: , Fincastle Virginia - Favorite
[81] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[82] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[83] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[84] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[85] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[86] => Broken address: , Babylon New York - Favorite
[87] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[88] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[89] => Broken address: Please contact funeral home for details., - Favorite
[90] => Broken address: , Waunakee Wisconsin - Favorite
[91] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[92] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[93] => Broken address: , Ontario Wisconsin - Favorite
[94] => Broken address: Jefferson Street, Richland Center Wisconsin - Favorite
[95] => Broken address: -, St. Cloud Minnesota - Favorite
[is_good] =>
[last_updated] => 2018-06-25 15:20:10
[passare_customer_token] =>
[] =>
[calculator] => Array
[roi] => Array
[data] => Array
[type] => funeral_home
[city] => Mason City
[state] => Iowa
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[report] =>
[options] => {
"disposition": {
"step": "disposition",
"question": "How would you like the body to be handled?",
"options": [
"value": "burial_entombment",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"text": "Burial\/Entombment",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "cremation",
"icon": "fa-burn",
"text": "Cremation",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"gathering": {
"question": "Would you like a gathering with family & friends?",
"options": [
"value": "gathering",
"icon": "fa-users",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_gathering",
"icon": "fa-users-slash",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"memorial_service": {
"question": "Would you like a memorial service?",
"options": [
"value": "memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-praying-hands",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-ban",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"urn": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of urn would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "Temporary",
"icon": "fa-archway",
"description": "Temporary container for transporting the ashes",
"prices": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-building",
"description": "Basic, functional urn for burial or entombment",
"prices": [
"value": "decorative",
"text": "Decorative",
"icon": "fa-church",
"description": "Beautiful urn for long term display and decoration",
"prices": [
"casket": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of casket would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-portrait",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-coffin",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-coffin-cross",
"prices": [
"burial": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "How would you like the casket to be buried?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-landscape",
"description": "Simple, flat marker in low cost cemetery and basic to no liner\/vault.",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-tombstone-alt",
"description": "Basic, upright headstone in an average cost cemetery with average burial vault",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-monument",
"description": "Fancy, upright headstone in a private cemetery with a premium burial vault",
"prices": [
"permanent_placement": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What would you like to do with the ashes?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "No Permanent Placement",
"icon": "fa-home",
"description": "Keep the ashes at home or wait to make a final decision",
"prices": [
"value": "mausoleum",
"text": "Mausoleum",
"icon": "fa-landmark",
"description": "The ashes will be held in a niche within a mausoleum",
"prices": [
"value": "burial",
"text": "Cemetery Burial",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"description": "The ashes will be buried in a cemetery with a marker",
"prices": [
"complete": []
[name] => Brian Cataldo
[registerer] => 201617
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[11] => 50
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[16] => 55
[17] => 56
[18] => 57
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[21] => 60
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[24] => 63
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[31] => 50
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[33] => 52
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[35] => 54
[36] => 55
[37] => 56
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[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[read_required_class] =>
[flash_path] =>
[remembrance_path] =>
[resource_path] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[img_path] =>
[domain] =>
[host] =>
[modelNames] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[3] => User
[4] => User
[5] => PlansUser
[6] => PlansUser
[base] =>
[layout] => metro
[autoRender] => 1
[autoLayout] => 1
[Component] => Component Object
[__controllerVars] => Array
[plugin] =>
[name] => FacebookDetective
[base] =>
[_loaded] => Array
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[_primary] => Array
[0] => Auth
[1] => Session
[2] => Cookie
[3] => Util
[4] => EmailService
[__settings] => Array
[view] => View
[ext] => .ctp
[output] =>
[plugin] =>
[cacheAction] =>
[persistModel] =>
[passedArgs] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[scaffold] =>
[methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[modelClass] => FbStat
[modelKey] => facebook_detective
[validationErrors] =>
[__httpCodes] =>
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[FbStat] => FbStat Object
[name] => FbStat
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[0] => page_stories
[1] => page_storytellers
[2] => page_impressions
[3] => page_impressions_unique
[4] => page_impressions_organic
[5] => page_impressions_viral
[6] => page_engaged_users
[7] => page_consumptions
[8] => page_negative_feedback
[9] => page_fans
[10] => page_fan_adds
[11] => page_fan_removes
[12] => page_friends_of_fans
[13] => page_views
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_stats
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_stats
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[stats] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[end_time] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbStat
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_stats] => FbStat
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbStat
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[FbRank] => FbRank Object
[name] => FbRank
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[metric] => page_fans
[key] => Page Fans
[details] => The total number of fans
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[metric] => page_engaged_users
[key] => Engagement
[details] => The number of people who engaged with your page or content
[page_storytellers] => Array
[metric] => page_stories
[key] => Page Stories
[details] => When someone likes, comments or shares your post it creates a new story
[page_impressions] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_unique
[query] => page_impressions_unique
[key] => Reach
[details] => The number of people who were exposed to your page or content
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_viral
[key] => Virality
[details] => The number of people who were virally exposed to your page or content
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[metric] => page_storytellers_by_age_gender
[key] => Demographics
[details] => The percent of people engaged within your target demographic
[metrics] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[period] => lifetime
[label] => Total page fans
[page_storytellers] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Talking about your page
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total engaged fans
[page_impressions] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total views
[page_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total viral views
[page_impressions_viral_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached virally
[page_impressions_organic] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total organic views
[page_impressions_organic_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached organically
[page_views] => Array
[period] => day
[label] => Total views of your Facebook Page
[page_posts_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total people to see any of your posts
[page_stories] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total stories created by fans
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Engaged user by age and gender
[page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Page impressions by age and gender
[page_negative_feedback] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Negative feedback actions
[negative_feedback_rate] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Rate of negative feedback
[fan_penetration_organic] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Percent of fans reached organically
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_ranks
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_ranks
