app/controllers/components/facebook_graph.php (line 56)
Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException Object
[response:protected] => Facebook\FacebookResponse Object
[httpStatusCode:protected] => 400
[headers:protected] => Array
[error-mid] => 3b61b1893bdda23cc09efe288a53acdf
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[cross-origin-resource-policy] => cross-origin
[x-app-usage] => {"call_count":0,"total_cputime":0,"total_time":0}
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[www-authenticate] => OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons."
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000; preload
[pragma] => no-cache
[cache-control] => no-store
[expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
[x-fb-request-id] => AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7
[x-fb-trace-id] => ClaMuQUiHQX
[x-fb-rev] => 1020321963
[x-fb-debug] => r8/8IyV8ifIR4K6+pjTS1BjsSsrKxPJVlJZ8Dn2p36UZUo+99E0QO3fBy2w4sgisKQpU4mW5j8ivzh/4Bi+QBA==
[content-length] => 279
[date] => Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:01:01 GMT
[proxy-status] => http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcKrA-1lu3xddeMqcHs0jYThBouIeD3Z39hB8u-wYuUERmz6QV_ge2dqZaKo"; e_fb_requesttime="AcJCfrmZjGXUnTwLK0LTZ-qnmlvGSVB30BenVkC6i5dWuWYUFtshINddaoBE5NCSl4iJ5Z3xvg"; e_proxy="AcLKtF_bUW3VVH-EA238C2Oe9n-OM0iOHo3RXcR32Uj9W9YFtVYwB_v0jC2D3Wi0pO26s9ev-pacs_9kM0g"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcLfFxxAlrKdmg-cw74kQchS6fkMVQPlr4zPgnF_a73maR_yhjrbyl2AYCcwuLRim0hJpYxSsdXZ8MypXOvdQ9HBDNkK9L1WClRZE68aU47rNQ"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcIj0defeFdJWGdNkRtr--qyzzoMm_Hfj94XzkeGJxNwJx84g2VHY4SgMAc"; e_upip="AcJuthnSA3GbxnCDzc8FQZhjHLuyfP6gqiqVj_R_DzqvQIwr7sC8m6Sp3rmgd3BteVr_aM1Af_5TukckD0ypltlP8dGpPtlDeMatoQI"; e_fb_zone="AcJZwVNlQoniuyggkKoewD8zlOob7MTQVpUFjiOjCi3_xRbKma8qS_isuOPUJg4c"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcIEib9XMH0nTh1Z3cR2MveU0ReVDQBAzf-u8RZoZcLlp2Fuzer7dR6hNuL0O9-6RUqex79i4ilSKwtvZpdKrbz-hK-_TVDbZSg"; e_fb_httpversion="AcJSDYkZCXE_B-S8h6kZnejQGcbJ0BNmydg8bi_JfzN8LbK27GPU69dAXOvQ"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcKOQuT9NIcyj1jj8V5mSDS6AFEa2fIVjveFNPsTi1OmZiAO7H_PQ5EzWfRj93isuOAPrn8FUpk"; e_fb_configversion="AcJImX_pWEMHDWmVGHJnVgNQmB-I-fqj2Q87E_Dy9C0TbcuNDoGzsgiquBgaDw"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcKD4sUX3Z3rfvOJJUQBIexfl4fU13hsKf3nIG6GBlN1i9IJ8KSV1-ARDD4fNuERCj9_ULay2SEposP21nvWkZgA3yrOZL4s"; e_fb_hostheader="AcJfCDcceHWZDdf6kyGM_Wu8s596rliAByqncfLrce1lPx4pSI_laoLw3nzU90DWzokYnbbukK749-Vz"; e_fb_builduser="AcI7j2442pZjVcvyMvaK8i85v0STfZ6eVgP9ATMqTGmJW-b329iFhFTPm6gTtKubYCA"; e_fb_vipport="AcL_Br1zz-LSWb-e3huaYj9TELDjFyQW94iUEgyRq3VLHVAMGTGUqwBtLXHf"; e_clientaddr="AcKaUn6syGjpcU4C5edkBuWrzDo4AyEb5BST3ieEUr1s1u5W9sRieZen1MmSN-gXNJhH8ePgmhTQ2Izpt63sc5bvg5WfZO0kGI3NDSao6913yc5S7g", http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcJcttt_8FN9YLuMIloGeJjm_bZiCWjscO2HACu1Bd9mDtoQINSxUbDP6CD-"; e_fb_requesttime="AcKPQiQiFjgRwMsz45lTqcPYyRTRByDGFtTard2lkR8K5hg9gWdHdACS3A5dXUM1u01w5FE53A"; e_proxy="AcIodb2cUxda9xTqaM1U55v1-T8L-Ja6G2LINS3pxwiAsnui-7H-IrmIW5rueg16MjFv-8t1lxdvCZA"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcIBDS4nMaF7chaikFGWo0H2fHEBawRJTxkJE57SoPMXQbYAxzZc_xrL9dwGAiSrhqbQ6dhSk_cEc0pep8xVeuUnr7Oc2hn1NPAp"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcJpN6oK6gJJScZaBaAW7s8iJU4rdOr6PGHZ68LStaPP5KGPFVVR73TwSA"; e_upip="AcISeeYAHpJl6gyuFWZZBr_x3pc2cLLu64kNAzbLuzS369aI1RQdz_fqvszNzTDqx833XmA0thhr7s3JS2DXPY3yeXwfXNvD"; e_fb_zone="AcIyiZLOP8JLPF_PE3zcBYm0EvPyArb64NFtlw6IwFpdo072qNPwfVuXFTtkug"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcKuNDct8CHD35-rH0S4q3TX5bqxoJhdsv5kdUbKg3qAse4YB7Gm3kLffF_9ujI7VM8zpB2pQ3xZA7MgSIG2O_ziFqDllq9kZCI"; e_fb_httpversion="AcKSBNokglfh86iY7maw297YBY4enq8L4yZtY-5iELQrdMvOdmaYCwL5m6wx"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcKHkYzyQkgD-iQFx2oglYonXiOlACzj8o1IRx-qhnV6ImgfwE993HIfFHUPb0N5_JkZhW019D0"; e_fb_configversion="AcJyf8Ri1Q-XUzCQVeWSL01hHY2sxaqpaTUIt-xfsdTun3Vdek4WZfrgfOlzxw"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcK-gBGQO_yOZJiVcN4-8P1G_OgDxIoctSyj6guK6KvNW6sSK5yivOhORUAvoDe_jUg5Apl66fA"; e_fb_hostheader="AcKAGplQF1PAf96q9z2xop5wTGHCNXhoSLCkZkICDKuix4NxqdHinZJNJKNT3YlhrTGsun8bUCu5R22Z"; e_fb_builduser="AcJZVVNVCgpW6863oxO3dJhsgnMQf22J9Fsnggp1v1kkQT5T36BAkNEG5QSN1ClMarU"; e_fb_vipport="AcJtVsQ0JHawqqsty-PYs_Xtl6VgmXdYEewTlaYjhM9kv9Kv-wLJDt7pjDpY"; e_clientaddr="AcKsrCJ8ZwL2_BGFWb4qElD7OO6XMP3kU03Q35BAG4DFsUsweLdYdoNriL7hAao1L4uXqKJaKVPuML7BmfQ"
[x-fb-connection-quality] => EXCELLENT; q=0.9, rtt=6, rtx=0, c=10, mss=1380, tbw=3556, tp=-1, tpl=-1, uplat=128, ullat=0
[alt-svc] => h3=":443"; ma=86400
[body:protected] => {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.","type":"OAuthException","code":190,"error_subcode":460,"fbtrace_id":"AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7"}}
[decodedBody:protected] => Array
[error] => Array
[message] => Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.
[type] => OAuthException
[code] => 190
[error_subcode] => 460
[fbtrace_id] => AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7
[request:protected] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /47354167218?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[thrownException:protected] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException Object
[responseData:protected] => Array
[error] => Array
[message] => Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.
[type] => OAuthException
[code] => 190
[error_subcode] => 460
[fbtrace_id] => AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7
[message:protected] => Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.
[string:Exception:private] =>
[code:protected] => 190
[file:protected] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Exceptions/FacebookResponseException.php
[line:protected] => 89
[trace:Exception:private] => Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 210
[function] => create
[class] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookResponse Object
[httpStatusCode:protected] => 400
[headers:protected] => Array
[error-mid] => 3b61b1893bdda23cc09efe288a53acdf
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[cross-origin-resource-policy] => cross-origin
[x-app-usage] => {"call_count":0,"total_cputime":0,"total_time":0}
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[www-authenticate] => OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons."
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000; preload
[pragma] => no-cache
[cache-control] => no-store
[expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
[x-fb-request-id] => AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7
[x-fb-trace-id] => ClaMuQUiHQX
[x-fb-rev] => 1020321963
[x-fb-debug] => r8/8IyV8ifIR4K6+pjTS1BjsSsrKxPJVlJZ8Dn2p36UZUo+99E0QO3fBy2w4sgisKQpU4mW5j8ivzh/4Bi+QBA==
[content-length] => 279
[date] => Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:01:01 GMT
[proxy-status] => http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcKrA-1lu3xddeMqcHs0jYThBouIeD3Z39hB8u-wYuUERmz6QV_ge2dqZaKo"; e_fb_requesttime="AcJCfrmZjGXUnTwLK0LTZ-qnmlvGSVB30BenVkC6i5dWuWYUFtshINddaoBE5NCSl4iJ5Z3xvg"; e_proxy="AcLKtF_bUW3VVH-EA238C2Oe9n-OM0iOHo3RXcR32Uj9W9YFtVYwB_v0jC2D3Wi0pO26s9ev-pacs_9kM0g"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcLfFxxAlrKdmg-cw74kQchS6fkMVQPlr4zPgnF_a73maR_yhjrbyl2AYCcwuLRim0hJpYxSsdXZ8MypXOvdQ9HBDNkK9L1WClRZE68aU47rNQ"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcIj0defeFdJWGdNkRtr--qyzzoMm_Hfj94XzkeGJxNwJx84g2VHY4SgMAc"; e_upip="AcJuthnSA3GbxnCDzc8FQZhjHLuyfP6gqiqVj_R_DzqvQIwr7sC8m6Sp3rmgd3BteVr_aM1Af_5TukckD0ypltlP8dGpPtlDeMatoQI"; e_fb_zone="AcJZwVNlQoniuyggkKoewD8zlOob7MTQVpUFjiOjCi3_xRbKma8qS_isuOPUJg4c"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcIEib9XMH0nTh1Z3cR2MveU0ReVDQBAzf-u8RZoZcLlp2Fuzer7dR6hNuL0O9-6RUqex79i4ilSKwtvZpdKrbz-hK-_TVDbZSg"; e_fb_httpversion="AcJSDYkZCXE_B-S8h6kZnejQGcbJ0BNmydg8bi_JfzN8LbK27GPU69dAXOvQ"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcKOQuT9NIcyj1jj8V5mSDS6AFEa2fIVjveFNPsTi1OmZiAO7H_PQ5EzWfRj93isuOAPrn8FUpk"; e_fb_configversion="AcJImX_pWEMHDWmVGHJnVgNQmB-I-fqj2Q87E_Dy9C0TbcuNDoGzsgiquBgaDw"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcKD4sUX3Z3rfvOJJUQBIexfl4fU13hsKf3nIG6GBlN1i9IJ8KSV1-ARDD4fNuERCj9_ULay2SEposP21nvWkZgA3yrOZL4s"; e_fb_hostheader="AcJfCDcceHWZDdf6kyGM_Wu8s596rliAByqncfLrce1lPx4pSI_laoLw3nzU90DWzokYnbbukK749-Vz"; e_fb_builduser="AcI7j2442pZjVcvyMvaK8i85v0STfZ6eVgP9ATMqTGmJW-b329iFhFTPm6gTtKubYCA"; e_fb_vipport="AcL_Br1zz-LSWb-e3huaYj9TELDjFyQW94iUEgyRq3VLHVAMGTGUqwBtLXHf"; e_clientaddr="AcKaUn6syGjpcU4C5edkBuWrzDo4AyEb5BST3ieEUr1s1u5W9sRieZen1MmSN-gXNJhH8ePgmhTQ2Izpt63sc5bvg5WfZO0kGI3NDSao6913yc5S7g", http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcJcttt_8FN9YLuMIloGeJjm_bZiCWjscO2HACu1Bd9mDtoQINSxUbDP6CD-"; e_fb_requesttime="AcKPQiQiFjgRwMsz45lTqcPYyRTRByDGFtTard2lkR8K5hg9gWdHdACS3A5dXUM1u01w5FE53A"; e_proxy="AcIodb2cUxda9xTqaM1U55v1-T8L-Ja6G2LINS3pxwiAsnui-7H-IrmIW5rueg16MjFv-8t1lxdvCZA"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcIBDS4nMaF7chaikFGWo0H2fHEBawRJTxkJE57SoPMXQbYAxzZc_xrL9dwGAiSrhqbQ6dhSk_cEc0pep8xVeuUnr7Oc2hn1NPAp"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcJpN6oK6gJJScZaBaAW7s8iJU4rdOr6PGHZ68LStaPP5KGPFVVR73TwSA"; e_upip="AcISeeYAHpJl6gyuFWZZBr_x3pc2cLLu64kNAzbLuzS369aI1RQdz_fqvszNzTDqx833XmA0thhr7s3JS2DXPY3yeXwfXNvD"; e_fb_zone="AcIyiZLOP8JLPF_PE3zcBYm0EvPyArb64NFtlw6IwFpdo072qNPwfVuXFTtkug"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcKuNDct8CHD35-rH0S4q3TX5bqxoJhdsv5kdUbKg3qAse4YB7Gm3kLffF_9ujI7VM8zpB2pQ3xZA7MgSIG2O_ziFqDllq9kZCI"; e_fb_httpversion="AcKSBNokglfh86iY7maw297YBY4enq8L4yZtY-5iELQrdMvOdmaYCwL5m6wx"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcKHkYzyQkgD-iQFx2oglYonXiOlACzj8o1IRx-qhnV6ImgfwE993HIfFHUPb0N5_JkZhW019D0"; e_fb_configversion="AcJyf8Ri1Q-XUzCQVeWSL01hHY2sxaqpaTUIt-xfsdTun3Vdek4WZfrgfOlzxw"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcK-gBGQO_yOZJiVcN4-8P1G_OgDxIoctSyj6guK6KvNW6sSK5yivOhORUAvoDe_jUg5Apl66fA"; e_fb_hostheader="AcKAGplQF1PAf96q9z2xop5wTGHCNXhoSLCkZkICDKuix4NxqdHinZJNJKNT3YlhrTGsun8bUCu5R22Z"; e_fb_builduser="AcJZVVNVCgpW6863oxO3dJhsgnMQf22J9Fsnggp1v1kkQT5T36BAkNEG5QSN1ClMarU"; e_fb_vipport="AcJtVsQ0JHawqqsty-PYs_Xtl6VgmXdYEewTlaYjhM9kv9Kv-wLJDt7pjDpY"; e_clientaddr="AcKsrCJ8ZwL2_BGFWb4qElD7OO6XMP3kU03Q35BAG4DFsUsweLdYdoNriL7hAao1L4uXqKJaKVPuML7BmfQ"
[x-fb-connection-quality] => EXCELLENT; q=0.9, rtt=6, rtx=0, c=10, mss=1380, tbw=3556, tp=-1, tpl=-1, uplat=128, ullat=0
[alt-svc] => h3=":443"; ma=86400
[body:protected] => {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.","type":"OAuthException","code":190,"error_subcode":460,"fbtrace_id":"AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7"}}
[decodedBody:protected] => Array
[error] => Array
[message] => Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.
[type] => OAuthException
[code] => 190
[error_subcode] => 460
[fbtrace_id] => AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7
[request:protected] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /47354167218?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[thrownException:protected] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException Object
[1] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 255
[function] => makeException
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[2] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 82
[function] => decodeBody
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[3] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookClient.php
[line] => 225
[function] => __construct
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /47354167218?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[1] => {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.","type":"OAuthException","code":190,"error_subcode":460,"fbtrace_id":"AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7"}}
[2] => 400
[3] => Array
[error-mid] => 3b61b1893bdda23cc09efe288a53acdf
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[cross-origin-resource-policy] => cross-origin
[x-app-usage] => {"call_count":0,"total_cputime":0,"total_time":0}
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[www-authenticate] => OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons."
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000; preload
[pragma] => no-cache
[cache-control] => no-store
[expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
[x-fb-request-id] => AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7
[x-fb-trace-id] => ClaMuQUiHQX
[x-fb-rev] => 1020321963
[x-fb-debug] => r8/8IyV8ifIR4K6+pjTS1BjsSsrKxPJVlJZ8Dn2p36UZUo+99E0QO3fBy2w4sgisKQpU4mW5j8ivzh/4Bi+QBA==
[content-length] => 279
[date] => Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:01:01 GMT
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[alt-svc] => h3=":443"; ma=86400
[4] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Facebook.php
[line] => 469
[function] => sendRequest
[class] => Facebook\FacebookClient
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /47354167218?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[5] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Facebook.php
[line] => 342
[function] => sendRequest
[class] => Facebook\Facebook
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => GET
[1] => /47354167218?fields=about,id,location
[2] => Array
[3] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[4] =>
[5] =>
[6] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/controllers/components/facebook_graph.php
[line] => 44
[function] => get
[class] => Facebook\Facebook
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => /47354167218?fields=about,id,location
[1] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[7] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/controllers/facebook_detective_controller.php
[line] => 301
[function] => api
[class] => FacebookGraphComponent
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[1] => GET
[2] => /47354167218?fields=about,id,location
[8] => Array
[function] => rankings
[class] => FacebookDetectiveController
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[9] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/cake/dispatcher.php
[line] => 204
[function] => call_user_func_array
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[name] => FacebookDetective
[uses] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[components] => Array
[Auth] =>
[Session] =>
[Cookie] =>
[Util] =>
[EmailService] =>
[helpers] => Array
[Asset.asset] =>
[Session] =>
[Html] =>
[Javascript] =>
[Form] =>
[Text] =>
[Numbers] =>
[title] => Websites and software for funeral homes | Funeral Innovations
[salt] => m0num3nts
[is_dev] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[UserAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
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[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
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[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
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[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
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[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[here] => /power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
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[action] => rankings
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[pass] => Array
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[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
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[date] => February 3, 2014
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[date] => March 25, 2014
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[date] => June 2, 2020
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[created] => 2013-05-08 17:37:08
[modified] => 2013-05-08 17:37:08
[User] => Array
[id] => 201418
[SalesforceId] =>
[SFOfficialCompanyName] =>
[username] =>
[password] => 8ef1637b07392ed3fae4039a217c8447aae2ec25
[email] =>
[first_name] => Brenda
[last_name] => Spicer
[company_name] => Evergreen Washelli
[company_url] =>
[domain_id] =>
[site_id] =>
[slug] => evergreenwashelli
[address] => 11111 Aurora Ave. North
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[zip] => 98133
[phone] => 206-362-5200
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[company_id] => 201418
[facebook_id] => 47354167218
[ad_account] =>
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[contact_confirm] => Thank you for contacting Evergreen Washelli. A member of our team will contact you shortly.
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[preplanning_confirm] => Thank you for taking the first step in pre-planning. One of our expert pre-planning specialists will be in contact with you soon.
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[city] => Bothell
[state] => WA
[1] => Array
[name] => Rose Corner Florist (10901 Aurora Ave N)
[code] => nwf-51
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[2] => Array
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[state] => WA
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[created] => 2013-05-08 12:59:29
[modified] => 2023-12-08 12:00:11
[full_name] => Brenda Spicer
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[address_2line] => Seattle, WA 98133
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[contact_confirm] => Thank you for contacting Evergreen Washelli. A member of our team will contact you shortly.
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[fb_reach_weight] => 1.06
[card_pending] => 0
[preplanning_confirm] => Thank you for taking the first step in pre-planning. One of our expert pre-planning specialists will be in contact with you soon.