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[page_storytellers] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_fans] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[rank] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[cases] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[history] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[pending] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 1
[error] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbRank
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_ranks] => FbRank
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbRank
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[1] => rankings
[1] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[10] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/cake/dispatcher.php
[line] => 171
[function] => _invoke
[class] => Dispatcher
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[name] => FacebookDetective
[uses] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[components] => Array
[Auth] =>
[Session] =>
[Cookie] =>
[Util] =>
[EmailService] =>
[helpers] => Array
[Asset.asset] =>
[Session] =>
[Html] =>
[Javascript] =>
[Form] =>
[Text] =>
[Numbers] =>
[title] => Websites and software for funeral homes | Funeral Innovations
[salt] => m0num3nts
[is_dev] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[UserAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[here] => /power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[webroot] => /
[action] => rankings
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[data] =>
[paginate] => Array
[limit] => 20
[page] => 1
[viewPath] => facebook_detective
[layoutPath] =>
[viewVars] => Array
[index] => 12
[rank] => Array
[FbRank] => Array
[id] => 408
[user_id] => 201744
[page_storytellers] => 1968
[page_impressions] => 26228
[page_impressions_viral] => 50740
[page_engaged_users] => 5223
[page_fans] => 3177
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 57
[rank] => 13
[cases] =>
[history] => Array
[0] => Array
[total] => 368
[page_fans] => 180
[page_engaged_users] => 41
[page_storytellers] => 36
[page_impressions] => 58
[page_impressions_viral] => 53
[rank] => 59
[date] => May 9, 2014
[1] => Array
[total] => 426
[page_fans] => 186
[page_engaged_users] => 32
[page_storytellers] => 62
[page_impressions] => 97
[page_impressions_viral] => 49
[rank] => 71
[date] => July 7, 2014
[2] => Array
[total] => 210
[page_fans] => 127
[page_engaged_users] => 4
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 63
[page_impressions_viral] => 3
[rank] => 28
[date] => July 19, 2014
[3] => Array
[total] => 212
[page_fans] => 129
[page_engaged_users] => 4
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 63
[page_impressions_viral] => 3
[rank] => 27
[date] => August 3, 2014
[4] => Array
[total] => 171
[page_fans] => 93
[page_engaged_users] => 16
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 39
[page_impressions_viral] => 10
[rank] => 19
[date] => August 22, 2014
[5] => Array
[total] => 174
[page_fans] => 83
[page_engaged_users] => 28
[page_storytellers] => 13
[page_impressions] => 27
[page_impressions_viral] => 23
[rank] => 18
[date] => September 10, 2014
[6] => Array
[total] => 315
[page_fans] => 74
[page_engaged_users] => 75
[page_storytellers] => 14
[page_impressions] => 58
[page_impressions_viral] => 94
[rank] => 41
[date] => October 21, 2014
[7] => Array
[total] => 352
[page_fans] => 61
[page_engaged_users] => 32
[page_storytellers] => 55
[page_impressions] => 43
[page_impressions_viral] => 27
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 134
[rank] => 43
[date] => December 28, 2014
[8] => Array
[total] => 362
[page_fans] => 48
[page_engaged_users] => 48
[page_storytellers] => 55
[page_impressions] => 83
[page_impressions_viral] => 65
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 63
[rank] => 28
[date] => February 13, 2015
[9] => Array
[total] => 307
[page_fans] => 39
[page_engaged_users] => 22
[page_storytellers] => 40
[page_impressions] => 40
[page_impressions_viral] => 25
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 141
[rank] => 26
[date] => April 22, 2015
[10] => Array
[total] => 239
[page_fans] => 20
[page_engaged_users] => 8
[page_storytellers] => 15
[page_impressions] => 28
[page_impressions_viral] => 10
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 158
[rank] => 7
[date] => September 14, 2016
[11] => Array
[total] => 204
[page_fans] => 19
[page_engaged_users] => 5
[page_storytellers] => 11
[page_impressions] => 19
[page_impressions_viral] => 7
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 143
[rank] => 3
[date] => May 16, 2017
[12] => Array
[total] => 262
[page_fans] => 14
[page_engaged_users] => 7
[page_storytellers] => 10
[page_impressions] => 23
[page_impressions_viral] => 20
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => 188
[rank] => 13
[date] => June 2, 2020
[pending] => 0
[error] => 0
[created] => 2014-04-08 14:10:33
[modified] => 2014-04-08 14:10:33
[User] => Array
[id] => 201744
[SalesforceId] =>
[SFOfficialCompanyName] =>
[username] =>
[password] => 4e94d59311dcffcbd5a6021947a94cf559af9caf
[email] =>
[first_name] => D. Mark
[last_name] => Adams
[company_name] => Voss & Sons, Inc
[company_url] =>
[domain_id] =>
[site_id] =>
[slug] =>
[address] => 316 N Chestnut St
[city] => Seymour
[state] => Indiana
[zip] => 47274
[phone] => 812-522-5558
[last_login] =>
[active] => 1
[company_id] => 201744
[facebook_id] => 464431616970971
[ad_account] =>
[facebook_user_id] =>
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[immediate_need_confirmation] => We are here for you.
We are sorry for your loss. If you have not already spoken with us and need immediate attention, please call us at (612-599-6666) anytime. Your email request will be responded to only during business hours.
We consider it an honor and privilege to care for you and your family.
[dashboard_welcome] => We are here for you.
Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting for you to know that others care. You are in good hands at Funeral Innovations Admin, and we value the trust you have placed in us. To make things a little easier for you, we have included some helpful information and next steps.
[next_steps] => Dear {{first_name}},
First we want to thank you for trusting Funeral Innovations Admin to help care for {{deceased_first_name}}, and honor their life. As you begin to sort through the next steps, it can be overwhelming thinking about what needs to be done and in what order. Rest assured that we understand and are here for you to lean on.
To make things a little easier, we have outlined some useful tools, and information, to guide you. These tools are available within this private, secure, area of our website known as your Family Portal. We will guide your through a few simple steps that will help celebrate a life well lived and help make our time together as efficient as possible.
Once you have rested, there are a few items that will be helpful to us. Whatever you are able to gather, please bring to the meeting with the Funeral Innovations Admin director.
A list of these items are as follows:
Social Security Number of deceased.
Parents’ names, including mother’s maiden name.
Clothing, glasses, and any jewelry that is to be worn, including full set of underclothing. Shoes are optional.
Contact church if applicable.
Picture for newspaper and for cosmetics.
Ideas and information for the obituary.
If a veteran, military discharge papers.
[home] => Your Family Portal
To help you effectively manage your loved one's remembrance page, Funeral Innovations Admin offers you this exclusive Family Portal. Through your Family Portal, you can:
View, edit or remove tributes and photos posted by friends and loved ones
Select your preferred flowers and gifts through the Healing Registry
Track flower and gift purchases made through the remembrance page
Your login password was sent to you within your Family Portal welcome email. If you have any questions, please contact , or call (612-599-6666).
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[email] => Array
[new_account] => Hi {{first_name}},
Our deepest sympathies go to you and your family. Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting to know that we care. It is our honor and privilege to care for your loved one, along with all your family members.
We will be calling you soon to learn more about your preferences and to share information about your options to care for and remember your loved one.
When we call you, we will ask you to suggest a time to meet with a funeral director. It might be helpful for you to rest a bit or to give your family time to arrive from out of the area. You might want to attend this meeting with family, a friend or a clergy member that will be supporting you. Please keep in mind that we can meet anywhere you would be most comfortable, at the funeral home, at your home or at your church if you prefer. Either way, we are here for you and will make every accommodation to meet at your convenience.
Quite often families use this time to begin sharing memories and photos. Our Family Portal provides guidance on the next steps and allows you to invite family members to begin sharing memories and photos online. By adding family members, we will have it on record to communicate as needed. We encourage you, or someone in your family, to complete these simple steps before the arrangement conference.
To access the Family Portal:
Go to
Login using
Email: {{email}}
Call anytime, day or night if you have a question or want help. Some people find a lot of helpful information on our website, .