[email_type_10] =>
[copilot] => Array
[auto_schedule] => Array
[holidays] => 1
[specialdays] => 1
[fb] => Array
[locations] => Array
[0] => Array
[code] => 2542527
[label] => Seattle, Washington
[radius] => 10
[budget] => Array
[engage] => Array
[monthly] => 50
[post] => 8
[target] => Array
[monthly] =>
[post] =>
[campaigns] => Array
[monthly] => 160
[fb_app_id] => 1092836287500568
[fi_site_url] =>
[highlight_color] => #4C5282
[secondary_color] => #4C5282
[registry_url] => /obituaries/send-gifts/
[preplanning_url] =>
[review_site] =>
[newsletter_email] =>
[series_domain_valid] => 0
[wordpress_username] => events_editor
[wordpress_password] => LGjlH)KrxhgEwRO1wqDo%a1z
[florist_one_affiliate_id] => 2016094171
[contact_forward] =>
[osiris_name] =>
[osiris_api] =>
[admin_accounts] => Array
[planning_reminders_landing] =>
[registry_commissions] => 0.15
[logo] => logos_cdn_201418_12.PNG
[goals] => Array
[goal1] => gifts
[goal2] => preplanning
[goal3] => grief
[goal4] => newsletter
[registry] => Array
[service_cutoff] => 6
[order_disclaimer] =>
[florists] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => BOTHELL FLORIST (10021 Ne 183rd St)
[code] => 53-0415AA
[city] => Bothell
[state] => WA
[1] => Array
[name] => Rose Corner Florist (10901 Aurora Ave N)
[code] => nwf-51
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[2] => Array
[name] => STADIUM FLOWERS (3632 Broadway)
[code] => 53-2952AJ
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[has_updated_prices] => 1
[disabled_categories] =>
[florist_name] =>
[florist_phone] =>
[free_emails] => 0
[emails_sent] => Array
[0] => Array
[start_date] => 2019-06
[count] => 1
[custom_pages_xml] => Array
[name] =>
[type] =>
[tmp_name] =>
[error] => 4
[size] => 0
[email_type_14] =>
[stripe_account_id] =>
[links] => Array
[preplan_reminders] =>
[preplan_landing] =>
[registry_standalone] =>
[newsletter_signup] =>
[review_submit] =>
[registry_info] =>
[preplan_form] =>
[review_view] =>
[grief_support] =>
[our_services] =>
[contact_us] =>
[landing_pages] => Array
[0] => Array
[title] => Healing Registry
[link] =>
[slug] => registry_info
[page_id] => 6219
[master_page_id] => 1862
[1] => Array
[title] => Breast Cancer Awareness Month
[link] =>
[slug] => breast-cancer-awareness-2017
[page_id] => 6280
[master_page_id] => 1938
[vendor_vital_ice] =>
[breast-cancer-awareness-2017] =>
[veterans] =>
[feed_id] => 81
[florist_one_affiliate_pw] =>
[registry_fee_cap] =>
[registry_fee_rate] =>
[emails] => Array
[monthly_budget] => 25000
[cost_per_email] =>
[third_color] =>
[forth_color] =>
[wp_oauth] => Array
[client_key] =>
[client_secret] =>
[oauth_token] =>
[oauth_token_secret] =>
[donations_fee_rate] => 2
[email_type_16] =>
[newsletter_footer_text] =>
[area_obituaries_profile] =>
[area_obituaries_location] =>
[area_obituaries_account] =>
[included_events] => 1
[events_cost] => 100
[area_obituaries_website_opt_out] => 0
[ge_setup] => Array
[test_landing_page] => 1
[add_facebook_access] => 1
[accept_leadgen_tos] => 1
[legal_content_id] => 146662406130457
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[location] => Array
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[lng] => -122.3456437
[campaign_schedule] => 5
[account_flag] =>
[campaigns] => Array
[disabled_categories] => Array
[0] => cemetery_edu
[1] => discount_cremation
[2] => monuments
[3] => pets
[lead_notifications] => Array
[digest] => 1
[campaign_category_favorites] =>
[twilio_phone] =>
[actions] =>
[facebook_page_name] => Evergreen Washelli Funeral Homes . Cremations . Cemeteries.
[events_payments_history] => Array
[exceeded_events] => Array
[Q4] => Array
[exceeded_events] => Array
[count] => 0
[events] => Array
[cost] => 0
[last_invoice] => 1702058411
[logos] => Array
[copilot] => Array
[full] =>
[large] =>
[small] =>
[regular] => Array
[full] =>
[large] =>
[small] =>
[js_more] => Array
[0] => libraries/jquery.tipsy.js
[css_no_compress] => Array
[0] => libraries/tipsy
[1] => views/social
[title_for_layout] => Funeral Home Facebook Power Rankings
[company_plans] => Array
[MANAGER] => Array
[ADMIN] => Array
[ROLES] => Array
[SOCIAL] => Array
[DISCOUNT] => Array
[EOBITS] => Array
[ADD ON] => Array
[SERVICES] => Array
[SIDECAR] => Array
[user_plans] => Array
[MANAGER] => Array
[ADMIN] => Array
[ROLES] => Array
[SOCIAL] => Array
[DISCOUNT] => Array
[EOBITS] => Array
[ADD ON] => Array
[SERVICES] => Array
[SIDECAR] => Array
[navigation] => Array
[enterprise_company_id] =>
[company] =>
[user] =>
[can_have_donations] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[is_vendor] =>
[is_admin] =>
[user_permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[admin_accounts] => Array
[userAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[read_required_class] =>
[flash_path] =>
[remembrance_path] =>
[resource_path] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[img_path] =>
[domain] =>
[host] =>
[modelNames] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[3] => User
[4] => User
[5] => PlansUser
[6] => PlansUser
[base] =>
[layout] => metro
[autoRender] => 1
[autoLayout] => 1
[Component] => Component Object
[__controllerVars] => Array
[plugin] =>
[name] => FacebookDetective
[base] =>
[_loaded] => Array
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[_primary] => Array
[0] => Auth
[1] => Session
[2] => Cookie
[3] => Util
[4] => EmailService
[__settings] => Array
[view] => View
[ext] => .ctp
[output] =>
[plugin] =>
[cacheAction] =>
[persistModel] =>
[passedArgs] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[scaffold] =>
[methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[modelClass] => FbStat
[modelKey] => facebook_detective
[validationErrors] =>
[__httpCodes] =>
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[FbStat] => FbStat Object
[name] => FbStat
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[0] => page_stories
[1] => page_storytellers
[2] => page_impressions
[3] => page_impressions_unique
[4] => page_impressions_organic
[5] => page_impressions_viral
[6] => page_engaged_users
[7] => page_consumptions
[8] => page_negative_feedback
[9] => page_fans
[10] => page_fan_adds
[11] => page_fan_removes
[12] => page_friends_of_fans
[13] => page_views
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_stats
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_stats
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[stats] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[end_time] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbStat
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_stats] => FbStat
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbStat
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[FbRank] => FbRank Object
[name] => FbRank
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[metric] => page_fans
[key] => Page Fans
[details] => The total number of fans
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[metric] => page_engaged_users
[key] => Engagement
[details] => The number of people who engaged with your page or content
[page_storytellers] => Array
[metric] => page_stories
[key] => Page Stories
[details] => When someone likes, comments or shares your post it creates a new story
[page_impressions] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_unique
[query] => page_impressions_unique
[key] => Reach
[details] => The number of people who were exposed to your page or content
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_viral
[key] => Virality
[details] => The number of people who were virally exposed to your page or content
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[metric] => page_storytellers_by_age_gender
[key] => Demographics
[details] => The percent of people engaged within your target demographic
[metrics] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[period] => lifetime
[label] => Total page fans
[page_storytellers] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Talking about your page
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total engaged fans
[page_impressions] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total views
[page_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total viral views
[page_impressions_viral_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached virally
[page_impressions_organic] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total organic views
[page_impressions_organic_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached organically
[page_views] => Array
[period] => day
[label] => Total views of your Facebook Page
[page_posts_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total people to see any of your posts
[page_stories] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total stories created by fans
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Engaged user by age and gender
[page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Page impressions by age and gender
[page_negative_feedback] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Negative feedback actions
[negative_feedback_rate] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Rate of negative feedback
[fan_penetration_organic] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Percent of fans reached organically
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_ranks
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_ranks
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[page_storytellers] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_fans] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[rank] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[cases] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[history] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[pending] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 1
[error] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbRank
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_ranks] => FbRank
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbRank
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[1] => rankings
[1] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[10] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/cake/dispatcher.php
[line] => 171
[function] => _invoke
[class] => Dispatcher
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[name] => FacebookDetective
[uses] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[components] => Array
[Auth] =>
[Session] =>
[Cookie] =>
[Util] =>
[EmailService] =>
[helpers] => Array
[Asset.asset] =>
[Session] =>
[Html] =>
[Javascript] =>
[Form] =>
[Text] =>
[Numbers] =>
[title] => Websites and software for funeral homes | Funeral Innovations
[salt] => m0num3nts
[is_dev] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[UserAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
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[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
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[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
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[date] => June 2, 2020
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[created] => 2013-05-08 17:37:08
[modified] => 2013-05-08 17:37:08
[User] => Array
[id] => 201418
[SalesforceId] =>
[SFOfficialCompanyName] =>
[username] =>
[password] => 8ef1637b07392ed3fae4039a217c8447aae2ec25
[email] =>
[first_name] => Brenda
[last_name] => Spicer
[company_name] => Evergreen Washelli
[company_url] =>
[domain_id] =>
[site_id] =>
[slug] => evergreenwashelli
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[state] => WA
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[company_id] => 201418
[facebook_id] => 47354167218
[ad_account] =>
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[contact_confirm] => Thank you for contacting Evergreen Washelli. A member of our team will contact you shortly.
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[preplanning_confirm] => Thank you for taking the first step in pre-planning. One of our expert pre-planning specialists will be in contact with you soon.
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[city] => Bothell
[state] => WA
[1] => Array
[name] => Rose Corner Florist (10901 Aurora Ave N)
[code] => nwf-51
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[2] => Array
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[state] => WA
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[created] => 2013-05-08 12:59:29
[modified] => 2023-12-08 12:00:11
[full_name] => Brenda Spicer
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[address_2line] => Seattle, WA 98133
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[contact_confirm] => Thank you for contacting Evergreen Washelli. A member of our team will contact you shortly.
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[fb_reach_weight] => 1.06
[card_pending] => 0
[preplanning_confirm] => Thank you for taking the first step in pre-planning. One of our expert pre-planning specialists will be in contact with you soon.