Warm Regards,
Family & Staff Members of Funeral Innovations Admin
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[twilio_phone] => 15153053851
[facebook_page_name] => FI Test
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[0] => 2018-09-21 09:44:02
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[39] => 2018-09-28 13:39:23
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[55] => 2018-10-03 08:18:29
[56] => 2018-10-03 11:10:15
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[61] => 2018-10-04 08:53:53
[62] => 2018-10-04 08:54:18
[63] => 2018-10-04 10:25:39
[64] => 2018-10-04 13:59:06
[65] => 2018-10-05 15:13:34
[66] => 2018-10-08 08:17:50
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[73] => 2018-10-09 08:09:46
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[76] => 2018-10-09 08:34:51
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[78] => 2018-10-09 08:47:46
[79] => 2018-10-15 11:18:09
[80] => 2018-10-15 14:56:20
[81] => 2018-10-22 08:47:35
[82] => 2018-10-22 17:06:34
[83] => 2018-10-22 17:16:44
[84] => 2018-10-23 10:15:18
[85] => 2018-10-23 11:18:26
[86] => 2018-10-23 11:33:28
[87] => 2018-10-24 10:36:32
[88] => 2018-10-24 21:30:01
[89] => 2018-10-25 09:28:48
[90] => 2018-10-25 10:21:56
[91] => 2018-10-25 10:34:18
[92] => 2018-10-25 10:35:15
[93] => 2018-10-25 10:59:04
[94] => 2018-10-25 10:59:17
[95] => 2018-10-25 12:23:54
[96] => 2018-10-25 12:26:57
[97] => 2018-10-25 14:49:56
[98] => 2018-10-26 09:47:48
[99] => 2018-10-26 09:53:12
[100] => 2018-10-26 14:14:56
[101] => 2018-10-26 14:45:23
[102] => 2018-10-26 15:01:13
[103] => 2018-10-26 15:35:09
[104] => 2018-10-26 15:42:30
[105] => 2018-10-26 15:46:30
[106] => 2018-10-26 15:58:09
[107] => 2018-10-28 16:32:48
[108] => 2018-10-29 09:25:51
[109] => 2018-10-29 09:52:26
[110] => 2018-10-29 09:57:51
[111] => 2018-10-29 12:32:48
[112] => 2018-10-29 13:28:19
[113] => 2018-10-29 13:34:07
[114] => 2018-10-29 14:41:52
[115] => 2018-10-29 15:41:01
[116] => 2018-10-29 15:51:50
[117] => 2018-10-30 11:15:36
[118] => 2018-10-30 11:46:44
[119] => 2018-10-30 15:12:05
[120] => 2018-10-30 15:12:26
[121] => 2018-10-30 15:12:43
[122] => 2018-10-30 15:16:29
[123] => 2018-10-30 15:58:18
[124] => 2018-10-31 08:44:32
[125] => 2018-10-31 09:18:40
[126] => 2018-10-31 09:39:06
[127] => 2018-10-31 10:05:10
[128] => 2018-10-31 12:20:32
[129] => 2018-10-31 12:57:18
[130] => 2018-11-01 10:43:43
[131] => 2018-11-01 11:54:21
[132] => 2018-11-01 14:40:31
[133] => 2018-11-02 08:42:24
[134] => 2018-11-02 10:24:49
[135] => 2018-11-02 11:47:51
[136] => 2018-11-02 12:05:15
[137] => 2018-11-02 12:20:48
[138] => 2018-11-02 12:21:11
[139] => 2018-11-02 13:39:23
[140] => 2018-11-02 13:42:36
[141] => 2018-11-02 14:02:54
[142] => 2018-11-02 14:18:48
[143] => 2018-11-02 14:20:22
[144] => 2018-11-02 14:30:08
[145] => 2018-11-05 08:21:29
[146] => 2018-11-05 11:03:30
[147] => 2018-11-05 11:04:15
[148] => 2018-11-05 14:24:09
[149] => 2018-11-06 08:30:25
[150] => 2018-11-06 09:56:02
[151] => 2018-11-06 15:12:39
[152] => 2018-11-06 15:51:31
[153] => 2018-11-07 09:39:53
[154] => 2018-11-08 08:37:35
[155] => 2018-11-08 09:16:31
[156] => 2018-11-08 10:06:08
[157] => 2018-11-08 14:39:22
[158] => 2018-11-08 14:40:35
[159] => 2018-11-08 15:04:28
[160] => 2018-11-09 09:02:12
[161] => 2018-11-09 09:08:03
[162] => 2018-11-09 09:47:02
[163] => 2018-11-09 14:07:49
[164] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[165] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[166] => 2018-11-09 15:23:33
[167] => 2018-11-09 15:33:48
[168] => 2018-11-12 08:51:01
[169] => 2018-11-12 10:18:23
[170] => 2018-11-12 10:39:17
[171] => 2018-11-12 10:41:25
[172] => 2018-11-12 13:46:00
[173] => 2018-11-12 15:46:42
[174] => 2018-11-12 16:02:18
[175] => 2018-11-12 16:26:57
[176] => 2018-11-12 20:01:56
[177] => 2018-11-12 20:37:47
[178] => 2018-11-13 12:27:27
[179] => 2018-11-14 09:46:25
[180] => 2018-11-14 11:30:37
[181] => 2018-11-14 13:03:43
[182] => 2018-11-14 13:11:42
[183] => 2018-11-14 13:18:52
[184] => 2018-11-14 13:26:53
[185] => 2018-11-14 13:48:10
[186] => 2018-11-14 15:41:29
[187] => 2018-11-15 08:45:54
[188] => 2018-11-15 11:50:26
[189] => 2018-11-15 12:11:54
[190] => 2018-11-15 13:08:53
[191] => 2018-11-15 13:11:28
[192] => 2018-11-15 13:11:59
[193] => 2018-11-15 13:51:21
[194] => 2018-11-15 13:55:25
[195] => 2018-11-15 15:39:59
[196] => 2018-11-15 15:44:03
[197] => 2018-11-15 15:45:26
[198] => 2018-11-15 16:20:46
[199] => 2018-11-16 07:58:45
[200] => 2018-11-16 08:04:34
[201] => 2018-11-16 08:35:25
[202] => 2018-11-16 08:37:56
[203] => 2018-11-16 08:38:34
[204] => 2018-11-16 08:42:08
[205] => 2018-11-16 09:34:16
[206] => 2018-11-16 11:06:05
[207] => 2018-11-16 11:33:47
[208] => 2018-11-16 11:57:02
[209] => 2018-11-16 12:28:54
[210] => 2018-11-16 14:27:59
[211] => 2018-11-16 14:51:12
[212] => 2018-11-16 15:09:16
[213] => 2018-11-16 15:10:09
[214] => 2018-11-16 15:30:26
[215] => 2018-11-16 15:39:18
[216] => 2018-11-16 15:45:31
[217] => 2018-11-16 16:04:07
[218] => 2018-11-16 16:05:04
[219] => 2018-11-16 16:05:18
[220] => 2018-11-16 16:07:12
[221] => 2018-11-16 16:10:18
[222] => 2018-11-16 16:10:58
[223] => 2018-11-16 16:17:38
[224] => 2018-11-16 16:18:44
[225] => 2018-11-16 16:19:28
[226] => 2018-11-19 10:06:24
[227] => 2018-11-19 11:17:31
[228] => 2018-11-19 11:18:12
[229] => 2018-11-19 11:20:55
[230] => 2018-11-20 08:08:14
[231] => 2018-11-20 08:12:58
[232] => 2018-11-20 08:13:20
[233] => 2018-11-20 08:19:20
[234] => 2018-11-20 08:26:10
[235] => 2018-11-20 09:54:00
[236] => 2018-11-20 09:54:11
[237] => 2018-11-20 10:28:50
[238] => 2018-11-21 10:42:41
[239] => 2018-11-26 08:01:08
[240] => 2018-11-26 08:02:30
[241] => 2018-11-26 08:43:23
[242] => 2018-11-26 08:52:46
[243] => 2018-11-26 09:02:15
[244] => 2018-11-26 09:33:53
[245] => 2018-11-26 09:37:10
[246] => 2018-11-26 09:41:08
[247] => 2018-11-26 09:49:32
[248] => 2018-11-26 09:55:15
[249] => 2018-11-26 10:02:22
[250] => 2018-11-26 10:48:56
[251] => 2018-11-26 11:38:53
[252] => 2018-11-26 11:39:18
[253] => 2018-11-26 11:41:51
[254] => 2018-11-26 11:43:43
[255] => 2018-11-26 11:47:47
[256] => 2018-11-26 11:51:45
[257] => 2018-11-26 12:56:30
[258] => 2018-11-26 15:54:32
[259] => 2018-11-26 15:54:42
[260] => 2018-11-26 16:25:14
[261] => 2018-11-27 08:17:21
[262] => 2018-11-27 08:23:33
[263] => 2018-11-27 09:41:36
[264] => 2018-11-27 10:16:18
[265] => 2018-11-27 11:22:51
[266] => 2018-11-27 11:24:03
[267] => 2018-11-27 12:01:32
[268] => 2018-11-27 13:22:16
[269] => 2018-11-27 15:24:42
[270] => 2018-11-27 16:18:11
[271] => 2018-11-28 08:28:11
[272] => 2018-11-28 09:04:21
[273] => 2018-11-28 09:33:44
[274] => 2018-11-28 09:35:02
[275] => 2018-11-28 09:38:46
[276] => 2018-11-28 09:42:41
[277] => 2018-11-28 09:49:42
[278] => 2018-11-28 10:09:55
[279] => 2018-11-28 14:15:52
[280] => 2018-11-29 08:37:03
[281] => 2018-11-29 08:57:13
[282] => 2018-11-29 09:51:09
[283] => 2018-11-29 14:04:13
[284] => 2018-11-29 14:09:36
[285] => 2018-11-29 15:27:04
[286] => 2018-11-29 15:52:28
[287] => 2018-11-29 15:53:13
[288] => 2018-11-30 07:49:53
[289] => 2018-11-30 08:11:01
[290] => 2018-11-30 08:51:35
[291] => 2018-11-30 09:01:49
[292] => 2018-11-30 09:12:24
[293] => 2018-11-30 11:04:48
[294] => 2018-11-30 12:22:54
[295] => 2018-12-17 10:58:43
[296] => 2018-12-17 12:01:30
[297] => 2018-12-18 10:40:01
[298] => 2018-12-18 13:37:54
[299] => 2018-12-18 13:59:35
[300] => 2018-12-18 14:02:13
[301] => 2018-12-18 14:03:55
[302] => 2018-12-18 14:34:20
[303] => 2018-12-18 14:40:26
[304] => 2018-12-18 14:50:12
[305] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[306] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[307] => 2018-12-19 14:57:44
[308] => 2018-12-20 10:16:04
[309] => 2018-12-21 08:58:41
[310] => 2018-12-21 09:12:06
[311] => 2018-12-21 10:28:19
[312] => 2018-12-21 10:52:03
[313] => 2018-12-21 11:58:51
[314] => 2018-12-21 12:00:45
[315] => 2018-12-21 12:05:05
[316] => 2018-12-26 10:32:00
[317] => 2018-12-26 10:41:53
[318] => 2018-12-26 11:00:27
[319] => 2018-12-26 11:51:15
[320] => 2018-12-26 13:05:43
[321] => 2018-12-26 13:31:52
[322] => 2018-12-26 14:11:15
[323] => 2018-12-26 14:16:49
[324] => 2018-12-26 14:23:22
[325] => 2018-12-26 14:25:53
[326] => 2018-12-26 14:42:36
[327] => 2018-12-26 16:02:25
[328] => 2018-12-26 16:25:04
[329] => 2018-12-26 16:30:19