[email_type_10] =>
[copilot] => Array
[auto_schedule] => Array
[holidays] => 1
[specialdays] => 1
[fb] => Array
[locations] => Array
[0] => Array
[code] => 2542527
[label] => Seattle, Washington
[radius] => 10
[budget] => Array
[engage] => Array
[monthly] => 50
[post] => 8
[target] => Array
[monthly] =>
[post] =>
[campaigns] => Array
[monthly] => 160
[fb_app_id] => 1092836287500568
[fi_site_url] =>
[highlight_color] => #4C5282
[secondary_color] => #4C5282
[registry_url] => /obituaries/send-gifts/
[preplanning_url] =>
[review_site] =>
[newsletter_email] =>
[series_domain_valid] => 0
[wordpress_username] => events_editor
[wordpress_password] => LGjlH)KrxhgEwRO1wqDo%a1z
[florist_one_affiliate_id] => 2016094171
[contact_forward] =>
[osiris_name] =>
[osiris_api] =>
[admin_accounts] => Array
[planning_reminders_landing] =>
[registry_commissions] => 0.15
[logo] => logos_cdn_201418_12.PNG
[goals] => Array
[goal1] => gifts
[goal2] => preplanning
[goal3] => grief
[goal4] => newsletter
[registry] => Array
[service_cutoff] => 6
[order_disclaimer] =>
[florists] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => BOTHELL FLORIST (10021 Ne 183rd St)
[code] => 53-0415AA
[city] => Bothell
[state] => WA
[1] => Array
[name] => Rose Corner Florist (10901 Aurora Ave N)
[code] => nwf-51
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[2] => Array
[name] => STADIUM FLOWERS (3632 Broadway)
[code] => 53-2952AJ
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[has_updated_prices] => 1
[disabled_categories] =>
[florist_name] =>
[florist_phone] =>
[free_emails] => 0
[emails_sent] => Array
[0] => Array
[start_date] => 2019-06
[count] => 1
[custom_pages_xml] => Array
[name] =>
[type] =>
[tmp_name] =>
[error] => 4
[size] => 0
[email_type_14] =>
[stripe_account_id] =>
[links] => Array
[preplan_reminders] =>
[preplan_landing] =>
[registry_standalone] =>
[newsletter_signup] =>
[review_submit] =>
[registry_info] =>
[preplan_form] =>
[review_view] =>
[grief_support] =>
[our_services] =>
[contact_us] =>
[landing_pages] => Array
[0] => Array
[title] => Healing Registry
[link] =>
[slug] => registry_info
[page_id] => 6219
[master_page_id] => 1862
[1] => Array
[title] => Breast Cancer Awareness Month
[link] =>
[slug] => breast-cancer-awareness-2017
[page_id] => 6280
[master_page_id] => 1938
[vendor_vital_ice] =>
[breast-cancer-awareness-2017] =>
[veterans] =>
[feed_id] => 81
[florist_one_affiliate_pw] =>
[registry_fee_cap] =>
[registry_fee_rate] =>
[emails] => Array
[monthly_budget] => 25000
[cost_per_email] =>
[third_color] =>
[forth_color] =>
[wp_oauth] => Array
[client_key] =>
[client_secret] =>
[oauth_token] =>
[oauth_token_secret] =>
[donations_fee_rate] => 2
[email_type_16] =>
[newsletter_footer_text] =>
[area_obituaries_profile] =>
[area_obituaries_location] =>
[area_obituaries_account] =>
[included_events] => 1
[events_cost] => 100
[area_obituaries_website_opt_out] => 0
[ge_setup] => Array
[test_landing_page] => 1
[add_facebook_access] => 1
[accept_leadgen_tos] => 1
[legal_content_id] => 146662406130457
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[location] => Array
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[lng] => -122.3456437
[campaign_schedule] => 5
[account_flag] =>
[campaigns] => Array
[disabled_categories] => Array
[0] => cemetery_edu
[1] => discount_cremation
[2] => monuments
[3] => pets
[lead_notifications] => Array
[digest] => 1
[campaign_category_favorites] =>
[twilio_phone] =>
[actions] =>
[facebook_page_name] => Evergreen Washelli Funeral Homes . Cremations . Cemeteries.
[events_payments_history] => Array
[exceeded_events] => Array
[Q4] => Array
[exceeded_events] => Array
[count] => 0
[events] => Array
[cost] => 0
[last_invoice] => 1702058411
[logos] => Array
[copilot] => Array
[full] =>
[large] =>
[small] =>
[regular] => Array
[full] =>
[large] =>
[small] =>
[js_more] => Array
[0] => libraries/jquery.tipsy.js
[css_no_compress] => Array
[0] => libraries/tipsy
[1] => views/social
[title_for_layout] => Funeral Home Facebook Power Rankings
[company_plans] => Array
[MANAGER] => Array
[ADMIN] => Array
[ROLES] => Array
[SOCIAL] => Array
[DISCOUNT] => Array
[EOBITS] => Array
[ADD ON] => Array
[SERVICES] => Array
[SIDECAR] => Array
[user_plans] => Array
[MANAGER] => Array
[ADMIN] => Array
[ROLES] => Array
[SOCIAL] => Array
[DISCOUNT] => Array
[EOBITS] => Array
[ADD ON] => Array
[SERVICES] => Array
[SIDECAR] => Array
[navigation] => Array
[enterprise_company_id] =>
[company] =>
[user] =>
[can_have_donations] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[is_vendor] =>
[is_admin] =>
[user_permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[admin_accounts] => Array
[userAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[read_required_class] =>
[flash_path] =>
[remembrance_path] =>
[resource_path] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[img_path] =>
[domain] =>
[host] =>
[modelNames] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[3] => User
[4] => User
[5] => PlansUser
[6] => PlansUser
[base] =>
[layout] => metro
[autoRender] => 1
[autoLayout] => 1
[Component] => Component Object
[__controllerVars] => Array
[plugin] =>
[name] => FacebookDetective
[base] =>
[_loaded] => Array
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[_primary] => Array
[0] => Auth
[1] => Session
[2] => Cookie
[3] => Util
[4] => EmailService
[__settings] => Array
[view] => View
[ext] => .ctp
[output] =>
[plugin] =>
[cacheAction] =>
[persistModel] =>
[passedArgs] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[scaffold] =>
[methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[modelClass] => FbStat
[modelKey] => facebook_detective
[validationErrors] =>
[__httpCodes] =>
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[FbStat] => FbStat Object
[name] => FbStat
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[0] => page_stories
[1] => page_storytellers
[2] => page_impressions
[3] => page_impressions_unique
[4] => page_impressions_organic
[5] => page_impressions_viral
[6] => page_engaged_users
[7] => page_consumptions
[8] => page_negative_feedback
[9] => page_fans
[10] => page_fan_adds
[11] => page_fan_removes
[12] => page_friends_of_fans
[13] => page_views
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_stats
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_stats
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[stats] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[end_time] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbStat
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_stats] => FbStat
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbStat
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[FbRank] => FbRank Object
[name] => FbRank
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[metric] => page_fans
[key] => Page Fans
[details] => The total number of fans
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[metric] => page_engaged_users
[key] => Engagement
[details] => The number of people who engaged with your page or content
[page_storytellers] => Array
[metric] => page_stories
[key] => Page Stories
[details] => When someone likes, comments or shares your post it creates a new story
[page_impressions] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_unique
[query] => page_impressions_unique
[key] => Reach
[details] => The number of people who were exposed to your page or content
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_viral
[key] => Virality
[details] => The number of people who were virally exposed to your page or content
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[metric] => page_storytellers_by_age_gender
[key] => Demographics
[details] => The percent of people engaged within your target demographic
[metrics] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[period] => lifetime
[label] => Total page fans
[page_storytellers] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Talking about your page
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total engaged fans
[page_impressions] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total views
[page_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total viral views
[page_impressions_viral_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached virally
[page_impressions_organic] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total organic views
[page_impressions_organic_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached organically
[page_views] => Array
[period] => day
[label] => Total views of your Facebook Page
[page_posts_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total people to see any of your posts
[page_stories] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total stories created by fans
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Engaged user by age and gender
[page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Page impressions by age and gender
[page_negative_feedback] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Negative feedback actions
[negative_feedback_rate] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Rate of negative feedback
[fan_penetration_organic] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Percent of fans reached organically
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_ranks
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_ranks
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[page_storytellers] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_fans] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[rank] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[cases] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[history] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[pending] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 1
[error] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbRank
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_ranks] => FbRank
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbRank
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[1] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[11] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/webroot/index.php
[line] => 83
[function] => dispatch
[class] => Dispatcher
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[previous:Exception:private] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookAuthenticationException Object
[message:protected] => Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.
[string:Exception:private] =>
[code:protected] => 190
[file:protected] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Exceptions/FacebookResponseException.php
[line:protected] => 89
[trace:Exception:private] => Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 210
[function] => create
[class] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookResponse Object
[httpStatusCode:protected] => 400
[headers:protected] => Array
[error-mid] => 3b61b1893bdda23cc09efe288a53acdf
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[access-control-allow-origin] => *
[cross-origin-resource-policy] => cross-origin
[x-app-usage] => {"call_count":0,"total_cputime":0,"total_time":0}
[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[www-authenticate] => OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons."