[330] => 2018-12-26 16:31:41
[331] => 2018-12-27 10:26:53
[332] => 2018-12-27 14:03:44
[333] => 2018-12-27 14:42:59
[334] => 2018-12-27 15:44:08
[335] => 2018-12-28 11:13:03
[336] => 2018-12-28 11:26:35
[337] => 2018-12-28 11:26:56
[338] => 2018-12-28 11:47:10
[339] => 2018-12-28 11:48:11
[340] => 2018-12-28 12:30:52
[341] => 2019-01-02 09:46:35
[342] => 2019-01-02 09:59:35
[343] => 2019-01-02 10:01:32
[344] => 2019-01-02 10:36:25
[345] => 2019-01-02 10:42:39
[346] => 2019-01-02 11:34:45
[347] => 2019-01-02 13:24:41
[348] => 2019-01-02 15:34:37
[349] => 2019-01-02 15:36:02
[350] => 2019-01-02 15:36:26
[351] => 2019-01-02 17:00:54
[352] => 2019-01-03 08:21:10
[353] => 2019-01-03 08:30:16
[354] => 2019-01-03 09:45:49
[355] => 2019-01-03 09:47:04
[facebook] => Array
[0] => 2018-09-24 09:31:53
[1] => 2018-09-24 09:31:59
[2] => 2018-09-24 09:32:10
[3] => 2018-09-24 09:32:14
[4] => 2018-09-24 09:32:24
[5] => 2018-09-24 09:32:55
[6] => 2018-09-24 09:33:36
[7] => 2018-09-24 09:33:52
[8] => 2018-10-29 13:34:42
[9] => 2018-10-29 13:34:56
[10] => 2018-11-01 15:29:57
[11] => 2018-11-14 13:34:46
[12] => 2018-11-14 13:59:11
[13] => 2018-12-17 14:42:06
[14] => 2018-12-18 14:41:02
[15] => 2018-12-18 14:49:13
[16] => 2018-12-18 14:50:25
[17] => 2018-12-18 15:41:48
[18] => 2018-12-18 16:09:08
[19] => 2018-12-18 16:30:51
[20] => 2018-12-21 15:35:20
[21] => 2018-12-26 14:21:01
[22] => 2018-12-26 14:27:47
[23] => 2018-12-26 16:04:20
[24] => 2018-12-26 16:04:39
[25] => 2019-01-02 09:46:48
[26] => 2019-01-02 09:48:01
[27] => 2019-01-02 09:48:55
[28] => 2019-01-02 09:49:04
[29] => 2019-01-02 09:49:18
[30] => 2019-01-02 09:49:21
[31] => 2019-01-02 09:50:10
[32] => 2019-01-02 09:50:18
[33] => 2019-01-02 09:50:40
[34] => 2019-01-02 09:50:58
[35] => 2019-01-02 09:51:07
[36] => 2019-01-02 09:51:20
[37] => 2019-01-02 09:51:44
[38] => 2019-01-02 09:52:58
[39] => 2019-01-02 09:53:35
[40] => 2019-01-02 09:59:19
[41] => 2019-01-02 10:01:41
[42] => 2019-01-02 10:01:57
[43] => 2019-01-02 10:01:59
[44] => 2019-01-02 10:02:01
[45] => 2019-01-02 10:02:20
[46] => 2019-01-02 10:02:21
[47] => 2019-01-02 10:02:48
[48] => 2019-01-02 10:04:19
[49] => 2019-01-02 10:04:26
[50] => 2019-01-02 10:04:32
[51] => 2019-01-02 10:04:42
[52] => 2019-01-02 10:22:54
[53] => 2019-01-02 13:16:57
[54] => 2019-01-03 09:46:36
[55] => 2019-01-03 09:47:11
[newsletters] => Array
[0] => 2018-09-25 08:40:37
[1] => 2018-10-24 10:37:29
[2] => 2018-12-17 11:38:57
[crm] => Array
[0] => 2018-10-08 08:34:40
[series] => Array
[0] => 2018-11-12 11:15:58
[1] => 2018-11-12 11:22:36
[2] => 2018-11-12 11:23:52
[3] => 2018-11-12 11:24:18
[4] => 2018-11-12 11:26:14
[5] => 2018-11-12 11:26:39
[6] => 2018-12-19 14:24:50
[7] => 2018-12-26 10:41:57
[8] => 2018-12-26 10:43:51
[legal_content_id] => 1893274444087726
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[status_report] => Array
[status] => fail
[is_good] =>
[sections] => Array
[0] => Array
[section_title] => Obituaries
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[1] => Array
[section_title] => Healing Registry
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[2] => Array
[section_title] => Social Site Settings
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[3] => Array
[section_title] => Website
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[4] => Array
[section_title] => Locations
[status] => fail
[messages] => Array
[0] => Broken address: Test, - Favorite
[1] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[2] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[3] => Broken address: , Sun Prairie - Favorite
[4] => Broken address: , Connecticut - Favorite
[5] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[6] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[7] => Broken address: 606 , - Favorite
[8] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[9] => Broken address: , Monona Wisconsin - Favorite
[10] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[11] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[12] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[13] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[14] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[15] => Broken address: , Madison - Favorite
[16] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[17] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[18] => Broken address: , Clara City Minnesota - Favorite
[19] => Broken address: , Windsor Wisconsin - Favorite
[20] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[21] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[22] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[23] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[24] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[25] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[26] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[27] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[28] => Broken address: For Directions:, - Favorite
[29] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[30] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[31] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[32] => Broken address: , Muscoda Wisconsin - Favorite
[33] => Broken address: Corner of County Trunk P and State Hwy. 12, - Favorite
[34] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[35] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[36] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[37] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[38] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[39] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[40] => Broken address: , Geneva Wisconsin - Favorite
[41] => Broken address: , Milwaukee Wisconsin - Favorite
[42] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[43] => Broken address: , Westfield Wisconsin - Favorite
[44] => Broken address: , Belmond Iowa - Favorite
[45] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[46] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[47] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[48] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[49] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[50] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[51] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[52] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[53] => Broken address: , Blue Mounds Wisconsin - Favorite
[54] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[55] => Broken address: , Middleton Wisconsin - Favorite
[56] => Broken address: , Walworth Wisconsin - Favorite
[57] => Broken address: , Wausau Wisconsin - Favorite
[58] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[59] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[60] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[61] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[62] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[63] => Broken address: , Marshall Wisconsin - Favorite
[64] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[65] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[66] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[67] => Broken address: , Westby Wisconsin - Favorite
[68] => Broken address: , Union Grove Wisconsin - Favorite
[69] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[70] => Broken address: , Sioux City Iowa - Favorite
[71] => Broken address: , Kiel Wisconsin - Favorite
[72] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[73] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[74] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[75] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[76] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[77] => Broken address: , Clintonville Wisconsin - Favorite
[78] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[79] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[80] => Broken address: , Fincastle Virginia - Favorite
[81] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[82] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[83] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[84] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[85] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[86] => Broken address: , Babylon New York - Favorite
[87] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[88] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[89] => Broken address: Please contact funeral home for details., - Favorite
[90] => Broken address: , Waunakee Wisconsin - Favorite
[91] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[92] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[93] => Broken address: , Ontario Wisconsin - Favorite
[94] => Broken address: Jefferson Street, Richland Center Wisconsin - Favorite
[95] => Broken address: -, St. Cloud Minnesota - Favorite
[is_good] =>
[last_updated] => 2018-06-25 15:20:10
[passare_customer_token] =>
[] =>
[calculator] => Array
[roi] => Array
[data] => Array
[type] => funeral_home
[city] => Mason City
[state] => Iowa
[radius] => 20
[cases] => 180
[conversion] => 10
[results] => Array
[obituary_traffic] => Array
[projected] => 133560
[registry_sales] => Array
[projected] => 10017
[registry_commission] => Array
[projected] => 1752.98
[email_list] => Array
[projected] => 714
[reviews] => Array
[projected] => 23.4
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[projected] => 498.6
[leads] => Array
[projected] => 385
[new_clients] => Array
[projected] => 39
[report] =>
[options] => {
"disposition": {
"step": "disposition",
"question": "How would you like the body to be handled?",
"options": [
"value": "burial_entombment",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"text": "Burial\/Entombment",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "cremation",
"icon": "fa-burn",
"text": "Cremation",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"gathering": {
"question": "Would you like a gathering with family & friends?",
"options": [
"value": "gathering",
"icon": "fa-users",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_gathering",
"icon": "fa-users-slash",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"memorial_service": {
"question": "Would you like a memorial service?",
"options": [
"value": "memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-praying-hands",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-ban",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"urn": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of urn would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "Temporary",
"icon": "fa-archway",
"description": "Temporary container for transporting the ashes",
"prices": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-building",
"description": "Basic, functional urn for burial or entombment",
"prices": [
"value": "decorative",
"text": "Decorative",
"icon": "fa-church",
"description": "Beautiful urn for long term display and decoration",
"prices": [
"casket": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of casket would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-portrait",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-coffin",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-coffin-cross",
"prices": [
"burial": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "How would you like the casket to be buried?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-landscape",
"description": "Simple, flat marker in low cost cemetery and basic to no liner\/vault.",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-tombstone-alt",
"description": "Basic, upright headstone in an average cost cemetery with average burial vault",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-monument",
"description": "Fancy, upright headstone in a private cemetery with a premium burial vault",
"prices": [
"permanent_placement": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What would you like to do with the ashes?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "No Permanent Placement",
"icon": "fa-home",
"description": "Keep the ashes at home or wait to make a final decision",
"prices": [
"value": "mausoleum",
"text": "Mausoleum",
"icon": "fa-landmark",
"description": "The ashes will be held in a niche within a mausoleum",
"prices": [
"value": "burial",
"text": "Cemetery Burial",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"description": "The ashes will be buried in a cemetery with a marker",
"prices": [
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[immediate_need_confirmation] => We are here for you.
We are sorry for your loss. If you have not already spoken with us and need immediate attention, please call us at (612-599-6666) anytime. Your email request will be responded to only during business hours.
We consider it an honor and privilege to care for you and your family.
[dashboard_welcome] => We are here for you.
Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting for you to know that others care. You are in good hands at Funeral Innovations Admin, and we value the trust you have placed in us. To make things a little easier for you, we have included some helpful information and next steps.
[next_steps] => Dear {{first_name}},
First we want to thank you for trusting Funeral Innovations Admin to help care for {{deceased_first_name}}, and honor their life. As you begin to sort through the next steps, it can be overwhelming thinking about what needs to be done and in what order. Rest assured that we understand and are here for you to lean on.
To make things a little easier, we have outlined some useful tools, and information, to guide you. These tools are available within this private, secure, area of our website known as your Family Portal. We will guide your through a few simple steps that will help celebrate a life well lived and help make our time together as efficient as possible.
Once you have rested, there are a few items that will be helpful to us. Whatever you are able to gather, please bring to the meeting with the Funeral Innovations Admin director.
A list of these items are as follows:
Social Security Number of deceased.
Parents’ names, including mother’s maiden name.
Clothing, glasses, and any jewelry that is to be worn, including full set of underclothing. Shoes are optional.
Contact church if applicable.
Picture for newspaper and for cosmetics.
Ideas and information for the obituary.
If a veteran, military discharge papers.
[home] => Your Family Portal
To help you effectively manage your loved one's remembrance page, Funeral Innovations Admin offers you this exclusive Family Portal. Through your Family Portal, you can:
View, edit or remove tributes and photos posted by friends and loved ones
Select your preferred flowers and gifts through the Healing Registry
Track flower and gift purchases made through the remembrance page
Your login password was sent to you within your Family Portal welcome email. If you have any questions, please contact , or call (612-599-6666).
[immediate_need_text_format] => 0
[email] => Array
[new_account] => Hi {{first_name}},
Our deepest sympathies go to you and your family. Although no words can take away the sorrow that you carry, may it be comforting to know that we care. It is our honor and privilege to care for your loved one, along with all your family members.
We will be calling you soon to learn more about your preferences and to share information about your options to care for and remember your loved one.
When we call you, we will ask you to suggest a time to meet with a funeral director. It might be helpful for you to rest a bit or to give your family time to arrive from out of the area. You might want to attend this meeting with family, a friend or a clergy member that will be supporting you. Please keep in mind that we can meet anywhere you would be most comfortable, at the funeral home, at your home or at your church if you prefer. Either way, we are here for you and will make every accommodation to meet at your convenience.
Quite often families use this time to begin sharing memories and photos. Our Family Portal provides guidance on the next steps and allows you to invite family members to begin sharing memories and photos online. By adding family members, we will have it on record to communicate as needed. We encourage you, or someone in your family, to complete these simple steps before the arrangement conference.
To access the Family Portal:
Go to
Login using
Email: {{email}}
Call anytime, day or night if you have a question or want help. Some people find a lot of helpful information on our website, .