[strict-transport-security] => max-age=15552000; preload
[pragma] => no-cache
[cache-control] => no-store
[expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
[x-fb-request-id] => AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7
[x-fb-trace-id] => ClaMuQUiHQX
[x-fb-rev] => 1020321963
[x-fb-debug] => r8/8IyV8ifIR4K6+pjTS1BjsSsrKxPJVlJZ8Dn2p36UZUo+99E0QO3fBy2w4sgisKQpU4mW5j8ivzh/4Bi+QBA==
[content-length] => 279
[date] => Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:01:01 GMT
[proxy-status] => http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcKrA-1lu3xddeMqcHs0jYThBouIeD3Z39hB8u-wYuUERmz6QV_ge2dqZaKo"; e_fb_requesttime="AcJCfrmZjGXUnTwLK0LTZ-qnmlvGSVB30BenVkC6i5dWuWYUFtshINddaoBE5NCSl4iJ5Z3xvg"; e_proxy="AcLKtF_bUW3VVH-EA238C2Oe9n-OM0iOHo3RXcR32Uj9W9YFtVYwB_v0jC2D3Wi0pO26s9ev-pacs_9kM0g"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcLfFxxAlrKdmg-cw74kQchS6fkMVQPlr4zPgnF_a73maR_yhjrbyl2AYCcwuLRim0hJpYxSsdXZ8MypXOvdQ9HBDNkK9L1WClRZE68aU47rNQ"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcIj0defeFdJWGdNkRtr--qyzzoMm_Hfj94XzkeGJxNwJx84g2VHY4SgMAc"; e_upip="AcJuthnSA3GbxnCDzc8FQZhjHLuyfP6gqiqVj_R_DzqvQIwr7sC8m6Sp3rmgd3BteVr_aM1Af_5TukckD0ypltlP8dGpPtlDeMatoQI"; e_fb_zone="AcJZwVNlQoniuyggkKoewD8zlOob7MTQVpUFjiOjCi3_xRbKma8qS_isuOPUJg4c"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcIEib9XMH0nTh1Z3cR2MveU0ReVDQBAzf-u8RZoZcLlp2Fuzer7dR6hNuL0O9-6RUqex79i4ilSKwtvZpdKrbz-hK-_TVDbZSg"; e_fb_httpversion="AcJSDYkZCXE_B-S8h6kZnejQGcbJ0BNmydg8bi_JfzN8LbK27GPU69dAXOvQ"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcKOQuT9NIcyj1jj8V5mSDS6AFEa2fIVjveFNPsTi1OmZiAO7H_PQ5EzWfRj93isuOAPrn8FUpk"; e_fb_configversion="AcJImX_pWEMHDWmVGHJnVgNQmB-I-fqj2Q87E_Dy9C0TbcuNDoGzsgiquBgaDw"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcKD4sUX3Z3rfvOJJUQBIexfl4fU13hsKf3nIG6GBlN1i9IJ8KSV1-ARDD4fNuERCj9_ULay2SEposP21nvWkZgA3yrOZL4s"; e_fb_hostheader="AcJfCDcceHWZDdf6kyGM_Wu8s596rliAByqncfLrce1lPx4pSI_laoLw3nzU90DWzokYnbbukK749-Vz"; e_fb_builduser="AcI7j2442pZjVcvyMvaK8i85v0STfZ6eVgP9ATMqTGmJW-b329iFhFTPm6gTtKubYCA"; e_fb_vipport="AcL_Br1zz-LSWb-e3huaYj9TELDjFyQW94iUEgyRq3VLHVAMGTGUqwBtLXHf"; e_clientaddr="AcKaUn6syGjpcU4C5edkBuWrzDo4AyEb5BST3ieEUr1s1u5W9sRieZen1MmSN-gXNJhH8ePgmhTQ2Izpt63sc5bvg5WfZO0kGI3NDSao6913yc5S7g", http_request_error; e_fb_responsebytes="AcJcttt_8FN9YLuMIloGeJjm_bZiCWjscO2HACu1Bd9mDtoQINSxUbDP6CD-"; e_fb_requesttime="AcKPQiQiFjgRwMsz45lTqcPYyRTRByDGFtTard2lkR8K5hg9gWdHdACS3A5dXUM1u01w5FE53A"; e_proxy="AcIodb2cUxda9xTqaM1U55v1-T8L-Ja6G2LINS3pxwiAsnui-7H-IrmIW5rueg16MjFv-8t1lxdvCZA"; e_fb_twtaskhandle="AcIBDS4nMaF7chaikFGWo0H2fHEBawRJTxkJE57SoPMXQbYAxzZc_xrL9dwGAiSrhqbQ6dhSk_cEc0pep8xVeuUnr7Oc2hn1NPAp"; e_fb_requestsequencenumber="AcJpN6oK6gJJScZaBaAW7s8iJU4rdOr6PGHZ68LStaPP5KGPFVVR73TwSA"; e_upip="AcISeeYAHpJl6gyuFWZZBr_x3pc2cLLu64kNAzbLuzS369aI1RQdz_fqvszNzTDqx833XmA0thhr7s3JS2DXPY3yeXwfXNvD"; e_fb_zone="AcIyiZLOP8JLPF_PE3zcBYm0EvPyArb64NFtlw6IwFpdo072qNPwfVuXFTtkug"; e_fb_binaryversion="AcKuNDct8CHD35-rH0S4q3TX5bqxoJhdsv5kdUbKg3qAse4YB7Gm3kLffF_9ujI7VM8zpB2pQ3xZA7MgSIG2O_ziFqDllq9kZCI"; e_fb_httpversion="AcKSBNokglfh86iY7maw297YBY4enq8L4yZtY-5iELQrdMvOdmaYCwL5m6wx"; e_fb_requesthandler="AcKHkYzyQkgD-iQFx2oglYonXiOlACzj8o1IRx-qhnV6ImgfwE993HIfFHUPb0N5_JkZhW019D0"; e_fb_configversion="AcJyf8Ri1Q-XUzCQVeWSL01hHY2sxaqpaTUIt-xfsdTun3Vdek4WZfrgfOlzxw"; e_fb_vipaddr="AcK-gBGQO_yOZJiVcN4-8P1G_OgDxIoctSyj6guK6KvNW6sSK5yivOhORUAvoDe_jUg5Apl66fA"; e_fb_hostheader="AcKAGplQF1PAf96q9z2xop5wTGHCNXhoSLCkZkICDKuix4NxqdHinZJNJKNT3YlhrTGsun8bUCu5R22Z"; e_fb_builduser="AcJZVVNVCgpW6863oxO3dJhsgnMQf22J9Fsnggp1v1kkQT5T36BAkNEG5QSN1ClMarU"; e_fb_vipport="AcJtVsQ0JHawqqsty-PYs_Xtl6VgmXdYEewTlaYjhM9kv9Kv-wLJDt7pjDpY"; e_clientaddr="AcKsrCJ8ZwL2_BGFWb4qElD7OO6XMP3kU03Q35BAG4DFsUsweLdYdoNriL7hAao1L4uXqKJaKVPuML7BmfQ"
[x-fb-connection-quality] => EXCELLENT; q=0.9, rtt=6, rtx=0, c=10, mss=1380, tbw=3556, tp=-1, tpl=-1, uplat=128, ullat=0
[alt-svc] => h3=":443"; ma=86400
[body:protected] => {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.","type":"OAuthException","code":190,"error_subcode":460,"fbtrace_id":"AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7"}}
[decodedBody:protected] => Array
[error] => Array
[message] => Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.
[type] => OAuthException
[code] => 190
[error_subcode] => 460
[fbtrace_id] => AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7
[request:protected] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /47354167218?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[thrownException:protected] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException Object
[1] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 255
[function] => makeException
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[2] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookResponse.php
[line] => 82
[function] => decodeBody
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[3] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookClient.php
[line] => 225
[function] => __construct
[class] => Facebook\FacebookResponse
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /47354167218?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
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[eTag:protected] =>
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[1] => {"error":{"message":"Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.","type":"OAuthException","code":190,"error_subcode":460,"fbtrace_id":"AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7"}}
[2] => 400
[3] => Array
[error-mid] => 3b61b1893bdda23cc09efe288a53acdf
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
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[content-type] => application/json; charset=UTF-8
[www-authenticate] => OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_token" "Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons."
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[pragma] => no-cache
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[expires] => Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
[x-fb-request-id] => AgRApYwNBPKcbdBtq2gxSG7
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[4] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Facebook.php
[line] => 469
[function] => sendRequest
[class] => Facebook\FacebookClient
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Facebook\FacebookRequest Object
[app:protected] => Facebook\FacebookApp Object
[id:protected] => 189044297790278
[secret:protected] => 53933c39da6cca68ace7e02527090e2d
[accessToken:protected] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[method:protected] => GET
[endpoint:protected] => /47354167218?fields=about%2Cid%2Clocation
[headers:protected] => Array
[Content-Type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[params:protected] => Array
[files:protected] => Array
[eTag:protected] =>
[graphVersion:protected] => v17.0
[5] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/vendors/facebook/graph-sdk/src/Facebook/Facebook.php
[line] => 342
[function] => sendRequest
[class] => Facebook\Facebook
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => GET
[1] => /47354167218?fields=about,id,location
[2] => Array
[3] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[4] =>
[5] =>
[6] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/controllers/components/facebook_graph.php
[line] => 44
[function] => get
[class] => Facebook\Facebook
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => /47354167218?fields=about,id,location
[1] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[7] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/controllers/facebook_detective_controller.php
[line] => 301
[function] => api
[class] => FacebookGraphComponent
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => EAACr7043c0YBAOTD8OkB5s2z0yyasj7hQHhYG246ZAQNadNpwZA51Q1ooe6RC9tIdt39zvExliMBotAZBkqJF8fUdAK66iZCLUWQCXqEZBAFvkCfa2ab4adIL6h3xLkZBVY4OY8a1eLq1iEhnA2fsg0RKByLwCXJtWeJuaq6NRm3xVZA6lnsZBJ7
[1] => GET
[2] => /47354167218?fields=about,id,location
[8] => Array
[function] => rankings
[class] => FacebookDetectiveController
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[9] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/cake/dispatcher.php
[line] => 204
[function] => call_user_func_array
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[name] => FacebookDetective
[uses] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[components] => Array
[Auth] =>
[Session] =>
[Cookie] =>
[Util] =>
[EmailService] =>
[helpers] => Array
[Asset.asset] =>
[Session] =>
[Html] =>
[Javascript] =>
[Form] =>
[Text] =>
[Numbers] =>
[title] => Websites and software for funeral homes | Funeral Innovations
[salt] => m0num3nts
[is_dev] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[UserAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
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[default] =>
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[5] => counterCache
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[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
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[5] => dependent
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[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
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[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
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[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
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[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
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[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
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[first] => 1
[count] => 1
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[list] => 1
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[date] => June 2, 2020
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[created] => 2013-05-08 17:37:08
[modified] => 2013-05-08 17:37:08
[User] => Array
[id] => 201418
[SalesforceId] =>
[SFOfficialCompanyName] =>
[username] =>
[password] => 8ef1637b07392ed3fae4039a217c8447aae2ec25
[email] =>
[first_name] => Brenda
[last_name] => Spicer
[company_name] => Evergreen Washelli
[company_url] =>
[domain_id] =>
[site_id] =>
[slug] => evergreenwashelli
[address] => 11111 Aurora Ave. North
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[state] => WA
[zip] => 98133
[phone] => 206-362-5200
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[company_id] => 201418
[facebook_id] => 47354167218
[ad_account] =>
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[contact_confirm] => Thank you for contacting Evergreen Washelli. A member of our team will contact you shortly.
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[preplanning_confirm] => Thank you for taking the first step in pre-planning. One of our expert pre-planning specialists will be in contact with you soon.
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[city] => Bothell
[state] => WA
[1] => Array
[name] => Rose Corner Florist (10901 Aurora Ave N)
[code] => nwf-51
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[2] => Array
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[state] => WA
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[created] => 2013-05-08 12:59:29
[modified] => 2023-12-08 12:00:11
[full_name] => Brenda Spicer
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[address_2line] => Seattle, WA 98133
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[contact_confirm] => Thank you for contacting Evergreen Washelli. A member of our team will contact you shortly.
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[fb_reach_weight] => 1.06
[card_pending] => 0
[preplanning_confirm] => Thank you for taking the first step in pre-planning. One of our expert pre-planning specialists will be in contact with you soon.
[email_type_10] =>
[copilot] => Array
[auto_schedule] => Array
[holidays] => 1
[specialdays] => 1
[fb] => Array
[locations] => Array
[0] => Array
[code] => 2542527
[label] => Seattle, Washington
[radius] => 10
[budget] => Array
[engage] => Array
[monthly] => 50
[post] => 8
[target] => Array
[monthly] =>
[post] =>
[campaigns] => Array
[monthly] => 160
[fb_app_id] => 1092836287500568
[fi_site_url] =>
[highlight_color] => #4C5282
[secondary_color] => #4C5282
[registry_url] => /obituaries/send-gifts/
[preplanning_url] =>
[review_site] =>
[newsletter_email] =>
[series_domain_valid] => 0
[wordpress_username] => events_editor
[wordpress_password] => LGjlH)KrxhgEwRO1wqDo%a1z
[florist_one_affiliate_id] => 2016094171
[contact_forward] =>
[osiris_name] =>
[osiris_api] =>
[admin_accounts] => Array
[planning_reminders_landing] =>
[registry_commissions] => 0.15
[logo] => logos_cdn_201418_12.PNG
[goals] => Array
[goal1] => gifts
[goal2] => preplanning
[goal3] => grief
[goal4] => newsletter
[registry] => Array
[service_cutoff] => 6
[order_disclaimer] =>
[florists] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => BOTHELL FLORIST (10021 Ne 183rd St)
[code] => 53-0415AA
[city] => Bothell
[state] => WA
[1] => Array
[name] => Rose Corner Florist (10901 Aurora Ave N)
[code] => nwf-51
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[2] => Array
[name] => STADIUM FLOWERS (3632 Broadway)
[code] => 53-2952AJ
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[has_updated_prices] => 1
[disabled_categories] =>
[florist_name] =>
[florist_phone] =>
[free_emails] => 0
[emails_sent] => Array
[0] => Array
[start_date] => 2019-06
[count] => 1
[custom_pages_xml] => Array
[name] =>
[type] =>
[tmp_name] =>
[error] => 4
[size] => 0
[email_type_14] =>
[stripe_account_id] =>
[links] => Array
[preplan_reminders] =>
[preplan_landing] =>
[registry_standalone] =>
[newsletter_signup] =>
[review_submit] =>
[registry_info] =>
[preplan_form] =>
[review_view] =>
[grief_support] =>
[our_services] =>
[contact_us] =>
[landing_pages] => Array
[0] => Array
[title] => Healing Registry
[link] =>
[slug] => registry_info
[page_id] => 6219
[master_page_id] => 1862
[1] => Array
[title] => Breast Cancer Awareness Month
[link] =>
[slug] => breast-cancer-awareness-2017
[page_id] => 6280
[master_page_id] => 1938
[vendor_vital_ice] =>
[breast-cancer-awareness-2017] =>
[veterans] =>
[feed_id] => 81
[florist_one_affiliate_pw] =>
[registry_fee_cap] =>
[registry_fee_rate] =>
[emails] => Array
[monthly_budget] => 25000
[cost_per_email] =>
[third_color] =>
[forth_color] =>
[wp_oauth] => Array
[client_key] =>
[client_secret] =>
[oauth_token] =>
[oauth_token_secret] =>
[donations_fee_rate] => 2
[email_type_16] =>
[newsletter_footer_text] =>
[area_obituaries_profile] =>
[area_obituaries_location] =>
[area_obituaries_account] =>
[included_events] => 1
[events_cost] => 100
[area_obituaries_website_opt_out] => 0
[ge_setup] => Array
[test_landing_page] => 1
[add_facebook_access] => 1
[accept_leadgen_tos] => 1
[legal_content_id] => 146662406130457
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[location] => Array
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[lng] => -122.3456437
[campaign_schedule] => 5
[account_flag] =>
[campaigns] => Array
[disabled_categories] => Array
[0] => cemetery_edu
[1] => discount_cremation
[2] => monuments
[3] => pets
[lead_notifications] => Array
[digest] => 1
[campaign_category_favorites] =>
[twilio_phone] =>
[actions] =>
[facebook_page_name] => Evergreen Washelli Funeral Homes . Cremations . Cemeteries.
[events_payments_history] => Array
[exceeded_events] => Array
[Q4] => Array
[exceeded_events] => Array
[count] => 0
[events] => Array
[cost] => 0
[last_invoice] => 1702058411
[logos] => Array
[copilot] => Array
[full] =>
[large] =>
[small] =>
[regular] => Array
[full] =>
[large] =>
[small] =>
[js_more] => Array
[0] => libraries/jquery.tipsy.js
[css_no_compress] => Array
[0] => libraries/tipsy
[1] => views/social
[title_for_layout] => Funeral Home Facebook Power Rankings
[company_plans] => Array
[MANAGER] => Array
[ADMIN] => Array
[ROLES] => Array
[SOCIAL] => Array
[DISCOUNT] => Array
[EOBITS] => Array
[ADD ON] => Array
[SERVICES] => Array
[SIDECAR] => Array
[user_plans] => Array
[MANAGER] => Array
[ADMIN] => Array
[ROLES] => Array
[SOCIAL] => Array
[DISCOUNT] => Array
[EOBITS] => Array
[ADD ON] => Array
[SERVICES] => Array
[SIDECAR] => Array
[navigation] => Array
[enterprise_company_id] =>
[company] =>
[user] =>
[can_have_donations] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[is_vendor] =>
[is_admin] =>
[user_permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[admin_accounts] => Array
[userAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[read_required_class] =>
[flash_path] =>
[remembrance_path] =>
[resource_path] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[img_path] =>
[domain] =>
[host] =>
[modelNames] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[3] => User
[4] => User
[5] => PlansUser
[6] => PlansUser
[base] =>
[layout] => metro
[autoRender] => 1
[autoLayout] => 1
[Component] => Component Object
[__controllerVars] => Array
[plugin] =>
[name] => FacebookDetective
[base] =>
[_loaded] => Array
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[_primary] => Array
[0] => Auth
[1] => Session
[2] => Cookie
[3] => Util
[4] => EmailService
[__settings] => Array
[view] => View
[ext] => .ctp
[output] =>
[plugin] =>
[cacheAction] =>
[persistModel] =>
[passedArgs] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[scaffold] =>
[methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[modelClass] => FbStat
[modelKey] => facebook_detective
[validationErrors] =>
[__httpCodes] =>
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[FbStat] => FbStat Object
[name] => FbStat
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[0] => page_stories
[1] => page_storytellers
[2] => page_impressions
[3] => page_impressions_unique
[4] => page_impressions_organic
[5] => page_impressions_viral
[6] => page_engaged_users
[7] => page_consumptions
[8] => page_negative_feedback
[9] => page_fans
[10] => page_fan_adds
[11] => page_fan_removes
[12] => page_friends_of_fans
[13] => page_views
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_stats
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_stats
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[stats] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[end_time] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbStat
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_stats] => FbStat
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbStat
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[FbRank] => FbRank Object
[name] => FbRank
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[metric] => page_fans
[key] => Page Fans
[details] => The total number of fans
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[metric] => page_engaged_users
[key] => Engagement
[details] => The number of people who engaged with your page or content
[page_storytellers] => Array
[metric] => page_stories
[key] => Page Stories
[details] => When someone likes, comments or shares your post it creates a new story
[page_impressions] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_unique
[query] => page_impressions_unique
[key] => Reach
[details] => The number of people who were exposed to your page or content
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_viral
[key] => Virality
[details] => The number of people who were virally exposed to your page or content
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[metric] => page_storytellers_by_age_gender
[key] => Demographics
[details] => The percent of people engaged within your target demographic
[metrics] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[period] => lifetime
[label] => Total page fans
[page_storytellers] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Talking about your page
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total engaged fans
[page_impressions] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total views
[page_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total viral views
[page_impressions_viral_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached virally
[page_impressions_organic] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total organic views
[page_impressions_organic_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached organically
[page_views] => Array
[period] => day
[label] => Total views of your Facebook Page
[page_posts_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total people to see any of your posts
[page_stories] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total stories created by fans
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Engaged user by age and gender
[page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Page impressions by age and gender
[page_negative_feedback] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Negative feedback actions
[negative_feedback_rate] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Rate of negative feedback
[fan_penetration_organic] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Percent of fans reached organically
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_ranks
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_ranks
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[page_storytellers] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_fans] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[rank] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[cases] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[history] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[pending] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 1
[error] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbRank
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_ranks] => FbRank
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbRank
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[1] => rankings
[1] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[10] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/cake/dispatcher.php
[line] => 171
[function] => _invoke
[class] => Dispatcher
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[name] => FacebookDetective
[uses] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[components] => Array
[Auth] =>
[Session] =>
[Cookie] =>
[Util] =>
[EmailService] =>
[helpers] => Array
[Asset.asset] =>
[Session] =>
[Html] =>
[Javascript] =>
[Form] =>
[Text] =>
[Numbers] =>
[title] => Websites and software for funeral homes | Funeral Innovations
[salt] => m0num3nts
[is_dev] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[UserAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
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[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
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[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
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[date] => June 2, 2020
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[created] => 2013-05-08 17:37:08
[modified] => 2013-05-08 17:37:08
[User] => Array
[id] => 201418
[SalesforceId] =>
[SFOfficialCompanyName] =>
[username] =>
[password] => 8ef1637b07392ed3fae4039a217c8447aae2ec25
[email] =>
[first_name] => Brenda
[last_name] => Spicer
[company_name] => Evergreen Washelli
[company_url] =>
[domain_id] =>
[site_id] =>
[slug] => evergreenwashelli
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[state] => WA
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[company_id] => 201418
[facebook_id] => 47354167218
[ad_account] =>
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[contact_confirm] => Thank you for contacting Evergreen Washelli. A member of our team will contact you shortly.