Warm Regards,
Family & Staff Members of Funeral Innovations Admin
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[phone] => 612-599-6666
[twilio_phone] => 15153053851
[facebook_page_name] => FI Test
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[0] => 2018-09-21 09:44:02
[1] => 2018-09-21 09:51:44
[2] => 2018-09-21 11:21:21
[3] => 2018-09-21 14:16:42
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[5] => 2018-09-21 14:57:45
[6] => 2018-09-21 15:17:06
[7] => 2018-09-21 15:37:35
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[13] => 2018-09-24 10:54:16
[14] => 2018-09-24 11:46:10
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[16] => 2018-09-25 08:40:47
[17] => 2018-09-25 08:44:48
[18] => 2018-09-25 15:31:19
[19] => 2018-09-25 16:09:17
[20] => 2018-09-26 08:10:40
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[23] => 2018-09-26 11:10:55
[24] => 2018-09-26 11:13:17
[25] => 2018-09-26 11:47:55
[26] => 2018-09-26 11:48:15
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[28] => 2018-09-26 14:54:13
[29] => 2018-09-26 14:59:31
[30] => 2018-09-26 15:57:34
[31] => 2018-09-27 08:05:10
[32] => 2018-09-27 08:29:30
[33] => 2018-09-27 08:49:20
[34] => 2018-09-27 10:41:46
[35] => 2018-09-27 11:40:50
[36] => 2018-09-27 12:18:22
[37] => 2018-09-27 14:39:28
[38] => 2018-09-27 16:29:00
[39] => 2018-09-28 13:39:23
[40] => 2018-10-01 07:35:52
[41] => 2018-10-01 10:40:56
[42] => 2018-10-01 10:46:05
[43] => 2018-10-01 14:06:47
[44] => 2018-10-01 14:38:07
[45] => 2018-10-01 16:16:23
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[55] => 2018-10-03 08:18:29
[56] => 2018-10-03 11:10:15
[57] => 2018-10-03 13:39:39
[58] => 2018-10-03 13:42:22
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[63] => 2018-10-04 10:25:39
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[73] => 2018-10-09 08:09:46
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[77] => 2018-10-09 08:39:56
[78] => 2018-10-09 08:47:46
[79] => 2018-10-15 11:18:09
[80] => 2018-10-15 14:56:20
[81] => 2018-10-22 08:47:35
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[83] => 2018-10-22 17:16:44
[84] => 2018-10-23 10:15:18
[85] => 2018-10-23 11:18:26
[86] => 2018-10-23 11:33:28
[87] => 2018-10-24 10:36:32
[88] => 2018-10-24 21:30:01
[89] => 2018-10-25 09:28:48
[90] => 2018-10-25 10:21:56
[91] => 2018-10-25 10:34:18
[92] => 2018-10-25 10:35:15
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[99] => 2018-10-26 09:53:12
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[103] => 2018-10-26 15:35:09
[104] => 2018-10-26 15:42:30
[105] => 2018-10-26 15:46:30
[106] => 2018-10-26 15:58:09
[107] => 2018-10-28 16:32:48
[108] => 2018-10-29 09:25:51
[109] => 2018-10-29 09:52:26
[110] => 2018-10-29 09:57:51
[111] => 2018-10-29 12:32:48
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[117] => 2018-10-30 11:15:36
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[119] => 2018-10-30 15:12:05
[120] => 2018-10-30 15:12:26
[121] => 2018-10-30 15:12:43
[122] => 2018-10-30 15:16:29
[123] => 2018-10-30 15:58:18
[124] => 2018-10-31 08:44:32
[125] => 2018-10-31 09:18:40
[126] => 2018-10-31 09:39:06
[127] => 2018-10-31 10:05:10
[128] => 2018-10-31 12:20:32
[129] => 2018-10-31 12:57:18
[130] => 2018-11-01 10:43:43
[131] => 2018-11-01 11:54:21
[132] => 2018-11-01 14:40:31
[133] => 2018-11-02 08:42:24
[134] => 2018-11-02 10:24:49
[135] => 2018-11-02 11:47:51
[136] => 2018-11-02 12:05:15
[137] => 2018-11-02 12:20:48
[138] => 2018-11-02 12:21:11
[139] => 2018-11-02 13:39:23
[140] => 2018-11-02 13:42:36
[141] => 2018-11-02 14:02:54
[142] => 2018-11-02 14:18:48
[143] => 2018-11-02 14:20:22
[144] => 2018-11-02 14:30:08
[145] => 2018-11-05 08:21:29
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[148] => 2018-11-05 14:24:09
[149] => 2018-11-06 08:30:25
[150] => 2018-11-06 09:56:02
[151] => 2018-11-06 15:12:39
[152] => 2018-11-06 15:51:31
[153] => 2018-11-07 09:39:53
[154] => 2018-11-08 08:37:35
[155] => 2018-11-08 09:16:31
[156] => 2018-11-08 10:06:08
[157] => 2018-11-08 14:39:22
[158] => 2018-11-08 14:40:35
[159] => 2018-11-08 15:04:28
[160] => 2018-11-09 09:02:12
[161] => 2018-11-09 09:08:03
[162] => 2018-11-09 09:47:02
[163] => 2018-11-09 14:07:49
[164] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[165] => 2018-11-09 14:11:13
[166] => 2018-11-09 15:23:33
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[169] => 2018-11-12 10:18:23
[170] => 2018-11-12 10:39:17
[171] => 2018-11-12 10:41:25
[172] => 2018-11-12 13:46:00
[173] => 2018-11-12 15:46:42
[174] => 2018-11-12 16:02:18
[175] => 2018-11-12 16:26:57
[176] => 2018-11-12 20:01:56
[177] => 2018-11-12 20:37:47
[178] => 2018-11-13 12:27:27
[179] => 2018-11-14 09:46:25
[180] => 2018-11-14 11:30:37
[181] => 2018-11-14 13:03:43
[182] => 2018-11-14 13:11:42
[183] => 2018-11-14 13:18:52
[184] => 2018-11-14 13:26:53
[185] => 2018-11-14 13:48:10
[186] => 2018-11-14 15:41:29
[187] => 2018-11-15 08:45:54
[188] => 2018-11-15 11:50:26
[189] => 2018-11-15 12:11:54
[190] => 2018-11-15 13:08:53
[191] => 2018-11-15 13:11:28
[192] => 2018-11-15 13:11:59
[193] => 2018-11-15 13:51:21
[194] => 2018-11-15 13:55:25
[195] => 2018-11-15 15:39:59
[196] => 2018-11-15 15:44:03
[197] => 2018-11-15 15:45:26
[198] => 2018-11-15 16:20:46
[199] => 2018-11-16 07:58:45
[200] => 2018-11-16 08:04:34
[201] => 2018-11-16 08:35:25
[202] => 2018-11-16 08:37:56
[203] => 2018-11-16 08:38:34
[204] => 2018-11-16 08:42:08
[205] => 2018-11-16 09:34:16
[206] => 2018-11-16 11:06:05
[207] => 2018-11-16 11:33:47
[208] => 2018-11-16 11:57:02
[209] => 2018-11-16 12:28:54
[210] => 2018-11-16 14:27:59
[211] => 2018-11-16 14:51:12
[212] => 2018-11-16 15:09:16
[213] => 2018-11-16 15:10:09
[214] => 2018-11-16 15:30:26
[215] => 2018-11-16 15:39:18
[216] => 2018-11-16 15:45:31
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[220] => 2018-11-16 16:07:12
[221] => 2018-11-16 16:10:18
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[226] => 2018-11-19 10:06:24
[227] => 2018-11-19 11:17:31
[228] => 2018-11-19 11:18:12
[229] => 2018-11-19 11:20:55
[230] => 2018-11-20 08:08:14
[231] => 2018-11-20 08:12:58
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[234] => 2018-11-20 08:26:10
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[238] => 2018-11-21 10:42:41
[239] => 2018-11-26 08:01:08
[240] => 2018-11-26 08:02:30
[241] => 2018-11-26 08:43:23
[242] => 2018-11-26 08:52:46
[243] => 2018-11-26 09:02:15
[244] => 2018-11-26 09:33:53
[245] => 2018-11-26 09:37:10
[246] => 2018-11-26 09:41:08
[247] => 2018-11-26 09:49:32
[248] => 2018-11-26 09:55:15
[249] => 2018-11-26 10:02:22
[250] => 2018-11-26 10:48:56
[251] => 2018-11-26 11:38:53
[252] => 2018-11-26 11:39:18
[253] => 2018-11-26 11:41:51
[254] => 2018-11-26 11:43:43
[255] => 2018-11-26 11:47:47
[256] => 2018-11-26 11:51:45
[257] => 2018-11-26 12:56:30
[258] => 2018-11-26 15:54:32
[259] => 2018-11-26 15:54:42
[260] => 2018-11-26 16:25:14
[261] => 2018-11-27 08:17:21
[262] => 2018-11-27 08:23:33
[263] => 2018-11-27 09:41:36
[264] => 2018-11-27 10:16:18
[265] => 2018-11-27 11:22:51
[266] => 2018-11-27 11:24:03
[267] => 2018-11-27 12:01:32
[268] => 2018-11-27 13:22:16
[269] => 2018-11-27 15:24:42
[270] => 2018-11-27 16:18:11
[271] => 2018-11-28 08:28:11
[272] => 2018-11-28 09:04:21
[273] => 2018-11-28 09:33:44
[274] => 2018-11-28 09:35:02
[275] => 2018-11-28 09:38:46
[276] => 2018-11-28 09:42:41
[277] => 2018-11-28 09:49:42
[278] => 2018-11-28 10:09:55
[279] => 2018-11-28 14:15:52
[280] => 2018-11-29 08:37:03
[281] => 2018-11-29 08:57:13
[282] => 2018-11-29 09:51:09
[283] => 2018-11-29 14:04:13
[284] => 2018-11-29 14:09:36
[285] => 2018-11-29 15:27:04
[286] => 2018-11-29 15:52:28
[287] => 2018-11-29 15:53:13
[288] => 2018-11-30 07:49:53
[289] => 2018-11-30 08:11:01
[290] => 2018-11-30 08:51:35
[291] => 2018-11-30 09:01:49
[292] => 2018-11-30 09:12:24
[293] => 2018-11-30 11:04:48
[294] => 2018-11-30 12:22:54
[295] => 2018-12-17 10:58:43
[296] => 2018-12-17 12:01:30
[297] => 2018-12-18 10:40:01
[298] => 2018-12-18 13:37:54
[299] => 2018-12-18 13:59:35
[300] => 2018-12-18 14:02:13
[301] => 2018-12-18 14:03:55
[302] => 2018-12-18 14:34:20
[303] => 2018-12-18 14:40:26
[304] => 2018-12-18 14:50:12
[305] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[306] => 2018-12-19 10:28:47
[307] => 2018-12-19 14:57:44
[308] => 2018-12-20 10:16:04
[309] => 2018-12-21 08:58:41
[310] => 2018-12-21 09:12:06
[311] => 2018-12-21 10:28:19
[312] => 2018-12-21 10:52:03
[313] => 2018-12-21 11:58:51
[314] => 2018-12-21 12:00:45
[315] => 2018-12-21 12:05:05
[316] => 2018-12-26 10:32:00
[317] => 2018-12-26 10:41:53
[318] => 2018-12-26 11:00:27
[319] => 2018-12-26 11:51:15
[320] => 2018-12-26 13:05:43
[321] => 2018-12-26 13:31:52
[322] => 2018-12-26 14:11:15
[323] => 2018-12-26 14:16:49
[324] => 2018-12-26 14:23:22
[325] => 2018-12-26 14:25:53
[326] => 2018-12-26 14:42:36
[327] => 2018-12-26 16:02:25
[328] => 2018-12-26 16:25:04
[329] => 2018-12-26 16:30:19
[330] => 2018-12-26 16:31:41
[331] => 2018-12-27 10:26:53
[332] => 2018-12-27 14:03:44
[333] => 2018-12-27 14:42:59
[334] => 2018-12-27 15:44:08
[335] => 2018-12-28 11:13:03
[336] => 2018-12-28 11:26:35