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[preplanning_confirm] => Thank you for taking the first step in pre-planning. One of our expert pre-planning specialists will be in contact with you soon.
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[city] => Bothell
[state] => WA
[1] => Array
[name] => Rose Corner Florist (10901 Aurora Ave N)
[code] => nwf-51
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[2] => Array
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[state] => WA
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[created] => 2013-05-08 12:59:29
[modified] => 2023-12-08 12:00:11
[full_name] => Brenda Spicer
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[address_2line] => Seattle, WA 98133
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[contact_confirm] => Thank you for contacting Evergreen Washelli. A member of our team will contact you shortly.
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[fb_reach_weight] => 1.06
[card_pending] => 0
[preplanning_confirm] => Thank you for taking the first step in pre-planning. One of our expert pre-planning specialists will be in contact with you soon.
[email_type_10] =>
[copilot] => Array
[auto_schedule] => Array
[holidays] => 1
[specialdays] => 1
[fb] => Array
[locations] => Array
[0] => Array
[code] => 2542527
[label] => Seattle, Washington
[radius] => 10
[budget] => Array
[engage] => Array
[monthly] => 50
[post] => 8
[target] => Array
[monthly] =>
[post] =>
[campaigns] => Array
[monthly] => 160
[fb_app_id] => 1092836287500568
[fi_site_url] =>
[highlight_color] => #4C5282
[secondary_color] => #4C5282
[registry_url] => /obituaries/send-gifts/
[preplanning_url] =>
[review_site] =>
[newsletter_email] =>
[series_domain_valid] => 0
[wordpress_username] => events_editor
[wordpress_password] => LGjlH)KrxhgEwRO1wqDo%a1z
[florist_one_affiliate_id] => 2016094171
[contact_forward] =>
[osiris_name] =>
[osiris_api] =>
[admin_accounts] => Array
[planning_reminders_landing] =>
[registry_commissions] => 0.15
[logo] => logos_cdn_201418_12.PNG
[goals] => Array
[goal1] => gifts
[goal2] => preplanning
[goal3] => grief
[goal4] => newsletter
[registry] => Array
[service_cutoff] => 6
[order_disclaimer] =>
[florists] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => BOTHELL FLORIST (10021 Ne 183rd St)
[code] => 53-0415AA
[city] => Bothell
[state] => WA
[1] => Array
[name] => Rose Corner Florist (10901 Aurora Ave N)
[code] => nwf-51
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[2] => Array
[name] => STADIUM FLOWERS (3632 Broadway)
[code] => 53-2952AJ
[city] => Seattle
[state] => WA
[has_updated_prices] => 1
[disabled_categories] =>
[florist_name] =>
[florist_phone] =>
[free_emails] => 0
[emails_sent] => Array
[0] => Array
[start_date] => 2019-06
[count] => 1
[custom_pages_xml] => Array
[name] =>
[type] =>
[tmp_name] =>
[error] => 4
[size] => 0
[email_type_14] =>
[stripe_account_id] =>
[links] => Array
[preplan_reminders] =>
[preplan_landing] =>
[registry_standalone] =>
[newsletter_signup] =>
[review_submit] =>
[registry_info] =>
[preplan_form] =>
[review_view] =>
[grief_support] =>
[our_services] =>
[contact_us] =>
[landing_pages] => Array
[0] => Array
[title] => Healing Registry
[link] =>
[slug] => registry_info
[page_id] => 6219
[master_page_id] => 1862
[1] => Array
[title] => Breast Cancer Awareness Month
[link] =>
[slug] => breast-cancer-awareness-2017
[page_id] => 6280
[master_page_id] => 1938
[vendor_vital_ice] =>
[breast-cancer-awareness-2017] =>
[veterans] =>
[feed_id] => 81
[florist_one_affiliate_pw] =>
[registry_fee_cap] =>
[registry_fee_rate] =>
[emails] => Array
[monthly_budget] => 25000
[cost_per_email] =>
[third_color] =>
[forth_color] =>
[wp_oauth] => Array
[client_key] =>
[client_secret] =>
[oauth_token] =>
[oauth_token_secret] =>
[donations_fee_rate] => 2
[email_type_16] =>
[newsletter_footer_text] =>
[area_obituaries_profile] =>
[area_obituaries_location] =>
[area_obituaries_account] =>
[included_events] => 1
[events_cost] => 100
[area_obituaries_website_opt_out] => 0
[ge_setup] => Array
[test_landing_page] => 1
[add_facebook_access] => 1
[accept_leadgen_tos] => 1
[legal_content_id] => 146662406130457
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[location] => Array
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[lng] => -122.3456437
[campaign_schedule] => 5
[account_flag] =>
[campaigns] => Array
[disabled_categories] => Array
[0] => cemetery_edu
[1] => discount_cremation
[2] => monuments
[3] => pets
[lead_notifications] => Array
[digest] => 1
[campaign_category_favorites] =>
[twilio_phone] =>
[actions] =>
[facebook_page_name] => Evergreen Washelli Funeral Homes . Cremations . Cemeteries.
[events_payments_history] => Array
[exceeded_events] => Array
[Q4] => Array
[exceeded_events] => Array
[count] => 0
[events] => Array
[cost] => 0
[last_invoice] => 1702058411
[logos] => Array
[copilot] => Array
[full] =>
[large] =>
[small] =>
[regular] => Array
[full] =>
[large] =>
[small] =>
[js_more] => Array
[0] => libraries/jquery.tipsy.js
[css_no_compress] => Array
[0] => libraries/tipsy
[1] => views/social
[title_for_layout] => Funeral Home Facebook Power Rankings
[company_plans] => Array
[MANAGER] => Array
[ADMIN] => Array
[ROLES] => Array
[SOCIAL] => Array
[DISCOUNT] => Array
[EOBITS] => Array
[ADD ON] => Array
[SERVICES] => Array
[SIDECAR] => Array
[user_plans] => Array
[MANAGER] => Array
[ADMIN] => Array
[ROLES] => Array
[SOCIAL] => Array
[DISCOUNT] => Array
[EOBITS] => Array
[ADD ON] => Array
[SERVICES] => Array
[SIDECAR] => Array
[navigation] => Array
[enterprise_company_id] =>
[company] =>
[user] =>
[can_have_donations] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[is_vendor] =>
[is_admin] =>
[user_permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[admin_accounts] => Array
[userAspect] => UserAspectComponent Object
[user_id] =>
[company_id] =>
[user] =>
[permissions] => Array
[access] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[edit] => Array
[cases] =>
[company_users] =>
[events] =>
[fb] =>
[ge] =>
[newsletters] =>
[reviews] =>
[series] =>
[quiz] =>
[is_read_only] =>
[is_admin] =>
[is_managing_account] =>
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[read_required_class] =>
[flash_path] =>
[remembrance_path] =>
[resource_path] =>
[secure_cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[cdn] => Array
[obits_full] =>
[obits_large] =>
[obits_small] =>
[smc_full] =>
[smc_large] =>
[smc_small] =>
[resources_full] =>
[resources_large] =>
[resources_small] =>
[designs_thumbs] =>
[tributes_full] =>
[tributes_large] =>
[tributes_small] =>
[tributes_nocrop] => /img/tributes/nocrop/
[videos] =>
[img_path] =>
[domain] =>
[host] =>
[modelNames] => Array
[0] => FbStat
[1] => FbRank
[2] => User
[3] => User
[4] => User
[5] => PlansUser
[6] => PlansUser
[base] =>
[layout] => metro
[autoRender] => 1
[autoLayout] => 1
[Component] => Component Object
[__controllerVars] => Array
[plugin] =>
[name] => FacebookDetective
[base] =>
[_loaded] => Array
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[_primary] => Array
[0] => Auth
[1] => Session
[2] => Cookie
[3] => Util
[4] => EmailService
[__settings] => Array
[view] => View
[ext] => .ctp
[output] =>
[plugin] =>
[cacheAction] =>
[persistModel] =>
[passedArgs] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[scaffold] =>
[methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[modelClass] => FbStat
[modelKey] => facebook_detective
[validationErrors] =>
[__httpCodes] =>
[Auth] => AuthComponent Object
[_loggedIn] =>
[components] => Array
[0] => Session
[1] => RequestHandler
[authenticate] =>
[authorize] => controller
[ajaxLogin] =>
[flashElement] => default
[userModel] => User
[userScope] => Array
[fields] => Array
[username] => username
[password] => password
[sessionKey] => Auth.User
[actionPath] =>
[loginAction] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[loginRedirect] => Array
[controller] => stats
[action] => dashboard
[logoutRedirect] => Array
[controller] => users
[action] => login
[object] =>
[loginError] => Invalid email or password. Please try again
[authError] => You are not authorized to access that location.