[337] => 2018-12-28 11:26:56
[338] => 2018-12-28 11:47:10
[339] => 2018-12-28 11:48:11
[340] => 2018-12-28 12:30:52
[341] => 2019-01-02 09:46:35
[342] => 2019-01-02 09:59:35
[343] => 2019-01-02 10:01:32
[344] => 2019-01-02 10:36:25
[345] => 2019-01-02 10:42:39
[346] => 2019-01-02 11:34:45
[347] => 2019-01-02 13:24:41
[348] => 2019-01-02 15:34:37
[349] => 2019-01-02 15:36:02
[350] => 2019-01-02 15:36:26
[351] => 2019-01-02 17:00:54
[352] => 2019-01-03 08:21:10
[353] => 2019-01-03 08:30:16
[354] => 2019-01-03 09:45:49
[355] => 2019-01-03 09:47:04
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[4] => 2018-09-24 09:32:24
[5] => 2018-09-24 09:32:55
[6] => 2018-09-24 09:33:36
[7] => 2018-09-24 09:33:52
[8] => 2018-10-29 13:34:42
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[10] => 2018-11-01 15:29:57
[11] => 2018-11-14 13:34:46
[12] => 2018-11-14 13:59:11
[13] => 2018-12-17 14:42:06
[14] => 2018-12-18 14:41:02
[15] => 2018-12-18 14:49:13
[16] => 2018-12-18 14:50:25
[17] => 2018-12-18 15:41:48
[18] => 2018-12-18 16:09:08
[19] => 2018-12-18 16:30:51
[20] => 2018-12-21 15:35:20
[21] => 2018-12-26 14:21:01
[22] => 2018-12-26 14:27:47
[23] => 2018-12-26 16:04:20
[24] => 2018-12-26 16:04:39
[25] => 2019-01-02 09:46:48
[26] => 2019-01-02 09:48:01
[27] => 2019-01-02 09:48:55
[28] => 2019-01-02 09:49:04
[29] => 2019-01-02 09:49:18
[30] => 2019-01-02 09:49:21
[31] => 2019-01-02 09:50:10
[32] => 2019-01-02 09:50:18
[33] => 2019-01-02 09:50:40
[34] => 2019-01-02 09:50:58
[35] => 2019-01-02 09:51:07
[36] => 2019-01-02 09:51:20
[37] => 2019-01-02 09:51:44
[38] => 2019-01-02 09:52:58
[39] => 2019-01-02 09:53:35
[40] => 2019-01-02 09:59:19
[41] => 2019-01-02 10:01:41
[42] => 2019-01-02 10:01:57
[43] => 2019-01-02 10:01:59
[44] => 2019-01-02 10:02:01
[45] => 2019-01-02 10:02:20
[46] => 2019-01-02 10:02:21
[47] => 2019-01-02 10:02:48
[48] => 2019-01-02 10:04:19
[49] => 2019-01-02 10:04:26
[50] => 2019-01-02 10:04:32
[51] => 2019-01-02 10:04:42
[52] => 2019-01-02 10:22:54
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[54] => 2019-01-03 09:46:36
[55] => 2019-01-03 09:47:11
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[series] => Array
[0] => 2018-11-12 11:15:58
[1] => 2018-11-12 11:22:36
[2] => 2018-11-12 11:23:52
[3] => 2018-11-12 11:24:18
[4] => 2018-11-12 11:26:14
[5] => 2018-11-12 11:26:39
[6] => 2018-12-19 14:24:50
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[status_report] => Array
[status] => fail
[is_good] =>
[sections] => Array
[0] => Array
[section_title] => Obituaries
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[1] => Array
[section_title] => Healing Registry
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[2] => Array
[section_title] => Social Site Settings
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[3] => Array
[section_title] => Website
[status] => success
[messages] => Array
[is_good] => 1
[4] => Array
[section_title] => Locations
[status] => fail
[messages] => Array
[0] => Broken address: Test, - Favorite
[1] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[2] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[3] => Broken address: , Sun Prairie - Favorite
[4] => Broken address: , Connecticut - Favorite
[5] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[6] => Broken address: , Lodi Wisconsin - Favorite
[7] => Broken address: 606 , - Favorite
[8] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[9] => Broken address: , Monona Wisconsin - Favorite
[10] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[11] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[12] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[13] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[14] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[15] => Broken address: , Madison - Favorite
[16] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[17] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[18] => Broken address: , Clara City Minnesota - Favorite
[19] => Broken address: , Windsor Wisconsin - Favorite
[20] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[21] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[22] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[23] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[24] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[25] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[26] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[27] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[28] => Broken address: For Directions:, - Favorite
[29] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[30] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[31] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[32] => Broken address: , Muscoda Wisconsin - Favorite
[33] => Broken address: Corner of County Trunk P and State Hwy. 12, - Favorite
[34] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[35] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[36] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[37] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[38] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[39] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[40] => Broken address: , Geneva Wisconsin - Favorite
[41] => Broken address: , Milwaukee Wisconsin - Favorite
[42] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[43] => Broken address: , Westfield Wisconsin - Favorite
[44] => Broken address: , Belmond Iowa - Favorite
[45] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[46] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[47] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[48] => Broken address: , Madison Wisconsin - Favorite
[49] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[50] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[51] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[52] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[53] => Broken address: , Blue Mounds Wisconsin - Favorite
[54] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[55] => Broken address: , Middleton Wisconsin - Favorite
[56] => Broken address: , Walworth Wisconsin - Favorite
[57] => Broken address: , Wausau Wisconsin - Favorite
[58] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[59] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[60] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[61] => Broken address: 201 outh, - Favorite
[62] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[63] => Broken address: , Marshall Wisconsin - Favorite
[64] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[65] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[66] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[67] => Broken address: , Westby Wisconsin - Favorite
[68] => Broken address: , Union Grove Wisconsin - Favorite
[69] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[70] => Broken address: , Sioux City Iowa - Favorite
[71] => Broken address: , Kiel Wisconsin - Favorite
[72] => Broken address: , Verona Wisconsin - Favorite
[73] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[74] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[75] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[76] => Broken address: 251, - Favorite
[77] => Broken address: , Clintonville Wisconsin - Favorite
[78] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[79] => Broken address: , Prairie du chien Wisconsin - Favorite
[80] => Broken address: , Fincastle Virginia - Favorite
[81] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[82] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[83] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[84] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[85] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[86] => Broken address: , Babylon New York - Favorite
[87] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[88] => Broken address: , Fish Creek Wisconsin - Favorite
[89] => Broken address: Please contact funeral home for details., - Favorite
[90] => Broken address: , Waunakee Wisconsin - Favorite
[91] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[92] => Broken address: , - Favorite
[93] => Broken address: , Ontario Wisconsin - Favorite
[94] => Broken address: Jefferson Street, Richland Center Wisconsin - Favorite
[95] => Broken address: -, St. Cloud Minnesota - Favorite
[is_good] =>
[last_updated] => 2018-06-25 15:20:10
[passare_customer_token] =>
[] =>
[calculator] => Array
[roi] => Array
[data] => Array
[type] => funeral_home
[city] => Mason City
[state] => Iowa
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[report] =>
[options] => {
"disposition": {
"step": "disposition",
"question": "How would you like the body to be handled?",
"options": [
"value": "burial_entombment",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"text": "Burial\/Entombment",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "cremation",
"icon": "fa-burn",
"text": "Cremation",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"gathering": {
"question": "Would you like a gathering with family & friends?",
"options": [
"value": "gathering",
"icon": "fa-users",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_gathering",
"icon": "fa-users-slash",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"memorial_service": {
"question": "Would you like a memorial service?",
"options": [
"value": "memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-praying-hands",
"text": "Yes",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"value": "no_memorial_service",
"icon": " fa-ban",
"text": "No",
"help": null,
"prices": [
"urn": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of urn would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "Temporary",
"icon": "fa-archway",
"description": "Temporary container for transporting the ashes",
"prices": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-building",
"description": "Basic, functional urn for burial or entombment",
"prices": [
"value": "decorative",
"text": "Decorative",
"icon": "fa-church",
"description": "Beautiful urn for long term display and decoration",
"prices": [
"casket": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What type of casket would you like?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-portrait",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-coffin",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-coffin-cross",
"prices": [
"burial": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "How would you like the casket to be buried?",
"options": [
"value": "basic",
"text": "Basic",
"icon": "fa-rectangle-landscape",
"description": "Simple, flat marker in low cost cemetery and basic to no liner\/vault.",
"prices": [
"value": "average",
"text": "Average",
"icon": "fa-tombstone-alt",
"description": "Basic, upright headstone in an average cost cemetery with average burial vault",
"prices": [
"value": "premium",
"text": "Premium",
"icon": "fa-monument",
"description": "Fancy, upright headstone in a private cemetery with a premium burial vault",
"prices": [
"permanent_placement": {
"conditional": {
"disposition": [
"question": "What would you like to do with the ashes?",
"options": [
"value": "none",
"text": "No Permanent Placement",
"icon": "fa-home",
"description": "Keep the ashes at home or wait to make a final decision",
"prices": [
"value": "mausoleum",
"text": "Mausoleum",
"icon": "fa-landmark",
"description": "The ashes will be held in a niche within a mausoleum",
"prices": [
"value": "burial",
"text": "Cemetery Burial",
"icon": "fa-tombstone",
"description": "The ashes will be buried in a cemetery with a marker",
"prices": [
"complete": []
[name] => Brian Cataldo
[registerer] => 201617
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[11] => 50
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[16] => 55
[17] => 56
[18] => 57
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[21] => 60
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[24] => 63
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[31] => 50
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[33] => 52
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[35] => 54
[36] => 55
[37] => 56
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[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[read_required_class] =>
[flash_path] =>
[remembrance_path] =>
[resource_path] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[img_path] =>
[domain] =>
[host] =>
[modelNames] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[3] => User
[4] => User
[5] => PlansUser
[6] => PlansUser
[base] =>
[layout] => metro
[autoRender] => 1
[autoLayout] => 1
[Component] => Component Object
[__controllerVars] => Array
[plugin] =>
[name] => FacebookDetective
[base] =>
[_loaded] => Array
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[_primary] => Array
[0] => Auth
[1] => Session
[2] => Cookie
[3] => Util
[4] => EmailService
[__settings] => Array
[view] => View
[ext] => .ctp
[output] =>
[plugin] =>
[cacheAction] =>
[persistModel] =>
[passedArgs] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[scaffold] =>
[methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[modelClass] => FbStat
[modelKey] => facebook_detective
[validationErrors] =>
[__httpCodes] =>
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740245050
[sessionTime] => 1740569050
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[FbStat] => FbStat Object
[name] => FbStat
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[0] => page_stories
[1] => page_storytellers
[2] => page_impressions
[3] => page_impressions_unique
[4] => page_impressions_organic
[5] => page_impressions_viral
[6] => page_engaged_users
[7] => page_consumptions
[8] => page_negative_feedback
[9] => page_fans
[10] => page_fan_adds
[11] => page_fan_removes
[12] => page_friends_of_fans
[13] => page_views
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_stats
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_stats
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[stats] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[end_time] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbStat
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_stats] => FbStat
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbStat
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[FbRank] => FbRank Object
[name] => FbRank
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[metric] => page_fans
[key] => Page Fans
[details] => The total number of fans
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[metric] => page_engaged_users
[key] => Engagement
[details] => The number of people who engaged with your page or content
[page_storytellers] => Array
[metric] => page_stories
[key] => Page Stories
[details] => When someone likes, comments or shares your post it creates a new story
[page_impressions] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_unique
[query] => page_impressions_unique
[key] => Reach
[details] => The number of people who were exposed to your page or content
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_viral
[key] => Virality
[details] => The number of people who were virally exposed to your page or content
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[metric] => page_storytellers_by_age_gender
[key] => Demographics
[details] => The percent of people engaged within your target demographic
[metrics] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[period] => lifetime
[label] => Total page fans
[page_storytellers] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Talking about your page
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total engaged fans
[page_impressions] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total views
[page_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total viral views
[page_impressions_viral_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached virally
[page_impressions_organic] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total organic views
[page_impressions_organic_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached organically
[page_views] => Array
[period] => day
[label] => Total views of your Facebook Page
[page_posts_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total people to see any of your posts
[page_stories] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total stories created by fans
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Engaged user by age and gender
[page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Page impressions by age and gender
[page_negative_feedback] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Negative feedback actions
[negative_feedback_rate] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Rate of negative feedback
[fan_penetration_organic] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Percent of fans reached organically
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_ranks
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_ranks
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[page_storytellers] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_fans] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[rank] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[cases] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[history] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[pending] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 1
[error] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbRank
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_ranks] => FbRank
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbRank
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[1] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201744
[1] => Voss_Sons_Inc
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201744/Voss_Sons_Inc
[form] => Array
[11] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/webroot/index.php
[line] => 83
[function] => dispatch
[class] => Dispatcher
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[previous:Exception:private] =>
Funeral Home Facebook Power Rankings | Web and Social Media Solutions for Funeral Homes
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