[autoRedirect] =>
[allowedActions] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[actionMap] => Array
[index] => read
[add] => create
[edit] => update
[view] => read
[remove] => delete
[create] => create
[read] => read
[update] => update
[delete] => delete
[data] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[_methods] => Array
[1] => test1
[2] => calc
[3] => connect_page
[4] => connect
[5] => ranker
[6] => rankings
[7] => process
[9] => getuserid
[10] => getuser
[11] => isroleuser
[12] => getindexedplans
[13] => getcompanyid
[14] => isvendor
[15] => isrole
[16] => isloggedin
[17] => isadmin
[18] => getcompany
[19] => getnavigation
[20] => setback
[22] => reauthorize
[23] => isfacebookloggedin
[24] => checkvalidcreditcard
[25] => restrict
[26] => reject
[27] => ismonumentsadmin
[28] => setsubnavigation
[29] => getsubdomain
[30] => createrandomstring
[31] => replaceweirdchars
[32] => initsmtpold
[33] => initsmtp
[34] => converttolocal
[35] => sendadminemail
[36] => jsonresponse
[37] => jsonexception
[38] => deletephotos
[enabled] => 1
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
[ajaxLayout] => ajax
[enabled] => 1
[__responseTypeSet] =>
[params] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[__requestContent] => Array
[javascript] => text/javascript
[js] => text/javascript
[json] => application/json
[css] => text/css
[html] => Array
[0] => text/html
[1] => */*
[text] => text/plain
[txt] => text/plain
[csv] => Array
[0] => text/csv
[1] => application/
[2] => text/plain
[form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[file] => multipart/form-data
[xhtml] => Array
[0] => application/xhtml+xml
[1] => application/xhtml
[2] => text/xhtml
[xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
[xml] => Array
[0] => application/xml
[1] => text/xml
[rss] => application/rss+xml
[atom] => application/atom+xml
[amf] => application/x-amf
[wap] => Array
[0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
[wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
[wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
[pdf] => application/pdf
[zip] => application/x-zip
[tar] => application/x-tar
[mobileUA] => Array
[0] => Android
[1] => AvantGo
[2] => BlackBerry
[3] => DoCoMo
[4] => iPod
[5] => iPhone
[6] => iPad
[7] => J2ME
[8] => MIDP
[9] => NetFront
[10] => Nokia
[11] => Opera Mini
[12] => Opera Mobi
[13] => PalmOS
[14] => PalmSource
[15] => portalmmm
[16] => Plucker
[17] => ReqwirelessWeb
[18] => SonyEricsson
[19] => Symbian
[20] => UP\.Browser
[21] => webOS
[22] => Windows CE
[23] => Windows Phone OS
[24] => Xiino
[__acceptTypes] => Array
[0] => */*
[__renderType] =>
[ext] => html
[__typesInitialized] =>
[Session] => SessionComponent Object
[__active] => 1
[__bare] => 0
[valid] => 1
[error] => Array
[2] => Config doesn't exist
[1] => Session is valid
[_userAgent] => 990a31b6d96713d47bbefb596bed4d7d
[path] => /
[lastError] => 1
[security] => low
[time] => 1740247261
[sessionTime] => 1740571261
[cookieLifeTime] => 19440000
[watchKeys] => Array
[id] =>
[host] =>
[timeout] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
[name] => CakeCookie
[time] =>
[path] => /
[domain] =>
[secure] =>
[key] => asdflkjaslkads;j2l397slj
[__values] => Array
[__type] => cipher
[__reset] =>
[__expires] => 0
[enabled] => 1
[Util] => UtilComponent Object
[enabled] => 1
[EmailService] => EmailServiceComponent Object
[to] =>
[from] =>
[replyTo] =>
[readReceipt] =>
[return] =>
[cc] => Array
[bcc] => Array
[date] =>
[subject] =>
[headers] => Array
[additionalParams] =>
[layout] => default
[template] =>
[lineLength] => 70
[lineFeed] =>
[_lineLength] =>
[sendAs] => text
[delivery] => mail
[charset] => UTF-8
[attachments] => Array
[xMailer] => CakePHP Email Component
[filePaths] => Array
[smtpOptions] => Array
[smtpError] =>
[textMessage] =>
[htmlMessage] =>
[messageId] => 1
[__header] => Array
[__boundary] =>
[__message] => Array
[__smtpConnection] =>
[enabled] => 1
[Controller] => FacebookDetectiveController Object
[FbStat] => FbStat Object
[name] => FbStat
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[0] => page_stories
[1] => page_storytellers
[2] => page_impressions
[3] => page_impressions_unique
[4] => page_impressions_organic
[5] => page_impressions_viral
[6] => page_engaged_users
[7] => page_consumptions
[8] => page_negative_feedback
[9] => page_fans
[10] => page_fan_adds
[11] => page_fan_removes
[12] => page_friends_of_fans
[13] => page_views
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_stats
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_stats
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[stats] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[end_time] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbStat
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_stats] => FbStat
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbStat
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[FbRank] => FbRank Object
[name] => FbRank
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[stats] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[metric] => page_fans
[key] => Page Fans
[details] => The total number of fans
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[metric] => page_engaged_users
[key] => Engagement
[details] => The number of people who engaged with your page or content
[page_storytellers] => Array
[metric] => page_stories
[key] => Page Stories
[details] => When someone likes, comments or shares your post it creates a new story
[page_impressions] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_unique
[query] => page_impressions_unique
[key] => Reach
[details] => The number of people who were exposed to your page or content
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[metric] => page_impressions_viral
[key] => Virality
[details] => The number of people who were virally exposed to your page or content
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[metric] => page_storytellers_by_age_gender
[key] => Demographics
[details] => The percent of people engaged within your target demographic
[metrics] => Array
[page_fans] => Array
[period] => lifetime
[label] => Total page fans
[page_storytellers] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Talking about your page
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total engaged fans
[page_impressions] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total views
[page_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total viral views
[page_impressions_viral_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached virally
[page_impressions_organic] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total organic views
[page_impressions_organic_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total users reached organically
[page_views] => Array
[period] => day
[label] => Total views of your Facebook Page
[page_posts_impressions_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total people to see any of your posts
[page_stories] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Total stories created by fans
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Engaged user by age and gender
[page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique] => Array
[period] => week
[extra] => nocompare
[label] => Page impressions by age and gender
[page_negative_feedback] => Array
[period] => week
[label] => Negative feedback actions
[negative_feedback_rate] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Rate of negative feedback
[fan_penetration_organic] => Array
[period] => calculated
[label] => Percent of fans reached organically
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => fb_ranks
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => fb_ranks
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[page_storytellers] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_impressions_viral] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_engaged_users] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_fans] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[page_storytellers_by_age_gender] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[rank] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[cases] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[history] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[pending] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 1
[error] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => FbRank
[tableToModel] => Array
[fb_ranks] => FbRank
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => FbRank
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[PlansUser] => PlansUser Object
[name] => PlansUser
[belongsTo] => Array
[User] => Array
[className] => User
[foreignKey] => user_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[Plan] => Array
[className] => Plan
[foreignKey] => plan_id
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[subscription_plans] => Array
[1] => base_recurring
[3] => quarterly_recurring
[4] => triannual_recurring
[6] => biannual_recurring
[12] => annual_recurring
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[User] => User
[Plan] => Plan
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => plans_users
[displayField] => id
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => plans_users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[user_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[plan_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[price] => Array
[type] => float
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 7,2
[pay_period] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] => 1
[length] => 11
[last_paid] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[expires] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => PlansUser
[tableToModel] => Array
[plans_users] => PlansUser
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => PlansUser
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[virtualFields] => Array
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[User] => User Object
[name] => User
[displayField] => username
[validate] => Array
[username] => Array
[alphanumeric] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => minLength
[1] => 3
[message] => Please provide a username at least 3 characters long
[allowEmpty] =>
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => notempty
[password] => Array
[notempty] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Password must be 6 letters long
[password2] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => CheckPasswordMatch
[message] => Passwords did not match
[email] => Array
[email] => Array
[rule] => Array
[0] => email
[message] => Please specify a valid email
[virtualFields] => Array
[full_name] => CONCAT(User.first_name, ' ', User.last_name)
[address_1line] => CONCAT(User.address, ' ',, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state, ' ',
[address_2line_nozip] => CONCAT(, ', ', User.state)
[cta_tags] => Array
[registry_standalone] => Standalone Healing Registry
[registry_info] => Healing Registry info page
[preplan_landing] => Preplanning general info page
[preplan_form] => Embedded preplanning form
[preplan_reminders] => Planning Reminders signup page
[review_view] => Testimonials listing page
[review_submit] => Submit your own review
[online_arranger] => Link to Your Online Arranger
[grief_support] => Hope After Heartache signup page (Grief & Healing page)
[newsletter_signup] => Mailchimp signup form or embedded on their site
[our_services] => Our Services page
[veterans] => Veterans Services page
[contact_us] => Contact us page
[vendor_vital_ice] => Vital ICE text
[ge_account_flags] => Array
[ethnicity] => Array
[label] => Ethnicity
[icon] => user-circle
[trial] => Array
[label] => Trial
[icon] => stopwatch
[attention] => Array
[label] => Needs Attention
[icon] => bell
[do_not_serialize_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => company_id
[2] => username
[3] => password
[4] => password2
[5] => email
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => company_name
[9] => company_url
[10] => domain_id
[11] => site_id
[12] => slug
[13] => address
[14] => city
[15] => state
[16] => zip
[17] => phone
[18] => pic
[19] => fields
[20] => remember_me
[21] => last_login
[22] => active
[23] => created
[24] => modified
[25] => full_name
[26] => address_1line
[27] => address_2line
[28] => newsletter
[29] => facebook_id
[30] => ad_account
[31] => facebook_user_id
[32] => stripe_customer_id
[canPurgeWebsiteCache] => 1
[map:LazyModel:private] => Array
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => users
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => users
[primaryKey] => id
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[key] => primary
[SalesforceId] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 20
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[SFOfficialCompanyName] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[username] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[key] => unique
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[password] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 200
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[email] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 75
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[first_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_name] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[company_url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[domain_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[site_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 100
[key] => index
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[slug] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[address] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 250
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[city] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[state] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 30
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[zip] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[phone] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 50
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[last_login] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[active] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] => 1
[length] => 4
[company_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[facebook_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[ad_account] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] => 127240034019525
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[facebook_user_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[stripe_customer_id] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 25
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[data] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[fields] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[collate] => latin1_swedish_ci
[charset] => latin1
[newsletter] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] => 0
[length] => 1
[subdomain_id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 10
[created] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[modified] => Array
[type] => datetime
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => User
[tableToModel] => Array
[users] => User
[logTransactions] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => User
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[1] => Array
[controller] => facebook_detective
[action] => rankings
[named] => Array
[pass] => Array
[0] => 201418
[1] => Evergreen_Washelli
[plugin] =>
[url] => Array
[ext] => html
[url] => power-rankings/rankings/201418/Evergreen_Washelli
[form] => Array
[11] => Array
[file] => /data/www/fi/app/webroot/index.php
[line] => 83
[function] => dispatch
[class] => Dispatcher
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[previous:Exception:private] =>
Funeral Home Facebook Power Rankings | Web and Social Media Solutions for Funeral Homes
Metric |
Ranks (out of 521 total) |
Page Fans |
Engagement |
Page Stories |
Reach |
Virality |
Demographics |
Total Rank: |
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